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You are beginning to remind me of this.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilzuHdlKHPw
Hey, please sign your name..

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Hi Robert,Pleased to see your taking such care with the 737ngx. I have all of your aircraft for FSX and I have to say they all work perfectly. Any PMDG aircraft is a joy to fly! To be honest i realise everyone is keen to get their hands on a 737ngx as soon as possible, I'd much prefer a complete aircraft that works exactly as it's supposed to, even if I have to wait 6 days, 6 weeks or even 6 months. It's a small price to pay for a good quality product, which I know this will be.Once again, thanks for some truly great aircraft.

Happy Flying,


Dave Phillips.

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Yeah that's real cute and all but I'm pretty sure this is maybe only the second time I've inquired about an update. Actually it might be the first.
What I meant was every second post on this forum SEEMS to be enquiring about an updateJackColwill

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I have read some where that this 737NGX will have a basic cabin. However, I have yet to see a preview image of the basic cabin. Thus, I would like to know if the basic cabin will include windows to where you can look out an view the wings?

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I have read some where that this 737NGX will have a basic cabin. However, I have yet to see a preview image of the basic cabin. Thus, I would like to know if the basic cabin will include windows to where you can look out an view the wings?
We've posted many pictures of Wing Views like here, and here, and here..... All of these were taken from the "cabin". Yes, we will have wing views.

Vin Scimone

Precision Manuals Development Group



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Guest nzch2010
I have read some where that this 737NGX will have a basic cabin. However, I have yet to see a preview image of the basic cabin. Thus, I would like to know if the basic cabin will include windows to where you can look out an view the wings?
it must have windows, Ryan is making the frilly curtains as we speak Raised%20Eyebrow.gifRaised%20Eyebrow.gifRaised%20Eyebrow.gifRaised%20Eyebrow.gifRaised%20Eyebrow.gif

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Wait a few months Captainsim is making the -200. I too will do some retro PWA flights, as well as active 5T (Canadian North) flights, and look forward to having a excuse to take a jet in to castlegar once again.
Ya...hopefully the 37 won't be so killer to performance as the 707 was...looks good though.Tried it out...did it in current 5T livery as this a/c flew with PW back in the day! ;) http://tinyurl.com/44slnlh2011-5-24_20-2-1-1252.jpg2011-5-24_20-2-29-2052.jpg2nd pic there gives a good idea of what kinda mountain you gotta play with. 5000 ft and a mile they used to say I guess...haha

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We've posted many pictures of Wing Views like here, and here, and here..... All of these were taken from the "cabin". Yes, we will have wing views.
Can't see any window images from those pics, but I will take your word that they exist. Anyway, I am not expecting a fancy cabin, but rather a complete FS aircraft that includes a 2dpanel, 3dpanel along with a 3d basic cabin with wing views in which this 737NGX seems to have.Thank You for responding.Can't wait to fly it.Recency

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Can't see any window images from those pics, but I will take your word that they exist. Anyway, I am not expecting a fancy cabin, but rather a complete FS aircraft that includes a 2dpanel, 3dpanel along with a 3d basic cabin with wing views in which this 737NGX seems to have.Thank You for responding.Can't wait to fly it.Recency
As mentioned in the past, The main point of this addon is to simulate the flightdeck opperations of the NG. However, I am one of those guys that LOVE to watch each and every landing I make in the replay mode. I usually watch it in Tower, Spot and then wing view. I would have to say that a detailed cabin would be at the bottom of my list of wishes as I spend 99.0% of my time in the "office".

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Has it been a good thing before? Nope. We'll get another little tid bit, then another long wait, and so on....Justin J

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I don't want to disappoint anyone, but I 've just come across this old post, according to which the 'beta testing' was about to start...this post dates back to December :/ Hope that now the situation is different!http://forum.avsim.n...is-almost-over/
Well, the NGX is in beta testing now. So that's different. Sadly, PMDG's habit of promulgating optimistic timelines and then missing them has not changed since that post.

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Well, the NGX is in beta testing now. So that's different. Sadly, PMDG's habit of promulgating optimistic timelines and then missing them has not changed since that post.
isnt it in wide beta for error-free-ness or something like this? I'm lost in dev process, but patiently waiting ^^Cheers

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