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Text Being Cut Off

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I have reinstalled fs2crew but the test is being cut off in the flow box. see attachment.

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That's a font problem in all probability.The installer should install the required font for you.Please try installing again (that worked for another user), and failing that, contact me and I'll send you the font and you can manually install it.Cheers,

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Ok thx
Your screen's aspect ratio looks like it's a little off. Maybe that could be it as well.Regards

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I have the same problem. I installed again, but text is still cut off.Could it be, that the problem is the font size? For better readability I'm using middle font size (125 %).Bernhard

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I have the same problem. I installed again, but text is still cut off.Could it be, that the problem is the font size? For better readability I'm using middle font size (125 %).Bernhard
What size is your screen ? and what resolution do you have set in fsx ?

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Screen resolution is 1920x1200. FSX is in windowed mode.But I don't think that this has something to do with it.Bernhard
Open your fsx confif and change WideViewAspect to True.Also make sure fsx and your desktop are the same resolution.

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Damien, thanks for your help.But as I said, it has nothing to do with screen resolution.The problem is in the font size. When I use normal font size (100 % standard) than everything is ok, but when I use middle size (125 %) or greater size (150 %) the text is cut off.But it's just a minor bug and don't disturbs me much.Bernhard

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Bryan,of course this is no bug. But I would be interested, how someone with normal eyes can use windows7 with a 1920x1200 resolution with fonts in small fontsize (100%)???!!!??Since long times it isn't possible to change every text in windows. Yes, you have the option to change the displays, you can change font size in dialog, in menu, in title. But you cannot change EVERY text size. There are lots of text, which remains in their original font and which are unchangeable.Original windows was developped for resolutions like 640x480, or 800x600. With such resolution there was absolute no problems. But with all those newer and higher resolutions like for example 1920x1200, readability is getting worther and worther, coz you have to handle with tiny textes. Young people may have no problems with that, but older people will suffer more. And the ONLY solution is to change font size to 125 % or higher. This will enhance readability for ALL text in a very easy and comfortable way. But of course, programs must be able to handle that. Fortunatly I have no problems with my programs and there are very very few, which cannot handle it and which cut off text in some frames (like in your main menue).As I said, I have no problems with it, but I hope you can now understand why a normal 100 % fontsize is no option for me.Bernhard

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Bryan,of course this is no bug. But I would be interested, how someone with normal eyes can use windows7 with a 1920x1200 resolution with fonts in small fontsize (100%)???!!!??Since long times it isn't possible to change every text in windows. Yes, you have the option to change the displays, you can change font size in dialog, in menu, in title. But you cannot change EVERY text size. There are lots of text, which remains in their original font and which are unchangeable.Original windows was developped for resolutions like 640x480, or 800x600. With such resolution there was absolute no problems. But with all those newer and higher resolutions like for example 1920x1200, readability is getting worther and worther, coz you have to handle with tiny textes. Young people may have no problems with that, but older people will suffer more. And the ONLY solution is to change font size to 125 % or higher. This will enhance readability for ALL text in a very easy and comfortable way. But of course, programs must be able to handle that. Fortunatly I have no problems with my programs and there are very very few, which cannot handle it and which cut off text in some frames (like in your main menue).As I said, I have no problems with it, but I hope you can now understand why a normal 100 % fontsize is no option for me.Bernhard
My resolution is 1920*1080 and i read fine. Try adjusting your clear type text in the display settings.

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