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Re: NGX impending release: Are we there yet?

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Gents-A couple of points:I'd like to see all of you stop beating one another up for voicing opinions, please. The whole debate about how long beta should take is a bit strange given that I address that topic directly in the post that started this thread... I won't bother reiterating the point here, since it has already been described above!Second, we will announce pricing, inclusions and recommended specs at some point during beta testing. Thirdly, we are prepping to start beta testing... Was supposed to happen on Friday but we had a coupe things we wanted to resolve first. Possibly Monday. We'll see...Please note that we aren't going to tell you about it until AFTER it happens... might be a few days, might be a few weeks... Either way, the announcement has nothing whatever to do with release dates, so it isn't that important.

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


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Thirdly, we are prepping to start beta testing... Was supposed to happen on Friday but we had a coupe things we wanted to resolve first. Possibly Monday. We'll see...
Sounds very exciting! I remembered that you guys said that once NGX is in beta phase, then the tester would at some point be allowed to share pictures. But before that happens, would you please consider to give us a sneak peak of the 2D cockpit?Maybe not that important, but I'm very anxious to see the 2D cockpit and if you've got some spare time that would make me happy. Otherwive I'll just wait until beta testning starts.Thanks,Rob Belach

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Thirdly, we are prepping to start beta testing... Was supposed to happen on Friday but we had a coupe things we wanted to resolve first. Possibly Monday. We'll see...
Couldn't believe my eyes!!

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Thirdly, we are prepping to start beta testing... Was supposed to happen on Friday but we had a coupe things we wanted to resolve first. Possibly Monday. We'll see...
I was remembering of April of last year. By then I was counting the days to the release. A few weeks later I realized that it was not gonna happen that soon. And here we are, a year later, almost there, seeing the light in the end of the tunnel. Today I'm completing one year of participation in the AVSim Forums, more specifically at PMDG Forums. The last three hundred and sixty-five days went pretty fast. :(

Matheus Mafra

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Will the beta right away let testers post videos and pictures or will that come later?

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Will the beta right away let testers post videos and pictures or will that come later?
I believe that, at first, the testers will not be authorized to post any kind of information about the process, being it written or visual, so it should come later. But I prefer to wait until I get my own NGX, so that the impact of the first flight will be much greater.

Matheus Mafra

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Hope beta fase not takes long... Will take the first 737ng that will release. Im done with waiting..

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I've been waiting eagerly for the NGX's release for a very long time now. I know this is going to be an awesome add-on. I hope it's released soon! Will certainly clear up the end-of-holiday gloom! :(

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How do you qualify to be a beta tester?Levent Yurdatap
Here is your answer:
When we wish to add new members to the team, we generally approach individuals in the forum who have developed a relationship of trust and candor with us, but who are also active, positive participants in the forum while being friendly, supportive and helpful.[...]BETA TEAM: This team is comprised primarily of simmers who are active and engaged with PMDG and/or the forum. The role of this team primarily is to help us "fitness test" a product nearing release to ensure that it will run on a broad array of hardware and operating systems while being subjected to the typical day-to-day use of a simmer.

Matheus Mafra

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What oh ladies,Before creating and running a virtual airline called 'Air Taxi UK virtual' I always assumed that virtual pilots were like me, a little strange and definately obsessive about new payware releases. Then I met a number of members of my VA at Shoreham airport (EGKA) and my opinion changed, Nigel, Mole, Russel and lots of other excellent people restored my faith in 'flight simmers'. Now I've just sat here for 45 minutes reading through this forum. Wow, my opinion of simmers is now back to thinking we're strange and especially obsessive!Back in the days when I was obsessive about FS I remember waiting for months on end for Flight1 to release their incredibly coveted ATR72. I used to check two websites twice weekly, AVSIM and Flight1. One afternoon I checked AVSIM but there was no news about the ATR, I then checked Flight1 to find it had still not been released. I sat there looking at the screen for a few minutes and before closing down the site I hit F5 to refresh the page and it had been released. The excitement I felt was totally out of all proportion but I remember that moment well. I can't imagine I will feel the same with this release as I'm too busy to do FS any longer but I've been keeping an eye out for this release in the hope I will get the same buzz as when the ATR was released!I'm not really into Flight Simulator any longer but will buy this aircraft when it is released just to see how things have progressed since the last version of PMDG's 737.CheerioRichard GeorgiouPPL EGKA

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Richard,You may not be interested or have time for FS right now, but I bet you once you own the NGX, your interest, excitement, and FS time, will increase dramatically. Have faith!

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Will the beta right away let testers post videos and pictures or will that come later?
Probably not until late in the process.

Ryan Maziarz

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