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Guest DanielBu

Poodles on heat ....

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One thing I have noticed recently is that my Microsoft waves in FS9 suddenly seem to be lapping the shore like poodles on heat. They seem to be going twice as fast as they were ... I'd be happy just to kill them as I think they look silly anyway half way up the Thames, but how? I have NO water effects enabled as my card does not support DX9's water effects, and my other effects slider on NORMAL.I did upgrade my Nvidia driver recently to 56.72, but I'm not sure if that's related. I'll post full specs if necessary.I'd be grateful for any advice from the surfing community. Thanks.Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumonthttp://www.swiremariners.com/newlogo.jpg

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Guest Kurt

-"I'd be happy just to kill them as I think they look silly anyway half way up the Thames, but how?"-Try the special effects detail slider. Kurt M

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Guest danowat

poodles on heat?, eeeuuuu LOLAnyway, I had a similar problem, some how my wave effects had been overwritten, by an over zealous addon no doubt, so I restored the default ones from the CD, and all was hunky doryDan.

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Guest crashing_pilot

>One thing I have noticed recently is that my Microsoft waves>in FS9 suddenly seem to be lapping the shore like poodles on>heat. They seem to be going twice as fast as they were ... I'd>be happy just to kill them as I think they look silly anyway>half way up the Thames, but how? I have NO water effects>enabled as my card does not support DX9's water effects, and>my other effects slider on NORMAL.>>I did upgrade my Nvidia driver recently to 56.72, but I'm not>sure if that's related. I'll post full specs if necessary.>>I'd be grateful for any advice from the surfing community. >Thanks.>>Mark "Dark Moment" BeaumontArr,it's a small world eh?Mark,if i'm not mistaken the waves are somehow part of the autogen...try putting that on none and see what happens.i have the same drivers(thanks for the tip mate ;-) )but my waves are straightened up and lapping right.it could also be due to an effect from fs2002...try changing the wave controller(? is that it) back to the normal one,maybe that works.not much help,but anyway ;-)cheers

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Reinstalled orginal ones (no change, they were correct) and waves are still lapping like a thirsty moggie. Turned off Special Effects, sure, they stop lapping, no waves, but I didn't really want to lose them completely. So what started them going potty, I wonder?Maybe we're back to the driver issue. I may try installing another when I've a week to spare and find out if that's it.Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumonthttp://www.swiremariners.com/newlogo.jpg

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Guest _patrol_

My waves were always like that. I figured MS did it on purpose so they wouldn't have to bother modeling surfers or sunbathers (or poodles) on the beaches, they'd all get killed by those 100mph waves.David

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Guest Vilk

of course, i cannot be sure what your problem waves look like, but i had seen something once that might fit the description. some lamer overwrote the default .fx file with his scenery. i just remember the file name was something obvious...:)

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Guest panda234

"lapping the shore like poodles on heat"OMG, how do you get by that and concentrate on the post?:-)billg

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They used to be fine ... just gentle, soft waves up the shore, not bad looking at all really. But all of a sudden they've speeded up ... a lot. I reinstalled what I thought were the likely files today (four with the word WAVE in them ... duhhh) but no improvement yet. Anyone know EXACTLY which file it might be if not one of these?Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumonthttp://www.swiremariners.com/newlogo.jpg

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LOL. Thanks, Tom. You're joking, right? I think I might have noticed if I was simming at twice the speed. With an average of six hours multiplayer a week, I wouldn't be too popular a companion!That said, R doesn't bring up the rate on my rig, but that should be default, right? Just possible there's something doolally there, but when I call it up in OPTIONS it's set at NORMAL, alright.Curiouser and curiouser....Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumonthttp://www.swiremariners.com/newlogo.jpg

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Guest Larry S

2 of the 4 fx files are lake waves.Look at wavecontroller.fx. Here's the contents of my default.[Library Effect]Lifetime=5Version=2.00Radius=0Priority=0[Properties]Cockpit=1VirtualCockpit=1Spot=1Tower=1Map=1[controller.0]type=2Frequency=60,60x offset=0,0y offset=0,0z offset=50,60lifetime=0,0delay=4,8effect.0=fx_waves, -30,0,-3, 30,0,15, 1,4If I double frequency to 120,120, the waves move real fast. Sounds like your poodles.If I reduce delay to 2,2, I get more than twice as many in the same period. Sounds more like rabbits.

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Thanks, Larry. Useful post.I did find those two lake files, yes, making four in all. But all mine are default, no overwrites.I have just opened my wavecontroller.fx and it's the same as yours.What else, I wonder? I've just opened up my FX files for waves but don't know what I'm looking at, really.Mark "Dark Moment" Beaumonthttp://www.swiremariners.com/newlogo.jpg

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Guest Charlie Hall

In case you haven't checked the date of the fx_waves.fx file (and the other 3 files) in properties it should be 01 March 2003, 02:28:11I would think this is the only way to verify the files are original.

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