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Mike T

Pull the Plug on the FLIGHT Forum.

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Nowhere does MS state that . . . there are no significant disadvantages to using a mouse.
The official Flight promotional video"[Microsoft Flight is] specially designed for players who are used to a mouse and keyboard." :(
This is NOT true . . . (as I've already stated here).
Oh, I like how this works. "You're wrong because I say so. Ignore that official Microsoft press release behind the curtain." Edited by Mountain Man

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Mountain ManThey are telling people that may want to give MS Flight ago that MS Flight is NEW user frendly & don't be put off with trying this program.'look you can download it for free & don't worry you don't need a joystick to try it out we have made it user friendly as possable for you.'You can try it for free you can also try it with out having to spend any money on new hardware to start off with.So win,win for the new user who want's a taste of flying a plane with zero outlay they have all there tools at there desk already.Once they are playing they can then chose how far they wish to take it & how in depth they what to get with MS flight & DLC.And the facts are not all on your side as 50% of the facts you can't be told, as you DO know why you can't be told as a new (cough) member has just been banned from the very forum less then a hour ago for that very reason.Oh what a shocker they broke the NDA to tell us something bad about MS Flight & used the word 'us'

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The official Flight promotional video"[Microsoft Flight is] specially designed for players who are used to a mouse and keyboard."
'Specially designed for players' doesn't mean the game is designed specifically around the mouse and keyboard! As Arwen has indicated you are spreading misinformation, afterall Microsoft also states that Flight can be used with Flight controls as well.Somebody with the latest CH products would be laughed at by somebody who had paid 1000's on a home simulator, so it's not so easy to discriminate individuals on there choice of controller especially when they maybe can't afford a better one...I actually thought the implementation Microsoft has performed in Flight from the video I've seen actually allowed for a fairly accurate level of control with the mouse and keyboard which is some effort. Remember Microsoft are also attempting to bring Flight to the masses here so this is a clever technique to use as the buyer doesn't need to pay for any additional controls to get started.For the sim enthusiast, options would exist to make Flight more challanging as well, and I'd be suprised if they didn't support mega_shok.gif% of current FSX flight controllers as well. EDIT: thats smiley was supposed to be eighty percent, i guess i need to be careful what i write! :Rolling Eyes:Cheers,Dave. Edited by dtrjones

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MS guy: I have an idea. . .let's make an airplane game for PC that ignores yokes, joysticks, and pedals. Yay for Microsoft, yay! Sigh, I am floored that anyone would have even the slightest belief that Flight won't support controllers.

Edited by Rush1169

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And the facts are not all on your side as 50% of the facts you can't be told, as you DO know why you can't be told as a new (cough) member has just been banned from the very forum less then a hour ago for that very reason.Oh what a shocker they broke the NDA to tell us something bad about MS Flight & used the word 'us'
I am an observer in these and most forums and don't post much as you can tell but......I was immediately drawn because of the individuals "joke" name BAWBAG whilst reading this thread. I instantly recognised it as a Scottish word. Slang for Scrotum!!!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_BawbagWhat worried me was the ELITISM because the individual used the word US. "I find it strange that someone who uses the word 'us' is not already part of the hardcore flight community"How do you know this?This is an assumption...just because they are new does not mean they are not hard core simmers. Like I said, I don't post alot so does that make me any less an avid flight sim fan? or the fact they came here to make trouble if that's what you think. if you don't post on avsim you're not a real fan was the message I got...come on? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no?I don't agree with what they said or done but surely it was harsh.

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That's how I got into simming. It started out with just slamming the throttle and fly. Now, it's checklists and fuel planning and everything. The geekier the better. I love it. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk


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Is MS Flight a flight simulator?
Yes, it is. Hence the forum. :(

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I think the forum should stay, but since at least in it's first incarnation, MS Flight will not be considered a Hardcore Sim (By our standards) it should be moved to the Other Simulation forums below.



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I think the forum should stay, but since at least in it's first incarnation, MS Flight will not be considered a Hardcore Sim (By our standards) it should be moved to the Other Simulation forums below.
The game is in this subforum because this is the Microsoft FS subforum. it would be a bit odd to move one MS product out of this group. And btw it still has to be seen if this will be a hardcore sim or not: it all depends on what defines a sim. :(

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Of course it should stay.From what I have been able to gather about Flight, it seems to be lacking in many respects, and I am most disappointed about the restrictions imposed on freeware and 3rd party developers. But it definitely has a place here.As has been pointed out by a few members, it may be basic but it was not that long ago that MS FS was basic too. I started out on FS4, but it was Flight Simulator 98 that got me really hooked. Thought simple by today's standards, I thought it was complicated enough back then, so I would imagine FSX must seem very complicated to newcomers to the genre today, young and old alike. It was a simple simulatorn that got me interested in simulation and with a year or I was taking real flying lessons and had I had bought a copy of the aerowinx PS2 Boing 747 simulator. So It was basic FS98 that got me into flying and into more advanced simulation. If nothing else, Flight will also server that purpose. It is a good way to get people interested in the genre, as well as way to get more people to come to this site and whilst here see what else is going on with other simulations like X-plane, Prepar3d and whatever the future holds.Just imagine if Microsoft were able to ban the Flight forum here, under some weird copyright law on the gorund that they were the sole owners of any social content. Can you imagine the reaction here. We'd all be demanding a Flight forum!

Edited by JasonD210

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I just finished reading the authorized biography of Steve Jobs. One of the things that made Jobs and Apple successful is that he (and those that worked with him) LOVED the technology. They simply designed things that they themselves would want as hardcore lovers of technology and software - and everyone else went along for the ride. It is pretty evident to me that Microsoft has completely lost its way and is fast becoming irrelevant in all aspects - flight simulation included. If they loved flight simulation and were designing the software that they themselves loved (and in turn, the flight sim community), they wouldn't be getting such blistering criticism. Also many of the people on this forum would be on the dev team. The fact that they are not bringing in the 3rd party developers tells me they are not flight sim insiders or hard core enthusiasts. Though my first flight was on an Apple IIe with Bruce Artwick's version and I have been happy with where we have come, I have no hope that Microsoft can do anything right anymore. I wish we could wrest Flight Simulator from their grips and make it public domain. Since that is not going to happen, my next best wish is that a certain company with a history of making cool things (that people like) will come along and leave Microsoft in the dust again. That company already has a flying machine of sorts in a product called Google Earth. I can only hope and pray. Perhaps a call from Tom Allensworth and PMDG can kick start it?I agree that Flight should be moved to another area. Microsoft is a has-been company.Joseph Perry

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my next best wish is that a certain company with a history of making cool things (that people like) will come along and leave Microsoft in the dust again. That company already has a flying machine of sorts in a product called Google Earth.
I don't follow you. Who are you referring to? Google inc. owns Google earth.Flight will not thrive in the same way as X-plane is poised to. Not because its been dumbed down, but because Microsoft have set up a major obstacle to would-be developers. DLC, developers by Invite only, no freeware allowed - to mentioned but a few of the suffocating restrictions imposed. Unless these restrictions are removed, Flight will only involve a fraction of the developers out there, mostly those who are in it for the money; whilst closing the door to thousands of talented and motivated people.I'm just shocked, when I read the Flight forum threads, at how many are already sucked into it, like they are blindly persuading themsleves that it will be the future of simulation on PC.X-plane, in the meantime, has never faired better. Its sales increase every year and its open ended architecture allows is third party developers in, and X-plane developers just really happy for that. I've been a user of MS FS for almost twenty years, but after FSX has had its run (estimate 2 -4 more years, depending on how it goes with Windows Eight , I will be moving over to X-plane. I tried every demo from X-plane, and I bought X-plane 9 with all the scenery. It's never quite been there, but now, with version 10 out and developers starting to take an interest in it, it looks like its time has finally come. I'm pretty sure that once these bugs have been ironed out and we're into 10.2 or whatever, and as people get faster machines, people are going to start liking it.Furthermore, I will not miss a chance to criticise Microsoft for their business model with Flight on one hand, whilst on the other try to promote and support X-plane as much as possible. I never had an axe to grind before but Microsoft gave me one. Edited by JasonD210

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Don't visit this sub forum if you don't want to discuss MS Flight,simple problem solved.

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