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Guest tdragger

I need everyone to really think about this one

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Guest Philip Olson

Hello everyone, I have a question for you all, one that I would like everyone to give a lot of thought to and then post your answers here. What is the one thing that you would like to see in FS that is not currently modeled? Please try to stay away from simple improvements to the sim, I am talking about a leaps and bounds type of advancement here, either something that has not been modeled yet or an improvement to something that is so vast that it bears little resemblance to the current version. Please think big and try to think "out of the box", think about what would be in the simulator of your dreams. Do not worry about hardware or financial limitations since this is hypothetical, just tell me your dreams and let's see what you come up with. I am going somewhere with this but I am not going to say until after I hear from you. }( Philip Olsonhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/supporter.jpg

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Guest TWVA395

Hmmm... this is a very intereseting question. I would like to see weather that really affects the enviroment. I'm talking about flooding, snow building up, ice on the ground, ice on aircraft, add some hail to the ground. Maybe the area is in the middle of a drought. We could see snow blowing on the ground. AS of right now weather is mostly eye candy except for the wind. I'd like to see tire tracks in the snow from airplanes. An enviroment that absolutely represents the weather is a leap I'd like to see hurdled.:-jumpy---------------------Kenneth Weik [link:maam.org|MAAM-SIM]kwsqd@comcast.net---------------------[link:library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=root&SearchTerm=kenneth+weik&Sort=Added&ScanMode=0&Go=Change+View]My AFCADs

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Guest Id Rather Be Flying

Ok, weather of course that interacts with everything it comes in contact with as stated AND MOVING VEHICLES populated depending on the KIND of road and landclass. I have a hunch that this has something to do with how much FS has to offer compared to VERY EXPENSIVE full motion sims and others but I was wrong once before in my life. :-lolCarmine http://ftp.avsim.com/dcforum/Images/wave.gif

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Guest mruane

I remember a film back in the mid eighties - Brainstorm - starring Cliff Robertson (if I remember correctly). When Cliff Robertson donned his special helmit and connected it to a playback machine, he could literally experience all of the sensations that the person who was waering the helmet experienced when the recording was made.So my wish would be for such a device in FS. One that would stimulate the brain cells to allow me to actually experience Acceleration, Turbulence, G-force, Smells and the whole sensation of the cockpit - all whilst seated safely in my chair.That outside the box enough?

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Guest metamarty

I would like to have an economy model. Aircraft need fuel and maintenance and generate revenue when you fly passengers. Assignments tell you where to fly to. If I have enough money I could buy a plane instead of renting it and allow others to rent mine. I could set a price on the aircraft to pay for maintenance, and I could keep it low so people will rent my aircraft and I can make a little money to upgrade to a bigger aircraft. One other thing I would like to see is true separation of view from your aircraft. I don't mean the active camera kind of separation, but I would like to really be able to walk outside, complete with wall-impact checking, like all modern games have. This would allow a greater feeling of size and distance. It would also make it possible to move from one plane to another, without the menu stuff.

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Guest Foxboy

Well.... should I be honest or diplomatic? :)Let's be honest: The Flight Model.There are some Addons which have nice FM's, but the stock Microsoft Planes are not very good. As a Flight Sim, it should be primarily this: A Flight Sim. Not a scenery sim, not a game, not a "force-the-most-recent-hardware-into-slide-show-fps-sim", but a FLIGHT sim. All the eyecandy should be there, but it should have priority No. 2 after the FM.I don't know how the stock FM is currently modeled, how the program simulates all the forces and this'n'that, but it just doesn't have the right feeling, especially under critical flight conditions, slips & stalls & spins. The way how the winds and the turbulences and their effect on the airplane are simulated isn't very appealing.After this, of course, weather. FS9 was a step in the right direction speaking of the right LOOK of the weather (except overcast & visibility), now we need a step in the right direction speaking of the influence of the weather. I still can fly through thunderstorms without being ripped to pieces or getting my windshield smashed by hail.All the rest & eyecandy stuff may wait till the primary objective of a FLIGHT SIM is fulfilled.Fox

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Philip,Good question. I'm more curious of your reasons for asking. If it's for a developer, like MS, to see what the public wants, that's been done quite a few times. Unfortunately, most requests will steer towards making the simulator world we fly in more like the real world vs. making the simulation itself more real. It doesn't really matter if we can't count the blades of grass as they rush by on takeoff or landings. OK, my turn. I would like to see a PC-based flight simulator built for the serious flight simulator enthusiast, one that would be certified by the FAA for real log time. A product that simulates aircraft systems allowing sim pilots to practice procedures on a specific platform. A product that though delivered initially with a limited set of airplanes, has an open architecture to allow others to create new platforms. In other words, few of us can afford to have a full motion flight sim in our homes, so I'm looking for a PC-based product that simulates a full motion simulator. As we know, MS FS is not for that audience, but for the general audience, what some call the CTRL+E audience. I'm sure you'll get interesting comments. Regards,Dave Vega


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Guest Philip Olson

Great answers so far but know one has really guessed my motivation for doing this yet, but that is not the point of this question anyway. I knew that I would hear some great ideas from you all and I can not wait to hear more. Come on, tell me about the simulator that you would leave your husband/wife for, the one that would force you to quit your job so you could spend more time with it. :-) Thanks to all of you that have answered so far!!!!!!!!Best Regards,Philip Olsonhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/supporter.jpg

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>Let's be honest: The Flight Model.>>There are some Addons which have nice FM's, but the stock>Microsoft Planes are not very good. As a Flight Sim, it should>be primarily this: A Flight Sim. Not a scenery sim, not aA lot of real life flying has much to do with what's below you, so never count scenery out. In fact, the topography below is my main interest, since mountain flying is what I enjoy.>I don't know how the stock FM is currently modeled, how the>program simulates all the forces and this'n'that, but it just>doesn't have the right feeling, especially under critical>flight conditions, slips & stalls & spins. At this very moment, there are flight models out there, that when combined with the virtual cockpits, correct eyepoints for peripheral vision, and RUDDER PRDALS................. give an astonishing "feel" & look of slips. It sometimes amazes me, what's possible on a P/C screen with no real movement.L.Adamson>After this, of course, weather. FS9 was a step in the right>direction speaking of the right LOOK of the weather (except>overcast & visibility), now we need a step in the right>direction speaking of the influence of the weather. I still>can fly through thunderstorms without being ripped to pieces>or getting my windshield smashed by hail.>>All the rest & eyecandy stuff may wait till the primary>objective of a FLIGHT SIM is fulfilled.>>Fox

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Guest firehawk44

Philip,Great question. I would like to see more reality with virtual passengers, the crew, and airport workers as I prepare my aircraft for flight, during the flight, and upon landing. I remember playing a game several years ago (can't remember the name - senior moment) but it actually had real movie actors playing out a role in a movie clip then you would go to the game and play out the scenario they put forth until you successfully or unsuccessfully completed it. Then it would play another appropriate movie clip and so on. This would give me more of a sense of reality. I would also like to see virtual passengers in the cabin who react appropriately during the flight.I would like to see the truck and it's operator moving the aircraft away from the terminal and unhooking from the aircraft (this may be a "simple improvement" but offered anyway).I would like to see large, ominous ocean waves and not calm seas everywhere I go.Hope this helps.Jim Young

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Guest B52Drivr

<<<>>>You sure that wasn't Christopher Walken?Clay

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Guest Philip Olson

Oh no!!!!!!!! Drunk virtual passengers, hey wait, that is an idea.....we could toss the drunk and disruptive passengers out of the plane at 40,000 feet!!!!! :-lol Well I am sure that at least one flight crew have wished that they could do this! :-) Was the game that you played one of the Star Trek games? I remember that there was a Star Trek game that had the Borg involved that was one of those that had movie clips as part of the game, those were pretty cool. Philip Olsonhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/supporter.jpg

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Im thinking about this hard, have some good ideas will post later, Im at work right now and I'm slanting this towards what can make it more real, be back shortly.Hornit

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Guest PaulL01

Gravity and wind!!! :-)I'm sitting here doing vertical loops in my open cockpit bipe and I can't feel a thing!Whot?...... whot?

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