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Guest Chris Bell

Night Environment X Configuration Manager (NEXM)

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Guest Chris Bell

Night Environment X Configuration Manager development is now completed,

after 4 years of dedicated development, we give you the mother of all Night Lighting Systems... NEXM


you can find detailed information and more screenshots on our dedicated NEXM page here



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Very nice :)

Kevin Firth - i9 10850K @5.2; Asus Maximus XII Hero; 32Gb Cas16 3600 DDR4; RTX3090; AutoFPS; FG mod

Beta tester for: UK2000; JustFlight; VoxATC; FSReborn; //42

spacer.png xaP1VAU.png

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Guest Chris Bell

Thank you Kevin

there will also be a Legend tab for quick feature reference

as well as Multilingual support EN/FR/GR


an option to backup all setting for all regions; with an easy restore

you will be able to send your configuration to a friend for easy start

aside from a very refined configuration’s that can be applied to a single or multiple regions at once

this is a cross platform manager FSX/P3D/FSXSE

you can also select to apply your settings across supported platforms!

and much more

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That's great Chris. Really nice to have an interface for NE. Now I need to buy more NE regions. ;)



Marko Barthel


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Looks very professional Chris

13900 8 cores @ 5.5-5.8 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.3 GHz (hyperthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D4 - GSkill Ripjaws 2x 16 Gb 4266 mhz @ 3200 mhz / cas 13 -  Inno3D RTX4090 X3 iCHILL 24 Gb - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 1Tb - Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Thermaltake Level 10 GT case - EKWB Extreme 240 liquid cooling set push/pull - 2x 55’ Sony 4K tv's as front view and right view.

13600  6 cores @ 5.1 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.0 GHz (hypterthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D - GSkill Trident 4x Gb 3200 MHz cas 15 - Asus TUF RTX 4080 16 Gb  - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 2x  Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Corsair D4000 Airflow case - NXT Krajen Z63 AIO liquide cooling - 1x 65” Sony 4K tv as left view.

FOV : 190 degrees

My flightsim vids :  https://www.youtube.com/user/fswidesim/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0


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Guest Chris Bell

thank you for the positive feedback guys;
its these little things that makes us keep going everyday

taking many of the feedback and suggestions from our customers;
we are going full steam ahead enhancing our Night Lighting System
with many new and exciting features; i will list few of them of the top of my head

we added 24 new color variation to our global rendering schema
including red blue green solids and tone variation
we added dynamic traffic lights (you will see them change lights as you fly over)
we added stadium’s and car parking special lighting so they are very easy to spot from the air

we now allow to change the size of our 3D lights directly from the manager
we added three new levels of lighting intensity that can be selected along with the size of the 3D light bawl

we added road traffic in some suitable sections to enhance the night vividness and activity
and many new point color features to give the night a more realistic color variations

NE France will be the first region we will introduce these exciting new features initially
if all goes well with our release and feedback; will shortly after begin updating our exiting regions to support v2

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Light size adjustment? Been wanting that... but wish we could have star light textures? :)


got 1 of the 2 I wanted..thats good!  :)


Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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Guest Chris Bell

you heard it right Manny; we now allow size adjustment to our 3D bawls


Stars texture...?

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Stars texture...?


star lights. texture for all your lights :)






Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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Guest Chris Bell

Thank you Manny; that should be easy to implement

ill run this by the group and see what their response is


either way i am wrapping NE France; all the current features have been set for this release

we will continue updating NE FR even after its initial release;

the group wants to add more features and refinement

we had to draw a line in the sand and stick to it to make this release

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Chris, it's 3 februari 2015....


And no one but you knows what I am pointing at.



13900 8 cores @ 5.5-5.8 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.3 GHz (hyperthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D4 - GSkill Ripjaws 2x 16 Gb 4266 mhz @ 3200 mhz / cas 13 -  Inno3D RTX4090 X3 iCHILL 24 Gb - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 1Tb - Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Thermaltake Level 10 GT case - EKWB Extreme 240 liquid cooling set push/pull - 2x 55’ Sony 4K tv's as front view and right view.

13600  6 cores @ 5.1 GHz / 8 cores @ 4.0 GHz (hypterthreading on) - Asus ROG Strix Gaming D - GSkill Trident 4x Gb 3200 MHz cas 15 - Asus TUF RTX 4080 16 Gb  - 1x SSD M2 2800/1800 2TB - 2x  Sata 600 SSD 500 Mb - Corsair D4000 Airflow case - NXT Krajen Z63 AIO liquide cooling - 1x 65” Sony 4K tv as left view.

FOV : 190 degrees

My flightsim vids :  https://www.youtube.com/user/fswidesim/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0


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Guest Chris Bell


we have here in the states a commercial that always comes up at night
its intended to remind parents to have their kids on their radar, and it goes like this...

"it’s 10pm, do you know where your kids are?"

my kids are always asleep by then and me and the miss always exchange looks and smile

yes my friend; i know what date it is, i have two days left before your birthday
as of last night uploaded final cut for the team for final inspection :Whew:

as we speak JP is flying all over France making sure everything is up to his standards 
but... you never know; if JP say it’s no good; we will have to do it again, :p0126:
fingers crossed :Nail Biting:



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but... you never know; if JP say it’s no good; we will have to do it again


If JP says its no good, then maybe it is still time to release it and then later put out a fix.  Sort of makes sense to me.


Years ago, I attended a computer profession seminar in which Ray Bradbury said "your product will never be 100% correct.  At a certain point, it is just time to release the da*n thing!"  Otherwise you never get anything done or released.  I always remembered those wise words through my IT career.


As always,



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Guest Chris Bell

i agree PDX


we actually have practiced similar decision a while back

this is why we are in final wrapping steps now


the team is eager to keep adding features and perfect the final results bit more every time;

i did at some point made that decision and draw a line in the sand for the current release features


we made it clear we will continue developing the region and update it after we make the release

this will also provide us with added layer of direct customer feedback for further enhancement


btw; i just heard from JP; he is very happy to say the least


last minute we did add the star light feature for this release,

but its the last feature we add for this release; i swear ^_^



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