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Some Dirt on the PMDG 737 NGX

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Just for the record Mike,,, I got it, and had a chuckle :(
Yeah... reading back again i get it too, even chuckled myself.... It was early for me, and yet to have my gallon of coffee to get the day rolling... :(

Mike Murawski


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For me, there is nothing better than a turbine up to power.  Sounds angelic to me.  I also love the sound of forced inucted engines over naturally aspirated as well.  Love to hear the super charger spool to life when I accelerate the car.
The true irony is I used to be a jet engine/helicopter mechanic. While I do miss flying in my beloved Phrogs, I don't miss the whine. It is even worse at the test cell without a hush house involved.


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Guest SMITI07

Ryan, can we expect the update this week, or is Robert too busy with the races. I want to know so I stop coming on here so often and get some work done :). And also so I stop dreaming about it at night and waking up dissapointed that it was only a dream! Lol:)

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I have done some 737 NG livery and i have noticed that some graphics for example the doors in Ifly are the same of PMDG you can sovraimpress them !!!Chinise imitation ? RetroReingenireeng of PMDG NG i think :Drooling:Try to see if you have all two products

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An FA/18 using its after burners is loud but not the loudest thing I have ever heard.Here is a picture of the bird they are flyingGrace%208.jpg
LOVE the PMDG and AVSim logo on there!

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An FA/18 using its after burners is loud but not the loudest thing I have ever heard.
Never heard an FA/18, but the Eurofighter with its afterburners going is pretty loud! Saw one at a recent airshow, it set a few car alarms off too!

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Never heard an FA/18, but the Eurofighter with its afterburners going is pretty loud! Saw one at a recent airshow, it set a few car alarms off too!
The F/A-18 blew the Typhoon out the water for the amount of noise it made at the RAIT back in July. From where i was standing the thing made the ground shake. :(

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Never heard an FA/18, but the Eurofighter with its afterburners going is pretty loud! Saw one at a recent airshow, it set a few car alarms off too!
Yeah, the EF is really loud. The loudest aircaft I witnessed was the B-1 Lancer however.

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Yeah, the EF is really loud. The loudest aircaft I witnessed was the B-1 Lancer however.
Agreed! Years ago worked the ramp at PDX. Two B-1's were across the way at the ANG ramp. They taxied out and took off one aftr the other. All work on the ramp ceased due to two things.1 because it was very cool to see it but 2, mainly because it was so bloody loud you could not even hear yourself speak.




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You're probably going to want to take back that statement when you actually get to compare the two. tongue.gif
Well there's always alot to say to those who wait:Applause:I should also add,nothings really been dangled over our heads. Just quite the fact we have been ready to see PMDG'S NGX go for takeoff:biggrin:

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World loud-champ in my book, after dozens of airshows, was the Vulcan that took off & flew circuits at a show at RAF Mildenhall/Lakenheath back in the late 80's... Made current fighters seem compliant with noise restrictions by comparison, even in reheat :(

Dan Dominik                                                                           

"I thought you said your dog does not bite....
                                                                That's not my dog."

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OK OK.........I got one for you............The Navy Blue Angels, I've seen them a few times and those F/A 18's can be really loud when you're up close.:(

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Now is the time for an update, not before my post and not after, but now. Thank you.Ron Hamilton the Third.

Ron Hamilton


"95% is half the truth, but most of it is lies, but if you read half of what is written, you'll be okay." __ Honey Boo Boo's Mom

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