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How to use GMap as a popup within Flight full screen

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Hi Jim,


Ignore the tutorial! (I did)


I'll put this here and perhaps Jeroen can move it (bit OT, perhaps)


1. Create a really simple A-B route by r-clicking and choosing add xxx to route

2. When you'e done, click the edit route button. Little square boxed control handles will appear along your route (I think dbl-clicking them in edit mode makes one as well, but haven't needed to) Use these handles to "move" your route along the terrain feature or particular route you want.

3. When done, click on the file tab and choose "export to .PLN"


That really is it. Obviously there is a lot more, but fundamentally that's good enough for to get up and running in Gmap. I created a multi-waypoint (>30WP) using this method.


Also, Jim..FLIGHT hasn't reverted to full screen mode in the options screen, has it? That was what did for me; the black r-hand screen thing..All sorted now...


(sorry for hijacking your most excellent tip thread, Jeroen) :smile:


and, also just to add..as long as FLIGHT is the focused window and is not in FULL SCREEN mode, you can click Win-F11 anytime..you don't have to do it really quickly when FLIGHT is just starting..Mine just started then and went right into the opening menu after the MSGS splash; I did it then and it maximised..In fact, I'm typing this while FLIGHT si maximised on my Left-hand monitor..great :smile:

It's a small step from the sublime to the ridiculous...Napoleon Bonaparte

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Good explanation of Plan-G, Jake. :wink: It really is very simple indeed. I would like to add though that when you have created an A to B route and click on Edit, only one little box will appear in the exact middle of the line. Drag that box anywhere you want to (close to A or A or whatever) and you will create a new waypoint: after that you will have two lines with each having a new box in the middle. Move one of those boxes and you will have added another waypoint and get two new little boxes at the middle of the new lines. And so on. Once you've done it, you will see it's very easy.


And Jim, if your second monitor goes black, that means you have enabled full screen in Flight. Disable full screen and use the AutoHotkey script (shortcut Windows - F11) to let Flight go to pseudo full screen.


And Jake is right: you don't have to press WIndows-F11 quickly: it's a toggle and you can use it anytime you want to (that's why I said "you may press" :wink: ). The ONLY important setp you HAVE to do in a certain order is: start Flight and after it is fully started, start GMap. Alt-tab to Flight and THEN you can use Ctrl-Shift-z to toggle GMap. If you use Ctrl-Shift-z BEFORE you go to Flight, GMap will take focus everytime you toggle it on!


LOL It's so simple once you know how it works but it takes so many words to explain. Just like VOR... :wink:

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Uh, what does pseudo full screen mean?

I can guess, but I'd rather not step into my own confusion.

I still cannot resolve the problem of GMAP showing on MSF, so maybe understanding some terminology might help.

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Using a window the size of the screen, with no title bar or borders (which is what the 'pseudo' method does).

A 'borderless window the size of the screen'.

I could see that when toggle I 'Window key F11'.

Still , no GMAP on top of MSF.

ctrl/shift Z works on desktop to toggle GMAP to be on top or not, but not in MSF.

Followed instructions to the letter several times, even restarting comp to 'flush' every time.

thanks, I'll figure it out.

And that's how I spent the 4th, and MSFing.

Used top down map, zooming in/out.

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Must be frustrating, InboundFour953... I have no clue what's happening... Do you by any chance click on the lower right button after starting GMap? The one that turns off 'Stay on top'? That step has been removed from the tutorial because of the 'new' ctrl-shift-z shortcut. That's the only thing that could be it, as far as I can see...

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Added this to the tutorial:


Take note: Flight HAS to be the active window BEFORE you use ctrl-shift-z to toggle GMap! So if you just started GMap do NOT immediately use ctrl-shift-z to hide it and then go to Flight, but FIRST go to Flight (you will see GMap on top) and THEN use ctrl-shift-z. If you happen to click on GMap during a flight (to change something) be sure to click on the Flight window to make it the active one again BEFORE you use ctrl-shift-z to hide GMap!


BTW RickY posted elsewhere that there is a new version of GMap that will help with some connection problems.The link in the OP lets you download that new version.

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I finally got this sorted out and it is running great. :yahoo: Don't know what the problem with the resolution I had when trying it before was, maybe I had the size of the windowed screen set to small, but anyway it is working great now. I especially like the Ctrl-shift-Z switching the Gmap display on and off. I discovered, if the sound is off with Gmap on the screen, all I have to do is mouse click on the Flight screen anywhere and the sound comes back on with Gmap still displayed.


The only thing I noticed is that when mouse clicking on an adjustment or something, like the radio frequencies or switch the position has changed slightly when in that windowed to full screen re-size mode.


By the way, just flew into Valdez using the map, using the ILS, and the localizer is out of whack there. If you were dead on the localizer, you would probably wind up landing on top of the hangars instead of the runway. .


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I finally got this sorted out and it is running great. :yahoo:


I discovered, if the sound is off with Gmap on the screen, all I have to do is mouse click on the Flight screen anywhere and the sound comes back on with Gmap still displayed.


Ah! :yahoo: indeed! :wink:


About the discovery: I added that to the OP in the meantime. It's indeed important to have Flight activated when you want to press ctrl-shift-z to hide Gmap! If you hide GMap with ctrl-shift-z while GMap is the active window, it will become active again when you call it up once more, making the sound in Flight go (because Flight isn't the active window anymore.)

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just flew into Valdez using the map, using the ILS, and the localizer is out of whack there. If you were dead on the localizer, you would probably wind up landing on top of the hangars instead of the runway.


The Valdez airport is an LDA/DME, not an ILS system. It's meant to get you to within visual range for landing, not to guide you onto the runway. You will find lots of those in Alaska where the localizer is meant to get you past obstacles up to the runway rather than guide you all the way down.


Edit: I'm probably using the wrong terminology in the wrong way. A real pilot can correct me...


Great tips for using GMap! I tried it a few months back, but didn't really need it in Hawaii. Looks like it will be useful to help me learn Alaska, though.


Anyone else having trouble with the heading in GMap being stuck in a NNE position? I load MS Flight first and am flying before running GMap, but it always shows my heading as NNE no matter what I do.

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Anyone else having trouble with the heading in GMap being stuck in a NNE position? I load MS Flight first and am flying before running GMap, but it always shows my heading as NNE no matter what I do.


Yes, the heading of the plane is stuck (as it is on my screenshot). GMap for Flight is still a work in progress.

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GMap for Flight is still a work in progress.


Not everyone is having that problem. It's referred to once or twice over in the FSWidgets forums (where I just posted the question as well), but without any fixes I could see. (For one person the problem just kind of went away after awhile.) Based on other screenshots in this forum, others here don't seem to have the problem. I was just wondering if anyone here knew of a fix.

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Not everyone is having that problem. It's referred to once or twice over in the FSWidgets forums (where I just posted the question as well), but without any fixes I could see. (For one person the problem just kind of went away after awhile.) Based on other screenshots in this forum, others here don't seem to have the problem. I was just wondering if anyone here knew of a fix.


Ah, ok, I had the idea everyone had this problem! Not really a huge problem for me btw but it would be nice to have a fix.

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It helps me disconnect & connect. And I must be in the air. If I start on the ground, not moving when start with widget, then plane is stuck.

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It helps me disconnect & connect. And I must be in the air.


Someone mentioned that at FSWIdgets forum, but it doesn't seem to help in my case.

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It helps me disconnect & connect. And I must be in the air. If I start on the ground, not moving when start with widget, then plane is stuck.


I will have to try that. The heading was always stuck for me, but I probably was only connecting on the ground.

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