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Guest tdragger

I need everyone to really think about this one

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Guest Philip Olson

Oh yes I remember that one, in fact I still have it. I got it in the DVD format with a video card that I purchased many years ago. I spent quite a few hours playing that game at the time. Occasionaly I come across the disk and think about popping it in the computer for old times sake. :-) Ah, the good old days!Philip Olsonhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/supporter.jpg

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Guest Paragon

I would have to say realistic lighting. The human eye relies a lot on shadows and light to define structures and objects. Let's get rid of these textures that make it up for shadows and light...I want lights on aircraft that light up the side of other aircrafts at night, for example, Imagine taxiing toward the runway and holding to let a plane cross ahead of you and the plane is lit up by the lights on your aircraft. I want true daylight from the sun that changes during the day. Build a whole new light engine for fs9...these textures are a big joke and don't fool anyone, it makes for a less realistic sim.-Mikkel

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i fly the bush a lot, here is something that has not been mentioned, i want the ability to be able to do a true walk around on my beaver plane, do the bubble check in the fuel thingy, check for hinges, open the fuel tank and see the fuel inside, ocasianally find say a missing hinge pin, or rust developing, etc struts wearing over time, etc. kinda like a built in super detailed version of FS Maintanence. being able to have wear and tearand yes, put my vote in for a complete virtual world, so say you have some people playing a oil rig simulator, you could hop in your helicoptor and fly out to it and pick up some pax and then fly them back, all VA' would be on the same server as well as AI traffic, say, someone could actually sign on and then play the marshaller if they want and just signal planes in and then when you quite you would be replaced with an AI marshaller, etc, someone could do the baggage and pushback truck, etcput me down for the vote, for piling snow and then seeing it melt, i want to be able to skid down the runway if i hit ice, real waves that make float landings a real nailbiter, and uhh.. i want to see mud flung up the underside from my wheels if i land on a muddy field and then stay there and cake on hard when it gets hot and dry if i dont wash it off. im seriosthanksgreat threadohhh, wait, being able to drop skydivers, AI and real human players, some could be the pilots and others the skydivers, also real time sailplane towing and oooohh. .firefighting, have fires apear in the fs world when reported on the news, etc oh man...oh yeah have a virtual mechanic simulator so that planes that are grounded would then show up there and then people woul dhave to work on them..ciao!Brian S




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Guest Vilk

i hear the familiar hum, i look out the window, sure she's there, a 172 on VFR departure from CYTZ... i hop into my sim and guess what, she's there alright, clearing the zone to the east, two-thousand-four-hundred... naaaaah, that won't fly:)

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Guest Paragon

I have thought of another couple of things I would like to see. I want to have sloping runways in the sim as in real life. They could make an ultra high res mesh around airports or something...don't really care how they do it. I want to have some fun flying into airports around the washington area or other outback airports where the runways are not so flat....and like everyone else I want true weather simulation. Maybe not as how it is in the real world, I think that is impossible, but then make something "random".-Mikkel

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I'd like to see FS2k6 be designed in a very modular way - i.e. to allow easy access to its data to allow its internal references to be easily adjusted.For example, if a glideslope is off, you could just select it and enter new values.For scenery objects, you could simply jump into a WYSIWYG mode and move things numerically or by hand.... (though FUIII had something like this)Also for objects, a native compiler for a GMAX object so you could simply build the GMAX object, texture it, and import it into FS WYSIWYG.This way we could replace things such as the Bay Bridge...Continuing the modular-ness-thing, I'd like to see a panel editor that works right on-screen... jump into panel edit mode, select, delete, move... open up an easy-to-understand visual reference of all gauges and switches, and just drag -n- drop.Also, I'd like to see the VC view be movable with mouse-look (ala 1st person shooter), instead of by keyboard.Smoother gauges.Probably other stuff.

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A few people already mentioned this, but it is worth saying again:real-world weather effects:-thunderstorms - not just a lightshow, but violent storms - planes should be in serious danger when flying in and around t-storms-updrafts / downdrafts-microbursts-swirling/gusting winds due to mountains-hail-frost-icing-variable winds (in the real world, winds increase and decrease- they don't stay steady at one number)-lake-effect snow (I know I'm stretching here, but it would be cool to see). 80 inches in 4 days... I can provide pictures :)The weather engine in fs2004 *looks* nice, but unfortunately it treats pilots too nicely. Weather should be a danger just as it is in real life.


Craig from KBUF

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Guest bassman700

I fly both real and FS aircraft. Weather is a constant concern in the real world. FS should have the ability to reflect real atmospheric cause and effect on the aircraft. Pilots should be able to see storm cells outside the cockpit and see weather radar of the same cell. You should be able to walk out your back door, look up in the sky and see the same cell. MS needs to look at the FS community and what this community is doing with FS. Case in point, all the FSUIPC,WideFS,AVC, Squawkbox stuff we all have to load to log on with VatSIM should be integrated into the Multiplayer connect utility.Greg BishopCYWG

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Guest mtnflyer

Some really amazing ideas are presented here...... kinda nice to sit back and dream for a bit isn't it? Just think what we would have thought of FS9 in 1985???? LOL..... Ok... a few of you have stolen my ideas but here they are anyway.Dynamic enviroment at the airport ie: the runways and taxi ways are affected by the weather, rain, snow and ice. Follow me cars, tractors hauling luggage, baggage handlers, fuel trucks etc.... and not following predictable patterns.I have never tried the VR goggles, but I would love an excellent VR enviroment, where i turn my head to view out the side window instead of the small hat switch on joystick. As I turn base in a small aircraft I can quickly glance between the runway and the instruments.Keep the ideas coming... it's fun to dream......... hey... isn't that why I bought the sim in the first place?????

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Guest B52Drivr

Hello All,Well, I for one have a cocktail many times while flying these days . . .you see, in the virtual world.. you don't have to worry about a FAA ramp check. I don't think it has ever impaired my flying (virtual that is), and I NEVER even gave it a thought while in the left seat of anything.However, I can remember the many times, on looooong flights in various aircraft that I'm sure my being tired had some effect on my flying ability -- although my wife's cat has several times jumped up on my desk and scooted across the keyboard and really lit the ole master caution's up. Best to allClay

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Guest B52Drivr

The voice recon with ATC would be really cool, difficult to impliment, I'm sure, but boy . . .I can think of some seriously interesting conversations with ATC in it's present form..LOLClay

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I'n not sure if this was mentioned because I only read the first dozen posts, but this is what would blow my socks off. It would be a virtual world like after you shut down your plane at the fuel pump you click on the door handle in your Cessna 152, step out, and use the arrow keys to walk over to the Phillips 66 Self Service Fuel Pump. From there you would hook up all the gizmos and doodads, punch in everything, walk back over with the arrow keys and put the nozzle into the tank. Press and hold the left mouse button to fill it up- oops, some flowed out! Doh! You would then push everything back in place, and click everything on like we can now. You could then taxi over to the FBO or even walk there (with the arrow keys), open the door by clicking on it, walk in and communicate with the virtual desk clerk by clicking on them and selecting what you wish to do. You could walk over to the drink machine and grab a snapple, then walk over to the lounge and check the weather. Another scenario of this could be you drive to the airport in your car (arrow key style), step out by clicking on your door, and walk onto the field or off to the side to plane spot. Talk to some locals and when you feel like flying your plane its right there for you, only a few virtual steps away with the arrow keys. You can walk around, click on things for the preflight, etc. You could fly down to the ocean, step out and walk over to the beach to watch the sunset. Talk to some hot beach chicks while there and offer them a flight around. When the wife/mother summons you (in real life) all you have to do is hit ESC + Quit and your virtual world is over... for now.It would be like a life simulator, go anywhere, do anything, no limits.Man, that would be more than incredible. Imagine a virtual world where everything was scaled to life. Every dirt path, street, river, lake, ocean, highway, tree, building, street sign, city, is modeled. Everything is where it is supposed to be.Not in my lifetime.... *sigh*Thank god there are no hardware requirements, it would probably cost a whole years salary to buy a computer to run it all. :("so vast that it bears little resemblance to the current version."I think mine is vast enough... ;)--Jason :-wave

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"Not in my lifetime.... *sigh*"Why not?Lots of games already feature 1st person control of a character that can get into vehicles..I imagine that if this is ever done, they'll introduce it through preflight walkarounds, but it'll also be a way for people to chat through their avatar.Just watch out for that happy-go-lucky guy standing a little too close as he watches approaches!

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Guest David Lee 2

I would like to fly multiplayer with a giant Microsoft server doling out the ATC to everyone online and maybe some AI traffic to fill in the dead areas. It would be cool if the ATC was randomized somewhat so it wasn't always the same vectors, approach, etc. maybe give you speed limitations, hold instructions, etc. VATSIM is great when it is working and populated but it is just too cumbersome IMO and the voice usage is spotty at best.David

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