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New type of flight simulator

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This might already be on the drawing boards, but after playing with my grandsons xbox360 Kintect that he got for Christmas, why couldn't we start a new design of using the Xbox360 or the new generations of xboxes that will be produced in the future...I was reading someplace that computers as we know them today will be dinosaurs in 10 years...Can't even find good software anymore for the computer...You go into Walmart or Target and even Fry's looking for flight simulator items, and the space is down to 4 feet or less. But, on the other hand half the wall is devoted to various game boxes...Of course, you have your overseas downloaded software which in transfer of funds by mastercard or visa is overpriced in the Euro world...So lets see a transformation in develpment for flight simulators using the Xbox kinect, that way we could set up the flight deck with our fingers and fly like the real world pilots...FDX183 www.fedexvac.org

Bob Adams

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With my experience with Kinect, it has nowhere near the accuracy required to turn or push multiple controls (switches levers etc.)

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With my experience with Kinect, it has nowhere near the accuracy required to turn or push multiple controls (switches levers etc.)
You are probably correct....But can you see somewhere out in the future flight simulators being used on xbox?

Bob Adams

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Personally, I think porting FS to Xbox (actually the next-gen xBox'720') would be good for both hard-core users and FS. Consoles offer good horsepower often below cost. And all components are standard, so there’s less guess work. And no Windows OS. FS could sell more...with very little investment. And no it would NOT mean a change in the direction of the design. FS already is what it is. And No it would not replace our Windows version. I’ve heard all the arguments against an xBox port. IMO they’re unfounded…except for the hard drive issue. Hopefully that’s solved in the next-gen console. I’d like to see the ability to daisy chain xBoxes to make a super-sim for extreme users :) - An xBox is just a computer. Not an arcade box.

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Guest veeray

You do realize the common control device on an xbox is not a flight stick. All the controls would have to be set for 360 controller.. how fun would that be? First lets get the marketplace and signed 3rd party content first :) baby steps...

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I love using the XBox 360's controls for flight. I use the analog triggers for yaw, the left stick for pitch/roll, and the right stick for view. It works very well. I think a Kinnect 2 in the future could easily figure out where your hand's are and translate that into Flight Simulator. I bet you the exec's at Microsoft are thinking the same thing. Check out my other thread.Wild

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You do realize the common control device on an xbox is not a flight stick. All the controls would have to be set for 360 controller.. how fun would that be? First lets get the marketplace and signed 3rd party content first :) baby steps...
Well what's the common control stick for a PC? - a mouse?Xbox has many compatible controllers, including a variety of keyboards…and USB adapters.Obviously, Kinect itself is about expanding control options too.I agree the basic Xbox controller by itself isn’t ideal, but such a UI is definitely possible.And by adding hardware (like PC users do) an xBox would offer as much control as any PC.I wouldn't use an xBox myself - I'm a diehard PC user.

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Respectfully, I pass. The market segment has a lowest common denominator effect which is bad for complexity (which we want in a flight SIMULATOR). However, I believe Flight will evolve into supporting the next gen XBOX. I don't encourage it, but I see it happening. MS can say what they want to, but dropping SIMULATOR is a huge deal that opens many possibilities in the future that equate to watering down. The move to simplified devices belies that fact that the general populous (a majority of them at least) really can't handle the complexity of operating a PC. The entire Malware/Security/virus phenomenon is and has been made possible by those who lack the sophistication to run a PC. Consoles, by their nature, open up gaming entertainment to those who want a simple-to-use and purposed machine for doing games. The interface is dumbed down, the OS is simplified, and the games are fairly dumbed down due to the lower precision of the controllers (the thumb joysticks on them just plain suck). I believe that "flying games" are very possible on the XBOX and many have sold pretty well, but it seems nearly impossible to do a flight simulator on a console system. We could use a kinect and put our arms out and fly, and that would make a neat game, but a flight simulation it will not. Of course, perhaps we could do a bird flight simulation with our arms and a kinect, but not the powered flight of human-developed air craft. For man-made self-propelled flying machines, we need a variety of controls that the console is not suited to provide. Sure, at one point I could put a keyboard on the console, and put on a dedicated flight joystick, and even put on dedicated hardware, but why would I? It seems that I am getting into a PC again at that point.The allure of a PC is that it can serve so many purposes and uses at once - versatility. Another question is whether MS will be giving us another simulator product in MS Flight. The MS material on their website indicates "but of course!" however, I am not sure - time will tell. I'd actually be fine with MS making an XBOX/Kinect version of flight in the same manner that XPlane has made versions for the iPhone and iPad: watered-down versions that were clearly indicated/marketed as such. This is why I've always applauded the "Pro" and "Basic" versions of MSFS always thought that the differences weren't wide enough. I'd be happy to pay $$$ for a truly PRO version of MSF in order to subsidize pro features. This way, those who want a casual "gamey" experience can have it. Hopefully, with a lower pricepoint, the sales figures will allow MS to justify the franchise. Also, people can graduate to the pro version if they actually get into MSF.

Jeff Bea

I am an avid globetrotter with my trusty Lufthansa B777F, Polar Air Cargo B744F, and Atlas Air B748F.

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However, I believe Flight will evolve into supporting the next gen XBOX.
That's a bold statement Jeff, and I can understand your fear. I don't believe Microsoft will ever loose 30+ years of simulation by 'changing' Flight to work just wilth consoles. However producing a console only version along it's PC big brother might not be a bad idea (aka like X-Plane which you have already mentioned) and certainly Flight's approach seems to bring this much closer.The problem with an XBox version of Flight is that I can't ever see it working without it being dumbed down - the demographic and available hardware just don't fit - not even close. Flight as it stands is ideally suited to the PC platform and that's where it should stay. Cheers,Dave.

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However, I believe Flight will evolve into supporting the next gen XBOX.
There is no next gen Xbox. Numerous MS and outside developers have stated this over and over. The 360 product line is expected to remain in effect for 4-5 more years before replacement. So if Flight is to be on the Xbox it would be the current gen not next. John

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There is no next gen Xbox. Numerous MS and outside developers have stated this over and over. The 360 product line is expected to remain in effect for 4-5 more years before replacement. So if Flight is to be on the Xbox it would be the current gen not next. John
So there is a next gen .. per your statement.

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And by adding hardware (like PC users do) an xBox would offer as much control as any PC.
There lies a major problem, Microsoft is very strict and expensive when it comes to specialised controllers especially 3rd party and even general USB devices for the Xbox. MS requires fairly heavy royalties and specialised hardware from what I am aware (XID in place of HID for feedback IIRC).A prime example is the troubles racing enthusists have had getting good steering wheels (MS wheel is not good, it is also out of production) and proper force feedback for the Xbox.With PC everything is open, Xbox however MS have a very expensive QC going on and haven't put much effort into creating good hardware themselves (except Kinect of course).My concern with a Xbox Flight sim is it will take away many PC sales and when MS see how the Xbox versions are outselling the PC market it will be even more so the decline of MSFS for PC. Plus I don't own or care to buy a Xbox.

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My concern with a Xbox Flight sim is it will take away many PC sales and when MS see how the Xbox versions are outselling the PC market it will be even more so the decline of MSFS for PC. Plus I don't own or care to buy a Xbox.
I'd say…an Xbox FS could never outsell the PC version. It’s a desk-top game (and hobby) at heart.If the game industry thought it could - someone would have built an FS already...even a bad one :)The opposite is the problem...would there be enough forecast sales to justify the effort.An FS port to console would be for aviation fans (curious, emerging, and existing) that have an Xbox (~$300) but a crappy PC.That's the only XBox market, and it's not likely very big. The only upside is a port is much-much cheaper that a new game.I don’t recall people being so concerned when Xplane ported to iPhone ;)But I don't see an Xbox version happening yet...maybe in five years :(

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Guest veeray

Xbox version will never happen because at the heart of every Xbox game runs a flawless 60fps refresh rate. Only a few noticable exceptions to that rule which are allowed to drop down to 30, but you better be selling a few million copies like GTAIV. Good luck even getting FSX to run at 30fps without stripping out features like autogen.

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Guest Bill (Cappy) Johnson

They have been saying PC's will be gone after 10 years for the past 20. This will not happen. There are much more things you can do on a PC than on XBOX. The mobile industry is growing the most right now. That will even begin to level off over time as the market gets saturated with various mobile devices.The reason the PC games at Fry's, Best Buy, and Walmart have shrunk is because most distributors are moving to a download marketplace. This is because bandwidth has increased dramatically. It is also a lot more cost effective for them in the long run.The PC gaming industry is not going away - if you think it is then tell that to Blizzard, who has several of the most successful PC games on the market.

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