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strange-video card performance answer?

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Whats interesting is that I did get improvement...and when I added the more generic card listing, the sim first showed 640x480 16 bit as predicted...when I changed the resolution setting, it showed my accurate card (Geforce 4 Ti-4800 SE) in the video adapter selection box. Didnt change that but did pick the correct settings I wanted(1152x864 32 bit) and away I went.What I found when I reopened the FS9.cfg was that the generic Nvidiacard info was in there where I had put it before, but further down the cfg file, the sim wrote the video card info in AGAIN..this time with my GF4 T-4800 SE card noted.Why does the sim write this info in twice?Eric

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So we need to add a new entry in display.cfg for the 9800pro ???Any improvement ???Thanks,Ulisses

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Guest Bilbo

Hi Bob Z,I Have the GF2 32 MX card here on win XP running 4490s and I have not found any Display.Cfg entry for my particular card. I did notice that it had the NVIDIA Drivers on Win2K/XP entry and I used the reference for that to repeat a section with my card's name: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400.0 as used in the FS9.cfg.The card is using the nv4_disp.dll but I'm not sure about Ven_ or the Dev_ section.I believe that I'm getting an increase that's substantial. No sun reflections on water as yet though.Bilbo

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Hi Hornit,As a fellow Win98SE user, I can share what I did last week after reading W. Siefert's advice.1. Run DXDIAG and print a report.2. Look at the Display Devices sectionIn mine I have the following:---------------Display Devices--------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: DAC type: Device Key: EnumPCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0331&SUBSYS_1945270F&REV_A100F000 Display Memory: 127.0 MB Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit)(optimal refresh rate) Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi Monitor Max Res: 1280,1024 Driver Name: nvdisp.drv Driver Version: 4.14.0010.4523 (English)... etc etc ....You need to create an entry like this:;---------------------------------------------------------------------; NVIDIA GeForce FX5900 on 9x;---------------------------------------------------------------------[000010DE:00000331:nvdisp.drv]PanelAsTexture=1Notice how the "10DE" and the "0331" came from the Device Key, and the "nvdisp.drv" came from the Driver Name section.I put the "PanelAsTexture=1" after experimenting with values of "0", "1" and "2". Your mileage may vary.Good luck and best wishes!

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Good work Geofa!!!!!!! I can see the difference. Much smoother now.THANKS!!!!!!Don

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May I suggest that once you find your FS9.cfg you create a shortcut for it then put the shortcut in your FS2004 directory? That way you still find it where it always (was)...Eric

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Guest dirk1000

Hi, russellI am reading this post from the begining, and followed it with great attention, because I am surprised, I never before had read so many incoherences togheter in a forum tread! Really I was waitting for anybody with a little common sence, thechnical knowledge and good english, wo put some light in this crazy voragine.Of course I hav read the jason2112 replay from Mon Aug-18-03 02:06 PM, one of the first man with criteria wo advise the mistake in this tread.I completely agree with you in all the concerns.Thanks for your claifiyng very good words. Hope people apreciate it.Best regards.Dirk Trotteyn

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This has to be the best post I've read since FS9 came out :) :I have an ATI 9800 Pro, and see my driver .dll in display.cfg in the following section (WinXP) :;----------------------------------------------------------------------; ATI Radeon DDR Win2k/XP;----------------------------------------------------------------------[00001002:00005144:ati2dvag.dll]RenderToTexture=0[00001002:00005144:ati2dvag.dll.1]MinDriverRev=6.14.0010.6343RenderToTexture=2My driver version is 6.14.0010.6368.How do I verify that :00005144 is indeed my display device? I see a refernce to printing the DXDiag report above, but I can't see how to print that (Win9x only?).Any other ATI owners finding anything? Thanks,Bruce.

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Could you tell me, were in th FS9 CFG I can find the line DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200.0 I can't seem to find it.Dave

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Guest SoarPics

No Bruce. But if you want to create a section for your card, nothing bad will happen (though I doubt you'll see any difference either).Copy and paste the section for the 9700 Pro card a second time into the Display.cfg. Change the "9700" to "9800" (this is so you'll know it's "your" section).Then in the line that says <00001002:00004E44:ati2dvag.dll. and the subsequent line with ".1" following .dll, change the 4E44 to 4E48.The MinDriverRev line refers to the minimum driver install that can be used. Since I run the CAT 3.6's, I changed the command to "6.14.0010.6368" (the driver level listed in DxDiag), but again saw no change in performance or image quality.Good luck,

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Bruce - There isn't a specific reference to the 9800 Pro in the Display.cfg file :-( . The device type for the 9800 Pro is 4E48. So, if one were to make up an entry based on the 9700 Pro data it would look like this:;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 2k/XP;---------------------------------------------------------------------[00001002:00004E48:ati2dvag.dll]Disable=1[00001002:00004E48:ati2dvag.dll.1]MinDriverRev=6.14.0001.6307Disable=2 Does it work? Nope. At least not for me. I tried it and there was absolutely no difference. Same entry generated in the FS9.cfg file and no performance change. But I have no idea what the proper syntax for the card should be. Basing it on the 9700 Pro probably isn't the most scientific, nor accurate, approach but I don't have another one. To save the dxdiag data, click on the button called Save All Informarmation, save the file, and then just print it. (There isn't a formatted report).Doug

Intel 10700K @ 5.1Ghz, Asus Hero Maximus motherboard, Noctua NH-U12A cooler, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB 3200 MHz RAM, RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, 100TB of disk storage. Klaatu barada nickto.

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Hi Greg and Doug,Thanks for the replies.What I did (I had just found the 4E48 before reading your replies, in the ATI control panel under "Adaptor"), was to edit the entry:;----------------------------------------------------------------------; ATI Radeon DDR Win2k/XP;----------------------------------------------------------------------[00001002:00004E48:ati2dvag.dll]RenderToTexture=0[00001002:00004E48:ati2dvag.dll.1]MinDriverRev=6.14.0010.6343RenderToTexture=2All I have changed here is the 4E48 device ID. I think that I'm getting clearer, and less shimmering, pics at KSEA (default starting airport), on a flight with the default C172. The fps still maxes out at 22 (P4 2.66G, 1G PC2100).However, it's late and I should be sleeping- and placebo effects do wierd things to judgement, so maybe there was no change. :) You guys could always try it if you have not alrady done so.I'm glad that the nVidia crowd are getting a break, I think they had more problems at the get-go than ATI users (before Geof's discovery).Thanks again for all your help. I think the best chance we ATI users have is new drivers, which must be out soon (I had heard that they nixed the 3.7's, and that maybe the next were 3.9's).Bruce.

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Well, I'm truly baffled.Having read through the thread carefully, I concluded that although the Fs9.cfg "fix" had probably no effect in theory and that a bit of mass hysteria was involved here, I could not ignore the large number of reports of improved performance.So I tried it. I run a humble GeForce3 64mb graphics card with the latest drivers from Nvidia for Windows ME.After backing up my Fs9.cfg, I removed all existing display entries and inserted one line:DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA Drivers on WinMEI was first of all surprised to find that changing a bracketed entry in Fs9.cfg reset my definition to 800x600, 16bit.I reset my resolution to 1024x768, 32bit.The improvement was very real and definitely not imaginary.I have lost the shimmering I used to get on buildings and runway texctures and the jagged edges on aircraft disappeared. I even noticed a small frame rate improvement,NO, none of my display sliders have been modified by the change.I really don't know why this tweak works. One possible reason could be that by specifying generic Nvivia drivers, an older version of the display driver if found somewhere in the system and loaded. I really don't know, but hey, who's complaining!



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