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Good question I live near the end of the field. Never seen a 737 in or out. They have lots of ba embraer jets, bae 146's, and various prop jobs and the largest I have seen is the a318's that go to NY JFK via Ireland (that would suck) but beats LHR issues...


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Good question I live near the end of the field. Never seen a 737 in or out. They have lots of ba embraer jets, bae 146's, and various prop jobs and the largest I have seen is the a318's that go to NY JFK via Ireland (that would suck) but beats LHR issues...
Why would that suck? No queues for immigration, quick turn-around and nice scenery :-)

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If they can depart in Santos Dumont SBRJ on a 1300m runway, it should be possible to depart EGLC on a 1500m runway. But not fully loaded and fueled for a long flight...Dion Mollert

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Captain Robert,Excellent update, this is what I like to see from you guys, anything behind the scenes into what you are working on is a good read. Looking forward to experiencing the NGX.

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hi,can a 737 fly into London city airport?
I think the A318 is the largest certified airliner to get into London City. But the flight crew also has to get certified because of the 5,5* glideslope I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!Nail%20Biting.gifbiggrin.gif

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OK! That's interesting.In the sim, my 737 always struggle, even with short runway configuration, it's 50/50 up in the air (just) or death to all. I will see how the NGX copes if or when..... In reality, I have been going to Gibraltar for years for business and I've never seen a 737 there.Chris Farrell

Malcolm Rouse


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They have lots of ba embraer jets, bae 146's, and various prop jobs and the largest I have seen is the a318's that go to NY JFK via Ireland (that would suck) but beats LHR issues...
Why would that suck? No queues for immigration, quick turn-around and nice scenery :-)
Also it's an A318 Elite with a business class only configuration. So I doubt it sucks! Big%20Grin.gif

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OK! That's interesting.In the sim, my 737 always struggle, even with short runway configuration, it's 50/50 up in the air (just) or death to all. I will see how the NGX copes if or when..... In reality, I have been going to Gibraltar for years for business and I've never seen a 737 there.Chris Farrell
We use the A320 there! And our fellow Gatwick Nigels use their lovely 737s! So they do go there :)Sam.

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Hello PMDG,I've been following the many posts about the development and release of the NGX. I think your team has done a good job of explaining why the complexity of the NGX and the committment to turning out a quality product has required more than the anticipated time to get the sim on the market. Yesterday I listened to an interview on the radio with the owner of a Cadillac dealership in the metro area where I live. The interview focused on what made the dealership one of the most successful in the country. The owner of the dealership said that one thing his company started doing years ago was asking it's customers what they wanted. Their biggest reply: they wanted repairs done right the first time they brought their vehicle to the dealership. Its obvious PMDG is focusing on what customers want; a sim that is done as close as possible to right the first time. I think where PMDG could have done a little better with the NGX is in it's communications with customers during the development process. I've read numerous posts saying that updates were too infrequent. Maybe PMDG could have hired a PR person to assist with more frequent updates, and head off some of the negativity in the PMDG forum. I think with the popularity of PMDG products, a PR person might be worth it (and in the case of the NGX, I'm sure you could have found someone to do the job in exchange for a copy of the sim :) I look forward to all of PMDG's upcoming releases. Pete D.

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If they can depart in Santos Dumont SBRJ on a 1300m runway, it should be possible to depart EGLC on a 1500m runway. But not fully loaded and fueled for a long flight...Dion Mollert
In theory they can. But you don't have to be a nuclear physicist to know that: to take off, the airplane must have landed at that airport before. And that's the problem. 737s can't land at EGLC because the glide slope required for the approach is too steep (+/- 6º). That's to reduce noise in the surrounding neighborhoods. To land at EGLC, an aircraft must have a special certification for steep approaches, and the 737 doesn't have it.

Matheus Mafra

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Well, nothing in FS is stopping someone from flying a typical 3 degreeish approach to EGLC and landing there...hahaHonestly, if some operator and Boeing took the time to get the certification stuff out of the way, I'm sure a 737-600 would probably have little difficulty landing at EGLC w/ a 6 degree glideslope. They planted those ol' -200's out in Canada here at Castlegar (CYCG) back in Pacific Western days (1980s) no problem (except for once)...and the PAPI's are definitely greater than 3 degrees for sure (flown there a bit).Some neato "Complex Special Procedures":5592788649_b04e8070e8_b.jpgCYCGlarge.jpg and a RNAV app for the place (CYCg also has a LOC too)

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I think you mean Cranbrook not Castlegar.JackColwill

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