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EZDok Camera Setup Question

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Hi All


Wondering if someone can help me get my EZDok camera addon set up how I want it.


Basically all I want to use EZCA for is for cycling through different VC views and for the shaking effects.


So in a nutshell, I want to continue to be able to use a button on my joystick to cycle between VC > Spot > Tower > Wingview and I want to be able to use my hatswitch on the joystick to zoom around and up and down whilst in spot view.


Since I installed EZCA I can use the hatswitch to move around laterally in spot view, but not vertically, and when I do this, it messes up the viewpoint in the VC.


Failing that, is there a way to use EZCA to just add the shake effects, whilst using the default FSX camera?


Appreciate any help

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I'm still having a bit of trouble with this.


I have all my VC views set up in the NGX but then what I want is to also be able to switch to a spot view which allows both lateral and vertical panning using the hatswitch or keyboard controls.


The closest I've got so far is assigning an external viewpoint in EzDok and then I can pan with the hatswitch but only laterally.


Does anyone have any suggestions?



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Guest Kosta



What you want, as far as I understand it, is exactly what I have...

Press a button, switch to main view, press 2nd button, switch to FMC... like cameras which change to position in the VC.


What's your trouble?

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Hi Kota


Yes, what I want is a button to switch between views in the VC which I already have configured and working fine.


I then want another button to switch to an exterior view (like the default spot view) which I have set up through EZCA but I can only pan laterally, not vertically. What I mean is I can pan on the horizontal axis using the hat switch on my joystick but it won't allow any vertical panning like the default spot view does, instead it's "locked" on the horizontal plane (no pun intended!)


I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this, I normally find my way around software with no trouble at all but this is giving me a headache for some reason!


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Guest Kosta

Well, what I do:

First have to enable the joystick in ezca - common setup explained in the video tutorials. It's as simple as choosing your joytick in the setup menu.

Then create your camera, and right up assign it either a joystick button or a keyboard button.

That's basically it.


Now - did you run the ezca config to configure all your aircraft for ezca?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Did you manage to solve your problem, I'm looking to configure ezca the way you want to!


Thanks :)

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Wow, you dug this one out of the archives! :lol:


Yes I did! I assigned a button to "cycle view" (through FSX) and just use that to cycle through the different views, then I have a button assigned to each VC view/aircraft view in EZDok which allows me to use different buttons for different views!

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Ahaha, I simply use the famous search function .. ;P

Thanks for your quick answer, it works fine for the moment!:)

I would PM you if I need additionnal help :)

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No problem! Glad you have everything sorted for now!

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