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Phenom X6 1090T FSX performance

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Bulldozer 8-core engineering sample at 3.2 GHZ (rumored to cost $320)"...Even more impressive is the 3D Mark 11. While this score depends from platform to platform, when coupled with a GTX 580, the previous 3D Mark 11 champ Core i7 2600K struggles to achieve the P6000 mark, typically. BD easily sails by with P6265. In Fritz Chess, BD overpowers Core i7 2600K yet again, with a score of 14197 kn/sec. However, it falls short of Gulftown CPUs, which are typically in the 17000-18000 range. Finaly, in Cinebench R10, BD returns a score of 24434. With this score, it slots right in between Core i7 2600K and Core i7 990X. The results are consistent, for the most part. In multi-threaded applications, BD significantly outperforms Core i7 2600K, and almost catches up with 6-core Gulftown. In less muti-threaded applications, like 3D Mark 11 or X264 Pass 1, thanks to an incredible 1 GHz Turbo Core, BD overtakes Gulftown CPUs. In all situations, BD ended up well ahead of Core i7 2600K. In every situation, BD was massively faster than Phenom II X6 1100T - more than 50% in many cases. Of course, these benchmarks and comparisons should be taken with a grain of salt - especially it being an engineering sample. If previous rumours of stock clocks up to 3.8 GHz and a price tag of only $320 are true, AMD could have a real winner on their hands. Even with the engineering sample's clock of 3.2 GHz, a $320 is a bargain for a CPU of this power, wiping floors with the mighty and similarly priced Core i7 2600K. Having been delayed, FX-Series CPUs are now expected to release for desktops in the late August / early September timeline, with more information expected in the coming weeks. "Looks like this time AMD is on the right track. Time to switch?Read more: http://vr-zone.com/articles/purported-amd-bulldozer-benchmarks-leaked/12914.html#ixzz1S70cWaRN

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Bulldozer 8-core engineering sample at 3.2 GHZ (rumored to cost $320)"...Even more impressive is the 3D Mark 11. While this score depends from platform to platform, when coupled with a GTX 580, the previous 3D Mark 11 champ Core i7 2600K struggles to achieve the P6000 mark, typically. BD easily sails by with P6265. In Fritz Chess, BD overpowers Core i7 2600K yet again, with a score of 14197 kn/sec. However, it falls short of Gulftown CPUs, which are typically in the 17000-18000 range. Finaly, in Cinebench R10, BD returns a score of 24434. With this score, it slots right in between Core i7 2600K and Core i7 990X. The results are consistent, for the most part. In multi-threaded applications, BD significantly outperforms Core i7 2600K, and almost catches up with 6-core Gulftown. In less muti-threaded applications, like 3D Mark 11 or X264 Pass 1, thanks to an incredible 1 GHz Turbo Core, BD overtakes Gulftown CPUs. In all situations, BD ended up well ahead of Core i7 2600K. In every situation, BD was massively faster than Phenom II X6 1100T - more than 50% in many cases. Of course, these benchmarks and comparisons should be taken with a grain of salt - especially it being an engineering sample. If previous rumours of stock clocks up to 3.8 GHz and a price tag of only $320 are true, AMD could have a real winner on their hands. Even with the engineering sample's clock of 3.2 GHz, a $320 is a bargain for a CPU of this power, wiping floors with the mighty and similarly priced Core i7 2600K. Having been delayed, FX-Series CPUs are now expected to release for desktops in the late August / early September timeline, with more information expected in the coming weeks. "Looks like this time AMD is on the right track. Time to switch?Read more: http://vr-zone.com/a...l#ixzz1S70cWaRN
I find those results extremely poor. Basically the same as a 2600K is heavily threaded tasks (I scored 29.48 in Fritz Chess and 24000 in Cinebench 10 with HT on on stock clocks) spite of the 8 "cores". I would focus on single threaded bechmarks to have an idea of how much better the IPC is (for FSX) but it looks pretty much the same as Phenom II... 19.5 seconds in SuperPi 1M? That's a terrible score, so bad that I don't think it's valid

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I found this thread via google search because I wanted to see some performance comparisons between other AMD 1090T users and it just turned into ho-hum debate about AMD vs Intel. :Talking Ear Off:

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Guest simmer9304

Well if somebody wants to see a raw performance test of a 1090T in FSX I just posted one a week or so ago...

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So does this all mean that Phenoms can run FSX just as "good" as its intel competitor? I know most folks here are using either an i5 or i7 but has anyone REALLY tested out the Phenoms to their limit? is the difference between the phenom ( Black edition or X6) really that great?


Marlon Carter - AVSIM Reviewer

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this is where I facepalm at you sir *facepalm*. AMD uses ancient 45nm technology. Intel is about to role out 22nm (i think) technology. Intel are light years ahead of AMD in their technology.

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Technology aside....I think the way someones PC runs depends on alot of variables such as addons and other things you may have on your PC. Frame rate for frame rate.....Can the AMD hold up? I am mostly interested in whether or not it will handle the NGX since this is one of the first addons I am seeing that recommends an i5 or i7 for best performance.


Marlon Carter - AVSIM Reviewer

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AMD users can claim it runs these massive lists of addons perfectly. But are you on max settings? The amount of people who claim this but their settings are low-mid to mid.

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Technology aside....I think the way someones PC runs depends on alot of variables such as addons and other things you may have on your PC. Frame rate for frame rate.....Can the AMD hold up? I am mostly interested in whether or not it will handle the NGX since this is one of the first addons I am seeing that recommends an i5 or i7 for best performance.
I've said this a zillion times. I've had a Phenom II x4 965 and an X6 1090T.I sold them and got me a P55 + I5 750 and now this Sandy Bridge... done tons of benchmarks and posted them here in Avsim. Long story short, Intel CPU's currently sweep the floor with AMD's. PeriodIt's not rocket science, AMD chips have an IPC comparable to the "ancient" Intel's Core 2I want Bulldozer to succeed, I really do, and not only in multitasking. We need competition and I'll be first in the line to get an AMD system once it beats Intel, but I'm afraid I'm not holding my breath for Bulldozer

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I've said this a zillion times. I've had a Phenom II x4 965 and an X6 1090T.I sold them and got me a P55 + I5 750 and now this Sandy Bridge... done tons of benchmarks and posted them here in Avsim. Long story short, Intel CPU's currently sweep the floor with AMD's. PeriodIt's not rocket science, AMD chips have an IPC comparable to the "ancient" Intel's Core 2
Finally. Someone who knows what they're talking about :P

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Oh wow. So there are a group of gents on here with half a brain :P

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OM again Intel vs AMD i am getting out of here. AMD's Phenom's are between C2d's and probably the i3's , the sandy bridge is a totally different thing, I would not compare the Phenom against the new gen i5 and the i7. For a budget gaming system yes AMD Phenom's are good, but you want something for FSX than even I agree i5 / i7 currently.

Ryzen 5 1600x - 16GB DDR4 - RTX 3050 8GB - MSI Gaming Plus

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Sandy Bridge 1st gen quad i7's 1st gen i5's i3's AMD

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