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Lets talk about Friday...

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Nope, Castlegar...The City's emblem even had a 737 on it for years.Pacific Western was flying everywhere with their 37's back in the day. But you're right the crash happened in Cranbrook.mappw850915.jpgmappw751026.jpgJazz still operates there (CYCG) with Dash's.Conair operates the Electra's in there every once a while too...that thing's pretty big.Screw it...gonna warm up the Tinmouse -200 and gonna try this out.

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Screw it...gonna warm up the Tinmouse -200 and gonna try this out.
LOL. Rock and roll! Ever seen the pic of the 200 coming out of Hope?JackColwill

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Ya just looking at the avcanada topic about it now (started it haha)

Check out the "mountainous terrain all quadrants" there...lol

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Pete, you couldn't of said it any better. Greg SelenskiIs there any good scenery packages for major airports in the United States, because I oooked at the ones PMDG uses but there really not where I fly. Suggestions? Greg Selenski
For the US the best ones are by FSDreamteam, FlyTampa, and KSFO by Flightbeam.I own all of them from FSDT except for the Hawiian stuff just becuase I dont fly to Hawaii, but thier KLAS, KDFW, KFLL, KORD, and KJFK are awesome, especially KDFW. They are also working on KLAX which should probably be out in the next month or two. All of the FSDT airport, even KDFW and KFJK get great FPS, even better FPS than the default versions of those airports, as well as offering more detail.As far as FlyTampa US airports for FSX, they cover KBOS, KTPA, KMDW. I own KBOS and KTPA, but not Midway since its so close to KORD and I dont need two addon airports so close to each other. None the less their airports are great as well.Lastly, KSFO by newcommer Flightbean is really well done as well. It very much like the work of FSDT and FlyTampa.For good mention, Imaginesim has KATL, KCLT and a few other US airports for FSX. They are ok, not as good as FlyTampa and FSDreamteam, but better than default.You could also have a look at BluePrint Simulations airports as well. They make a few that the major developers haven't done like KDAL and others like that. They are just a step above default, but get good FPS and most are only $15. I own KDAL but since FSDT's KDFW came out I rarely use it and have it disabled in my scenery.cfg.Hope this helps.Sean Campbell

Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Perhaps we'll get an update tonight?
You are beginning to remind me of this.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilzuHdlKHPw

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For the US the best ones are by FSDreamteam, FlyTampa, and KSFO by Flightbeam.I own all of them from FSDT except for the Hawiian stuff just becuase I dont fly to Hawaii, but thier KLAS, KDFW, KFLL, KORD, and KJFK are awesome, especially KDFW. They are also working on KLAX which should probably be out in the next month or two. All of the FSDT airport, even KDFW and KFJK get great FPS, even better FPS than the default versions of those airports, as well as offering more detail.As far as FlyTampa US airports for FSX, they cover KBOS, KTPA, KMDW. I own KBOS and KTPA, but not Midway since its so close to KORD and I dont need two addon airports so close to each other. None the less their airports are great as well.Lastly, KSFO by newcommer Flightbean is really well done as well. It very much like the work of FSDT and FlyTampa.For good mention, Imaginesim has KATL, KCLT and a few other US airports for FSX. They are ok, not as good as FlyTampa and FSDreamteam, but better than default.You could also have a look at BluePrint Simulations airports as well. They make a few that the major developers haven't done like KDAL and others like that. They are just a step above default, but get good FPS and most are only $15. I own KDAL but since FSDT's KDFW came out I rarely use it and have it disabled in my scenery.cfg.Hope this helps.Sean Campbell
Blueprint has some great ones, check them out. Highly detailed.

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Captains-My plan for tonight's update had been a really nice video- but some events during the past two days have conspired to prevent it... I'll shoot for tomorrow night for the video- (not a promise... I have a few things on my plate Saturday, but as soon as I wrap those up I've got some fun stuff to show you in video...) So instead of a visual update, here is one for your brain.A bunch of folks have asked us to describe what we are working on... You would be amazed just how dull things are around here at the moment, and today has been a pretty typical day of wrap-up work with highs and lows...Lets start with the highs!One of the normal tasks that we undertake approaching release is optimization. While the entire NGX has been written from the ground up to provide the best performance possible, there are always areas that can be optimized once the final project starts taking shape. Vin and Michael were heavily involved in this during the past few days, and late tonight when they finished we had an NGX that is getting fully 20% more FPS in most scenarios than it was prior to their update. 20% might not seem like much, but all of us who have flown the airplane post-update are in agreement that the 20% provided a significant boost in fluidity even in extremely complex scenery.My default load/test location is KRNT RW34 (33 in FSX, but you know how it is..) and I am seeing exceptionally good FPS performance at this location using the OrbX scenery, Ultimate Traffic, autogen and road vehicle traffic all set at reasonable levels. We'll start giving you some actual performance benchmarks once the wide beta team is in action... Other Highs: Matt is putting the finishing touches on the livery manager and we think this will really please you all. In the past we have containerized each livery into a unique EXE file, which creates a significant amount of work on our end, and makes rapid reinstall of liveries a bit of a hassle for you. The new livery manager will use a much simpler system that is basically hands-free, but gives you the flexibility to quickly add and remove liveries without any fear of corrupting your aircraft.cfg, license key, etc. If you can drag/drop, double click and look at pretty pictures of airplanes- you can run this livery manager like a pro. Okay- lets take a look at some lows: These are the kinds of frustrations that you run into on the code-side of any complex project, and we had our fill of them today:Dr. Vaos (you know: the Dr. Vaos who hates it when I call him Dr. Vaos in the forum? Yeah... That Dr. Vaos! :( ) spent the better part of the past two days researching obscure reversion behaviors that you may or may not ever see in the FMS. I don't want to go into great detail about them, because he isn't entirely finished, but suffice it so say that over the past two days he has spent about 27hrs on fewer than a half dozen line items that most of you will never run across. What he would have liked to have been working on instead- is the final performance data collection so that the predictive capabilities of the FMS will exactly match the airplane. This is a tedious, time consuming and very precise process that can only be done by developers and pilots who understand what the airplane is doing and WHY it is doing it...With some luck he'll wrap that process up by Tuesday... but that depends on how Saturday goes.On my end- I spent about 13.5 hours chasing down the reason why our airplane's standby electrical system would reconfigure incorrectly when being cycled through various standby power scenarios. This debugging process should have taken all of ten minutes, except that it was hampered by the fact that three different technical resources gave three different explanations of what should happen to one specific bus when the airplane winds up on battery power.To solve the issue required comparing behaviors from the airplane, then matching them to the simulator to see where the simulation was going awry... This of course uncovered a few flaws in the electrical bus assignments to a few of the lights on the overhead panel- which lead to a top-down review of all those lights to make sure they were indeed wired to the correct power sources.You notice I said "sources?" How many of you knew that nearly every annunciator light on this airplane actually has TWO sources of power? We have them all (correctly now, I hope!) modeled so that when you start throwing switches and moving knobs in the NGX cockpit, things will match the airplane PRECISELY.We have never gone to this depth in any of our simulations and while it makes for a really fantastic simulation for you- it can sometimes be rather complicated when you have strange "one off" issues that defy ready explanation.Needless to say, at around 1:30am the standby power system was sorted out, the light bulbs were all verified, and another day came to a close...See? Wasn't that terribly boring?As of right now, I still hope we will push her out to the wide beta team during the course of the weekend, but we'll see how tomorrow's build comes together in terms of "error free-ness"™... We are strong believers that there is no point rushing something when an extra day or three or five will give you less headaches in the testing process.In closing, I leave you with this thought: We've read some constructive (and some not so constructive) criticism regarding the fact that we are taking our time prepping the airplane for release. One fellow was even critical of us because we "don't update our products as frequently as our competitors." To that I say: "Thank you for noticing!" You see- the ONLY reason we are still hammering away at the NGX a full 6 months after we would have preferred to release her is that we would rather give you a full, complete, thoroughly debugged and strong performing product 6 months late- especially if the option is to deliver something to you that is buggy, incomplete, inaccurate, poor performing or simply shoddy...So yes, we are well aware of the eagerness here in the forum- we thank you for trusting us to "Get it right the first time" so you can hop in and head off to your PMDG 737NGX flight simming adventures without worrying that your new airplane is going to do something wonky...Alright- now let me go work on that movie....
and..............................................?Steve McLaren

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and..............................................?Steve McLaren
Lol, I chuckled at this one, but the man makes a good point.

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It's been told already the work on the video was delayed because of work that took much longer on some bugs and corrections they are doing. It's pointless asking about it, it'(ll come when it's done that's all.

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In theory they can. But you don't have to be a nuclear physicist to know that: to take off, the airplane must have landed at that airport before. And that's the problem. 737s can't land at EGLC because the glide slope required for the approach is too steep (+/- 6º). That's to reduce noise in the surrounding neighborhoods. To land at EGLC, an aircraft must have a special certification for steep approaches, and the 737 doesn't have it.
Possible and allowed are not the same. A 5,5* glideslope should be possible, only thing to consider is to get into landing config and slow to app speed before intercepting the glidepath, so you have some drag and you don't need to slow down on the glide.Dion Mollert

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and..............................................?Steve McLaren
RSR said that going through bugging reports has delayed it twice. Last post was not 2 pages back. Rolling%20Eyes.gif

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last night i head a nightmare:i dreamt that RSR and the PMDG crew won´t release the NGX because they want to be the only ones who can fly it Nail%20Biting.gif that was scarying :(


Alexander Marx

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Nope, Castlegar...The City's emblem even had a 737 on it for years.Pacific Western was flying everywhere with their 37's back in the day. But you're right the crash happened in Cranbrook.Jazz still operates there (CYCG) with Dash's.Conair operates the Electra's in there every once a while too...that thing's pretty big.Screw it...gonna warm up the Tinmouse -200 and gonna try this out.
Wait a few months Captainsim is making the -200. I too will do some retro PWA flights, as well as active 5T (Canadian North) flights, and look forward to having a excuse to take a jet in to castlegar once again.

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