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Concerned about "hot-fixes"

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Guest Turboblower
Robert and Ryan, I am a bit concerned about the number of problems being raised in relation to the recent hot-fixes that have been released. It seems to me that these hot-fixes aren't undergoing a decent level of scrutiny/testing before being released. Not to try to tell you how to do your job, but could we see a freeze on hot-fixes until a well-tested service pack or update is released? Personally, I have not and will not be installing any hot-fixes as my NGX has been working fine right from the moment I installed it. I am going to wait for a service pack or update that has been thoroughly tested.
I look forward to the day when you install SP1, and you post on here that you are having issues, will we all say "we told you so" ? yes, probably. Quote: "could we see a freeze on hot-fixes" Un quote. Who made you spokesman ? Illusions of granduer maybe!!

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I don't really want to get into the debate about whether hotfixes are a good idea or not, but as someone else said, if your installation is working, then don't try to fix it! I'm running FSX SP2 Accel on Win 7 32bit and had no problems with the installation or activation. I installed the hotfix and then ended up with OOM errors on a 1hr 20min flight. Since then I've unistalled and then reinstalled the NGX and all is back to normal.

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Robert and Ryan, I am a bit concerned about the number of problems being raised in relation to the recent hot-fixes that have been released. It seems to me that these hot-fixes aren't undergoing a decent level of scrutiny/testing before being released. Not to try to tell you how to do your job, but could we see a freeze on hot-fixes until a well-tested service pack or update is released? Personally, I have not and will not be installing any hot-fixes as my NGX has been working fine right from the moment I installed it. I am going to wait for a service pack or update that has been thoroughly tested.
The "hotfixes" have been integrated into the official installer. So, anybody who purchases and downloads the NGX will get the latest 1.00.2922 version which contains the "hotfix" code.I doubt PMDG will put themselves into trouble by integrating wacky fixes for every new customer who does a new clean install. I too had some issues after installing hotfixes over each other. What I did:- Deinstall the whole PMDG NGX- Download the latest installer (1.00.2922)- Reinstall no problems since.

Dave P. Woycek

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Guest Tamadeez

Everyone just install the dam hotfix. You may think you have no problems since release but really... you do. You just must not be observant enough to notice some of the initial releases fundemental issues. Then theres those having serious problems getting freezes and what not, I would bet most of them would have a perfectly flyable aircraft if they really got serious about not just optimizing their fsx.cfg but seriously reduce their internal FS settings. Hey turn off those water effects, set cloud density min, even lower your REX cloud textures. What ever it takes to keep YOUR system stable. Because from my observation post this NGX is a different beast and requires some extra attention to system load.

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For what it's worth, I installed the hotfixes. Had no issues before and have no issues after.

Matt Webb

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Everyone just install the dam hotfix. You may think you have no problems since release but really... you do. You just must not be observant enough to notice some of the initial releases fundemental issues. Then theres those having serious problems getting freezes and what not, I would bet most of them would have a perfectly flyable aircraft if they really got serious about not just optimizing their fsx.cfg but seriously reduce their internal FS settings. Hey turn off those water effects, set cloud density min, even lower your REX cloud textures. What ever it takes to keep YOUR system stable. Because from my observation post this NGX is a different beast and requires some extra attention to system load.
So lets say i install the latest hotfix. I have my FSX config file that is very different to the original (as do many people). Can one save his .cfg file and put it back after installing the hotfix? Or would this be counterproductive i.e. Does the hotfix include any FSX .cfg tweaks?

Rick Hobbs



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the hotfix doen't change anything in your fsx.cfg besides the [thrusted] setting ...

P.L. Tran

AMD Ryzen 5800x; 32 GB Ram; EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3; Win10 64 Bit

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Guest FSMP
I don't really want to get into the debate about whether hotfixes are a good idea or not, but as someone else said, if your installation is working, then don't try to fix it! I'm running FSX SP2 Accel on Win 7 32bit and had no problems with the installation or activation. I installed the hotfix and then ended up with OOM errors on a 1hr 20min flight. Since then I've unistalled and then reinstalled the NGX and all is back to normal.
On your 32 Bit OS, if you install the "3 Gig Switch" and set it to 2.5 Gigs, I strongly believe that will stop your OOM errors that occur 1hr + into a flight ( I"d put money on it :) ) Geoff

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Guest FSMP

I would be surprised if PMDG would even offer Tech Support to those who are not running the Lastest HotFix. !! Makes no sense to be to be trying to support an OBSOLETE version, when the upgrade path to the latest version is Freely available. Geoff

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Guest Lawyer+Pilot
Everyone just install the dam hotfix. You may think you have no problems since release but really... you do. You just must not be observant enough to notice some of the initial releases fundemental issues.
No thanks. I'll just keep trucking along with my release date version -- locked at 30 fps, smooth as butter, no issues whatsoever. By definition, a problem that isn't impacting me (even if only because I'm not observant enough to notice it) is not a problem to ME, regardless of how "fundamental" the issues are to some users. I'm not saying that I won't update eventually. I will update when SP1 is released. There is just no need, when assessing the risk v. benefit, to throw on a patch that was hurriedly developed with minimal testing to address issues in real time. After all, if I'm not observant enough to notice the problem, how will I notice that it's been fixed? Those who are not having issues with the release date version should wait until PMDG has had time to thoroughly evaluate the issues in the software in order to develop an effective solution -- they call that a "service pack". Trevor

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On your 32 Bit OS, if you install the "3 Gig Switch" and set it to 2.5 Gigs, I strongly believe that will stop your OOM errors that occur 1hr + into a flight ( I"d put money on it :) ) Geoff
Thanks Geoff, I'll give it a go. Chris

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Guest FSMP
Thanks Geoff, I'll give it a go. Chris
Just be carefull when editing your Boot,ini file. Check, double check, and then check again before you save it.If you mess up the boot.ini file, your system may not boot. My Boot.ini file looks like this. DO NOT change the parts that are LIGHT Grey -- they are unique to selecting your boot partition. Hmm: Now that I look at mine, I must have been "playing" with it at some time !!Not very consistent, but you get the idea.When I boot, if I do not select an alternative, it will boot into the 1st one, 2.5 Gigs, by default after 10 seconds.-------------------------------------- [[boot loader]timeout=10default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS [operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2.5GB" /fastdetect /3gb /USERVA=2560 /NoExecute=OptOut /usepmtimer multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2.0GB" /PAE /fastdetect /usepmtimer /NoExecute=OptIn multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional 3.0GB" /fastdetect /3gb /NoExecute=OptOut /usepmtimer Geoff

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Guest FSMP

Just Noticeed:NOTE:You almost certainly do NOT want to put in the /usepmtimer switchIt is only for certain AMD processors to fix a Timer issue.http://blogs.technet.com/b/perfguru/archive/2008/02/18/explanation-for-the-usepmtimer-switch-in-the-boot-ini.aspxGeoff

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No thanks. I'll just keep trucking along with my release date version -- locked at 30 fps, smooth as butter, no issues whatsoever. By definition, a problem that isn't impacting me (even if only because I'm not observant enough to notice it) is not a problem to ME, regardless of how "fundamental" the issues are to some users. I'm not saying that I won't update eventually. I will update when SP1 is released. There is just no need, when assessing the risk v. benefit, to throw on a patch that was hurriedly developed with minimal testing to address issues in real time. After all, if I'm not observant enough to notice the problem, how will I notice that it's been fixed? Those who are not having issues with the release date version should wait until PMDG has had time to thoroughly evaluate the issues in the software in order to develop an effective solution -- they call that a "service pack". Trevor
I have not installed the hotfix yet !! But do be aware that without the latest hotfix that some things are not right !! Ex. CMD will be the autopilot status after APP button pressed instead of Single Channel. There are lots of others too !! Fred.

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Guest Lawyer+Pilot

Yes, sir. Looking forward to SP1. Trevor

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