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Black Friday for the MD11?

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now I believe there's hope for Brazil to win the war against piracy.

Now we just need to make the music industry of the world realize that failure to give people what they want, how they want, is the reason for the music piracy, and we might get somewhere. AC/DC just released their entire catalogue on iTunes - about time! Maybe others will follow when they realize it is the new CD. Resistance is futile.


The music industry has two choices - keep the status quo and put up with piracy, or give people what they want, and make some money.


Best regards,


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Now you can do some maths on this if you want however I will sum it up a little bit. (No actual numbers used, just a little bit of toughts) If you sell 30 MD-11s a month at 50 dollars, you have 1500 dollars.


You really believe PMDG Sells 30 MD11 a month for 59 dollars? Hmmmmm like you said, the market is small, the few of us who knows PMDG have already bought the product we wanted, it's not like every day one person will discover PMDG And the MD11 and make a purchase, I think it's much less than that.


And then you make a sale and suddenly one hundred people buy your product in a few days, I think it's a very good deal.


Now we just need to make the music industry of the world realize that failure to give people what they want, how they want, is the reason for the music piracy, and we might get somewhere. AC/DC just released their entire catalogue on iTunes - about time! Maybe others will follow when they realize it is the new CD.


Yeah, nobody wants to go to a store buy a CD anymore, not saying I don't like CDs, but nowadays it's all about our iphones, iPods, I have never used the CD compartment in my Car's Audio System.

Alexis Mefano

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You really believe PMDG Sells 30 MD11 a month for 59 dollars? Hmmmmm like you said, the market is small, the few of us who knows PMDG have already bought the product we wanted, it's not like every day one person will discover PMDG And the MD11 and make a purchase, I think it's much less than that.


Well you didn't read at all what I wrote. I said that aren't actual numbers, but it is an example.

However, how can you asume that they will sell hundred copies in a few days. This is only based on your imagination. To do this you would probably have to get the price to 20-15 dollars and then it won't be worth it anymore.

You realize that it is not about "number of copies sold" but it is about "money made with the number of copies sold".

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+1 for me. Its an outstanding aircraft in my opinion. The low rumble vibration you get when you fire up your engines is super real. When I worked on the ramp at CYVR the DC10 started up like that. And I find the aircraft relativly easy to manage as most is automated. Far more advanced then alot of the aircraft at the time I think. They forgot to add wings to this puppy so she thinks she is a jet fighter at times so there is micro management there in controlling her. But thats the fun little challenge.


PMDG if you read any of these, if you put a sale on for this bird, I have no doubt you would have alot of buyers. Still my favorite aircraft, even though I have the NGX and 747 which are great on their own.



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Check J and R Music for discounted MD-11F prices. I think I paid something near $30 with free s/h when I bought it there for a review.



When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Well you didn't read at all what I wrote. I said that aren't actual numbers, but it is an example.

However, how can you asume that they will sell hundred copies in a few days. This is only based on your imagination. To do this you would probably have to get the price to 20-15 dollars and then it won't be worth it anymore.

You realize that it is not about "number of copies sold" but it is about "money made with the number of copies sold".


Sorry but I just don't see the advantage of selling almost none 59 dollar copies vs lots of 35 dollars one. 20 dollar is ridiculous, I never expect an addon like MD11 PMDG to be that low, I was thinking more like 34.99.


I can't predict that number, you're right, I was just trying to convince PMDG to make the excellent quality Aircraft Addons for FSX more accessible for many of the simmers, maybe for the same price they would pay for the garbage that is sold everyday for people who don't have much information about what's good and what's not in the FS World. I think even if PMDG don't make that much money, once people realize how good a PMDG aircraft is, they're much more likely to buy the new addons full price. But that's my thinking, probably isn't the same as to the FS Developers.



Check J and R Music for discounted MD-11F prices. I think I paid something near $30 with free s/h when I bought it there for a review.




Thanks for the TIp Ray. Many people like me outside the US don't have the opportunity to buy Boxed FS addons, and shipping plus taxes would make the price prohibited, but I would love to get my hands on it if I could.

Alexis Mefano

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I'm pretty sure Mercedes would sell more of their cars if they dropped the price, too.


There is a massive difference between tangible and intangible, however. There are different schools of thought here when it comes to sales of digital products. Some see dropped prices as worthwhile, others do not, and there's no real hard sales data to say one way or another.


Sure, you sell X more products at a lower price, but what do you gain? I'd argue that your end cost would go up as a result. Why? It's a digital product, you say? Support. Lower prices often mean the consumer takes the product less seriously. As a result, you get more "OMG the AUTOLAND feature doesn't work at [airport without an ILS]." Heck, even the NGX's added attention got us a good amount of that, and that was at normal PMDG prices. Imagine what we *don't* see here on the forums that they have to deal with through the official support channel.


In any case, they've said before that they don't do sales. The one exception I could think of was a conversion-type deal for those who had the FS9 744 to upgrade to the FSX version.

Kyle Rodgers

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This is a good overview of price elasticity. Worth a read. It should help understand the issues here.






Amazing article... Incredible how Steam has been a Game Changer for Digital Sales. Really takes a store with hundreds of thousands of costumers to play with numbers and try to understand what works and what don't.


Sure, you sell X more products at a lower price, but what do you gain? I'd argue that your end cost would go up as a result. Why? It's a digital product, you say? Support. Lower prices often mean the consumer takes the product less seriously. As a result, you get more "OMG the AUTOLAND feature doesn't work at [airport without an ILS]." Heck, even the NGX's added attention got us a good amount of that, and that was at normal PMDG prices. Imagine what we *don't* see here on the forums that they have to deal with through the official support channel.


That's very true. But when you first started using FS you were just like that, asking why the Autoland Button wasn't working, what's wrong with the Warning Sound during take off, we all were. Now we're all buying PMDG Stuff. That's got to mean something, I'm no expert in economics, but I really believe there are lots of people who would love to learn how to fly their favorite airliner and doesn't know they can do it so close to the real thing.


But enough of that... It's clear now that PMDG won't do any Sale, it seems nobody making serious aircraft addons for FS will, so I will wait for the 777, and keep flying my 737NGX meanwhile.

Alexis Mefano

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That's very true. But when you first started using FS you were just like that, asking why the Autoland Button wasn't working, what's wrong with the Warning Sound during take off, we all were. Now we're all buying PMDG Stuff. That's got to mean something, I'm no expert in economics, but I really believe there are lots of people who would love to learn how to fly their favorite airliner and doesn't know they can do it so close to the real thing.


Actually, I wasn't.


The sim that I had didn't even have an aircraft capable of autolanding. Further, GPS wasn't even a figment of anyone's imagination for inclusion into the sim, so people were actually forced to learn how to use VORs by tuning them without automagic. Luckily, my neighbor gave me some charts, but he didn't explain how to use them at all (he was busy flying all the time), so I had to figure it out on my own.


I was using Flight Sim because I wanted to learn how to fly. Now, I feel like Flight Sim has been made more appealing and accessible, so it doesn't matter as much if you actually want to fly or not. It's just a game to some.


Back when I started using Flight Sim, you didn't want to use the sim at all unless you had an intense interest in aviation. The biggest and fastest plane was a Lear, AI traffic was primarily static, there was little to no automagic, clouds were rudimentary at best, and only major cities were really modeled with 3D buildings.




I see your point that we all started somewhere, but my point is that the price point, and learning curve back then was so high that you actually needed to be passionate about it. Now, it's cheap, and YouTube spoon feeds you high level information on how to get the plane to do something. Never mind the why behind that. You don't need that...who needs to land a plane by hand?




At the risk of sounding like my grandfather:

When someone asked about landing technique, they didn't call it a "manual landing." The assumption was that it was by hand. If it was by automagic, that was specified as the exception.

Kyle Rodgers

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Completely agree Kyle! Where we started is relative.


I started with FS5.0 in MS-DOS on a 386 running at 20 MHz. I had to delete my office program (Works 2.0 for DOS) in the holidays so I had enough hard disk space (40 Mb) to install FS onto it.


THAT Is dedication.


My first flight sim was on the ZX Spectrum. No buildings, no terrain. Just a cyan sky, green grass and some blue patches for water. I spent hours flying that thing. I got into helicopters flying Apache, again on the Spectrum. I'd have to wait until Fly!2 to fly another helicopter.


All my flight sims:


* 1989 - Flight Simulator for Spectrum

* 1991 - ATF for DOS (better than FS because I could shoot stuff - a great sim for just flying in too)

* 1994 - FS 5.0 for DOS

* 1997 - Flight Unlimited 2 (was my main sim until.........)

* 1998 - Falcon 4.0 (main sim until 2005)

* 2000 - FS2000

* 2001 - Fly!2

* 2002 - FS2002 } These two were Microsoft's best. Had the DreamFleet 737 which I flew almost exclusively until 2004.

* 2004 - FS2004 }

* 2005 - Falcon 4.0: Allied Force (main sim from 2005)

* 2007 - FSX


Best regards,


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I started with FS5.0 in MS-DOS on a 386 running at 20 MHz.


Awesome Robin. I started with 5.0 as well. My grandpa was the only one rich enough to have a computer, so it was only then that I got to fly.


When my parents bought a computer, they put FS98 on it for me. Then it was 2002, 2004 and then FSX. I flew the DF727 a ton in FS9. All /A. Loved it.

Kyle Rodgers

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I started flying Civil Sim with FS98, before that I used to fly some simulator like Jane's F15, etc. I have tried most of the simulators from that time until now, with the exception of Flight Unlimited, which I regret, since so many people love it, and I remember the Box used to be sold here in Brazil, but it must have been very expensive. I liked Fly, some things were so ahead of it's time. I remember being able to select the Fuel Grade, etc. Really cool. The night airport lightning was also amazing, really had that real life feel to it.


It seems PMDG has done a tiny micro sale, 5 dollars off the 737NGX and 15$ off the 747. No discount on the MD11 however.

Alexis Mefano

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I bought the MD-11 for FS9 from PMDG.

I believe it is the most complex bar the Maddog and it's a joy to fly too.


When I updated to FSX I liked the MD-11 so much I purchased the box set from ------, The FSX version is far nicer and then when you consider that AoA do an extremely good instructional training course on it, you realise how hard PMDG devs worked on producing this model.


As other have said, it is the best thing they ever done, excluding the NGX and the hard work they did is so apparent when you experience it.


Christmas is coming so if you cannot afford it yet, save your money and buy it when you have got it, you'll appreciate it all the more.


100% value fopr money!

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