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Some Dirt on the PMDG 737 NGX

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Here's a excellent idea for everone to consider........read up on the Boeing 737NGX operations book while we wait for PMDG to finish up THE NGX. Yes it has taken a long time in developmen, The only thing to do is to be very constructive and positive.

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Can't wait for the NGX. I hope it will be equipped with the Parrot cockpit recording device which I hear is standard in Guatemala. Please advise... hehe

Buddy Morgan

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Here's a excellent idea for everone to consider........read up on the Boeing 737NGX operations book
Where would we find that book?

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Guest CoPilot
No offense, but you sound like the type of guy who would visit the Sistine Chapel or the Louvre, and would say "meh".
PMDG, Sistine Chapel and the Louvre... Sounds just right! :DSorry, but I cant share your WOW! enthusiasm. Next time they will show you one switch with a scratch on it. Big WOW again?

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PMDG, Sistine Chapel and the Louvre... Sounds just right! :DSorry, but I cant share your WOW! enthusiasm. Next time they will show you one switch with a scratch on it. Big WOW again?
I believe the whole point of showing us those scratches was to emphasize how Hi-Def the textures are going to be. take a look at the modeling done in the VC in the other pictures outside this post. Even on the J41, nothing has ever been seen like that. What captured my eye is the glass displays. They look real and not like cartoons like in the 747X. To me that's pretty cool. They look exactly like the real thing. the smooth numbers and lines and all that jazz. Also, Boeing and PMDG are pretty close, or so I have heard. That being said, the fidelity of the plane in all aspects are going to be far a head of other developers add-ons. The only way I can see someone not being impressed with this project is an actual airline pilot who in all honesty, most likely wouldn't give FS a fighting chance becasue they think to themselves...."who would do this stuff for fun?". Luckily I have had the opportunity to log quite a bit of time in a level-d sim. That being said, I bet a high high high percentage of simmers will never step foot in a jet like this to fly the thing, let alone in the sim so this is their only outlet. In that regard, I can see why everyone is so ready for this release. I am eagerly awaiting this release as well.


Matt kubanda

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"Family Guy"?
Yeppers. It's good to see even developers enjoy the Family guy as seen in this picture of the Tower @ KBOS from Fly Tampa:gig.jpg(it may take a minute, server maintenance night)

i9 10920x @ 4.8 ~ MSI Creator x299 ~ 256 Gb 3600 G.Skill Trident Z Royal ~ EVGA RTX 3090ti ~ Sim drive = M.2  2-TB ~ OS drive = M.2 is 512-gb ~ 5 other Samsung Pro/Evo mix SSD's ~ EVGA 1600w ~ Win 10 Pro

Dan Prunier

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To us non-aussies...that means good looking; agreed; nicest cockpit I have ever seen!!
Your right on the money my friend. Good work

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PMDG, Sistine Chapel and the Louvre... Sounds just right! :DSorry, but I cant share your WOW! enthusiasm. Next time they will show you one switch with a scratch on it. Big WOW again?
LOL you made my day

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Yeppers. It's good to see even developers enjoy the Family guy as seen in this picture of the Tower @ KBOS from Fly Tampa
LoL. Hope they are not there in real life. Must be like having a nude picture alongside a stop sign. :-)

Stian Beinset


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I feel dirty . . . im in a mood for some dirt . . . show me some more dirt please . . . and make it as filthy as you can :( :( B) :(

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I feel dirty . . . im in a mood for some dirt . . . show me some more dirt please . . . and make it as filthy as you can :( :( B) :(
HEy, Jeff. That sounds like my cleaning woman B) . But I have to agree that I feel like a dirt bag, too.Phil

Phil Leaven

i5 10600KF, 32 GB 3200 RAM, MSI 3060 12GB OC, Asus ROG Z490-H, 2 WD Black NVME for each Win11 (500GB) and MSFS (1TB), MSFS Cache and Photogrammetry always disabled, Live Weather and Live Traffic always on, Res 2560x1440 on 27"

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Guest yankeesji

Maybe since it's Friday, we'll get a end of the week update...maybe? Batting%20Eyelashes.gif

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