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Wear and tear beginning to show:o) maintenance advice needed:o)

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We're all just sitting around the NGX with a can of oil in one hand and a funnel in the other asking "What the hell did you do with the refilling cap, PMDG?"

Cristi Neagu

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Interestingly, the fluid levels discussed here are indeed stored in the panel state (.SAV) files, not the individual aircraft .INI files that store the service-based failure timers. So regardless of the hours of service on an individual aircraft registration number, the hydraulic and engine oil levels are tied to panel state and should always revert to that level when you load your NGX. Just curious for those who's levels are getting way down, are you using "Previous Flight.FLT" as your default panel state?

Chris Lundberg

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Your hydraulic fluid quantity will drop to 70% in normal operation. This fluid is being used to hold certain systems in position, e.g., the spoilers will consume hydraulic fluid when they are up. When you put the down, that fluid will go back into the reservoirs. Cheers DZ
Thanks for your explanation :)

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Interestingly, the fluid levels discussed here are indeed stored in the panel state (.SAV) files, not the individual aircraft .INI files that store the service-based failure timers. So regardless of the hours of service on an individual aircraft registration number, the hydraulic and engine oil levels are tied to panel state and should always revert to that level when you load your NGX. Just curious for those who's levels are getting way down, are you using "Previous Flight.FLT" as your default panel state?
I always save my flight on exit and load the same flight when starting again. I presume the panel automaticly loads the "previous flight" when loading a saved flight because all fluid levels and switches on the panel are in the same position as when i left the plane. I can only refill the fluids by loading the cold & dark panel state.

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Guest SMITI07

I havnt got to the point where I will need the fluids refilled, but it would be odd if there wasn't a way to refill them. Interesting that the devs havnt commented on this.

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Yes I use Fsupic to save my last flight, and thats the default panel and load when I boot FSX - I dont really want to have to revert to having to load other flights to top my levels up and in essence that would be backwards and kind of go against the whole idea of the plane getting old and used if parts of the maintenance occur depending on panel state rather than throught the ini files for hours used. Think this needs looking into by PMDG - anyone already done a ticket for it?

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ok i was directing you to the wrong place Go to PMDG Setup, Aircraft, Failures, Page 3/4 and select Hydraulics, Programmed, Page 3/3 you will see A SYS QTY REFILL REQ, B SYS QTY REFILL REQ and STBY QTY REFILL REQ. However, i have not seen an option to refill engine oil quantity

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Do I have to always save the flight? What about the failures, I've never had problems and at the 100hService failures are on. Its this normal ?

Patrick Tinner

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Sorry for bumping this thread but I have not seen any answer to this problem. I've experience an Engine fire followed by HYD system B leak, followed by HYD SYS B ELEC pump overheat (I let those failures cascade until this point then took proper action and landed). I have now cleared all failures but I can't refill the hydraulic B tank. Could PMDG please give us an answer on the refilling issue ? The rest of it works perfectly, it just seems that there's a button missing somewhere. I've serviced the hydraulic system and then the whole plane just in case, and still have "RF" indicated and only 30% hydraulic liquid on tank B.

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Sorry for bumping this thread but I have not seen any answer to this problem. I've experience an Engine fire followed by HYD system B leak, followed by HYD SYS B ELEC pump overheat (I let those failures cascade until this point then took proper action and landed). I have now cleared all failures but I can't refill the hydraulic B tank. Could PMDG please give us an answer on the refilling issue ? The rest of it works perfectly, it just seems that there's a button missing somewhere. I've serviced the hydraulic system and then the whole plane just in case, and still have "RF" indicated and only 30% hydraulic liquid on tank B.

Alex Ridge

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