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PMDG 737NGX Post Release Debrief Items!

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ps....I almost forgot to mention that yesterday I was in the NGX and noticed something odd with some of the gauges. I realized it was the reflection of the clouds. Incredible.
I noticed that when taxing yesterday as well...it seems the reflections rotate as the aircraft turns...very neat!

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A big thank you to everybody in the PMDG-team. Never had so much fun in FS before. It has all been worth waiting for, something I never doubted! Herman Nienhuis.

Herman Nienhuis


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See I told you!!!!!!

Richard Spencer




USMC (ret)

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Hi guys, First of all, a big congratulations go to the whole PMDG crew.Finally, after 3 years of waiting we can increase our skills and knowledge by flying this magnificent product!Looking forward to the 600/700 series so that I can fly mixed -700 and -800 again for Transavia. I am overdone by the details on the systems and controls of this masterpiece, including the very detailed exterior model!Also the many options that you can choose via the CDU/FMC is just "out of this world"! Very close to perfection indeed! Some issues I want to report (some have been reported already but just wanted to add my "remarks"): * No pedestal panel within the 2D cockpit, which is a big miss to 2D users like me. This is the only "big deal thing" I could find though!* "Chime" instead of "No Smoking" on the overhead panel switch, I do understand that it is quite frequent for US based carries but it is not in Europe (at least not @Transavia) Can there be a choice to make via the FMC in the future for this?* When I watch the exterior model, some times I indeed do see the skelet too but very shortly.When loading the 2d panel for the first time when I open my FSX, gauges get mixed as been reported already, but this dissappears after some seconds.* Going up and down of the wings during taxi. (has been reported already too I think) Some general remarks: Please do bear in mind that there are still many 2D users out there, so I hope the near future aircraft (and especially the B777) will include a 2D panel, that will be appreciated by a lot of people! So, once more a big thank you to PMDG and also the users for debriefing a lot of items which helped to organise and improve my preferences a lot for this aircraft! All the best for the future and thumbs up! With kind regards,Tommy Desmet

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Are you sh**ting me? Bejeeezuz, with attitudes like this the frikkin human race is over! That kind of non-courteous attitude will translate into ever other aspect of your life. The next thing will be "well why should I tell her thank you for making me dinner. I pay the bills around here". Have fun and a LOT of good luck with that attitude. Sorry to everyone else for getting ###### at that response but that angers me.
I agree Jack. I bet I could guess the age profile as well with that attitude. If one of my kids had that attitude I'd read them the riot act.

David Porrett

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Just to add my bit, I feel I've got what I paid for, so a very big thanks to all at PMDG for a great aircraft. Another lovely touch I noticed while flying over to Cyprus today for my VA was the animated pilots in the external view - pure genius :-)

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A big "Thank You" als from my side - to the development team, the tech team, the beta testers, the Boss (!!) and everybody else involved im%20Not%20Worthy.gif I've only done two flights so far, and while as a long time simmer feeling quite familiar with the systems you really can feel in every part that this simulation is so much deeper than anything else we have been lucky to see so far in MSFS.And of course the graphics and the soundset, both are simply outstanding. Enough for the praise, back to work, there are a couple thousand pages of manuals to study Nerd.gif CheersAlbert Martin

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I would like to thank you and the PMDG team for the greatest thing that has ever happened to my computer, this aircraft add on is absolutely awesome! I am getting into trouble at home as this aircraft is so dam addicting, I cant stop flying it, it is just too much fun. THANK YOU!

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After a few flights, including an autolanding, I must join the chorus of "thanks" here...great job, PMDG, and while my hardware is now at the lower end of the current tech (Q9550 and GeF 275 GTX), the NGX runs just fine, IMHO. And the little touches and sound set really make her come alive. I had a few teething pains with downloading and activation, but considering what you folks were going through, I was impressed by the service and good nature that Ryan, Armen, and the rest displayed. Thanks!

Wayne Klockner
United Virtual



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I too, would like to add my thanks to the whole pmdg team. I had high expectations for this plane, yet it was able to go above and beyond my expectations. This has been my first pmdg product, and now I can't even fathom the thought of flying anything else. I especially love the strobe lights reflecting on the ground while I am flaring-simply amazing and very immersive.On a side note I read a topic earlier that there was a minor bug with the cab/util switch. Apparently, it is suppose to power the logo lights, yet the logo lights stay on, even with the cab/util switch off. I confirmed this in the fcom and the sim also. I'm just letting you guys know in order to make this almost perfect simulation get that much closer to perfection.


Alfredo Terrero

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The problem is I can not leave my cokpit. I need some sleep ..... Thanks a lot for this product!

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I am looking forward to getting home in the next week or so (New Zealand) so I can download this new 737 onto my desktop. I have nearly finished my goal in knocking off the 50 US States. Three more to go including Alaska. Making notes on all airports so I can appreciate the layout on FSX in the Ng 737. Has anyone had time to do a RNP approach into a short airfield like Queenstown NEW ZEALAND (NZQN)? I echo the wonderful respect and thanks 99.9% of PMDG loyal followers. Down under we would call Roberts pricing off PMDG NGX as "Mates Rates". The only flip side is that it sounds like from reading the comments that it makes other fine products like childrens toys in comparison. Cheers All Stephen J Shirley

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