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Some Dirt on the PMDG 737 NGX

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Yesand you will be the first to complain if it was rushed and didn't function properly..RegardsMichael Haines
Search other forums regarding the NGX and you will see comments dating back to 2008 discussing the release of the NGX. There is no way anyone has suggested they should be rushing to get this out. No doubt it will be awesome but give me a break. The NGX webpage has been saying coming soon for almost 2years. I think patience is something your allowed to run out off after that much timemike kendall

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I think patience is something your allowed to run out off after that much timemike kendall
Whats the use of running out of patience? The plane won't come out any faster. It's better they take the time to make it close to perfect when it's released. Try learning a programing language (like C++), then you will see it's not easy keeping control over ten thousands of lines of code.

Stian Beinset


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I think PMDG were developing a "base" system to make development easier for future PMDG products(so that would explain the delay of the product) , thus meaning that other PMDG products will be made in a shorter period of time. Also, IMO, this product is going to be revolutionary , so i think the wait is going to be very, very, very much worth it Batting%20Eyelashes.gif

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Mike,you are entitled to run out of patience as often as you like, but it will have no effect on the NGX's development.Fetch a good book or read the 737 material on smartcockpit to busy yourself.A status update would be appreciated though.

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Hello PMDGI know your opinion about WX-radar in FSX and how they do not work realistic. However I really liked the option for installing the Reality-XP WX into the JS41 just for the WX display not being empty. Are there any possibility for this option in the NGX NAV-display?Anyway, with or without a WX-radar I´m confident that your NGX will be THE fsx add-on and I´m looking very much forward to the release. I own several of your preveous products and they are in a league of their own!Best regardsHeino

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Do what i do to pass the time untill NGX comes out, play Left 4 Dead 2 ;P

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Hello PMDG Team!I´m not a daily forum reader and so excuse me if the question is already answered! I have thought that the NGX is only for FSX but I just have read this from RSR.

2) Aside from the 737NG2.0, no other PMDG product announced or in development will be considered for the FS2004 platform. This means that the Dash-8, the 777 and the recently announced 747-8 Extension will be in FSX only. I am sorry if this was not clear in our announcement from Saturday- but this has been stated before in previous discussions, so we thought it was understood.
Does it mean that we will also see the NGX for FS9? I would love it because according the FS9 version I have had a big hope in this chinese NG project but now I´m very disappointed by this!Kindly regards,Holger

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No, there will be no NGX for FS9.
What a pity! But thanks for the info. It is probably due my bad english that I got RSR statement wrong (or some kind of hope ;))....Thanks,Holger

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There was some hope, but PMDG guys have said few times that it's impossible to make it for FS9, it will be to complex.

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Guest CoPilot
It is boring and in my opinion we are waiting for a long, long time...
Boring indeed... BTW even the shots shown do not impress me that much. Nothing special.

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I think PMDG were developing a "base" system to make development easier for future PMDG products(so that would explain the delay of the product) , thus meaning that other PMDG products will be made in a shorter period of time. Also, IMO, this product is going to be revolutionary , so i think the wait is going to be very, very, very much worth it Batting%20Eyelashes.gif
What delay ; ) they are right on their schedule with a release date of 2010. Apart from "Summer 2010" there has been no news for the date. No news = no delay. They have said they are on target anyway.Messin with ya man.

Eric Vander

Pilot and Controller Boston Virtual ATC

KATL - The plural form of cow.

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The dark panels look schmicko
To us non-aussies...that means good looking; agreed; nicest cockpit I have ever seen!!


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Boring indeed... BTW even the shots shown do not impress me that much. Nothing special.
No offense, but you sound like the type of guy who would visit the Sistine Chapel or the Louvre, and would say "meh".

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No offense, but you sound like the type of guy who would visit the Sistine Chapel or the Louvre, and would say "meh".
Hahahaha! Well said. :(

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