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Guest tdragger

I need everyone to really think about this one

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Guest David Lee 2

We could have a FPS when passengers try to rush the cockpit! Quake meets MSFS! ;-)David

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Guest B52Drivr

Hello All again,OK, other than my two comments on being a bit funny, I have read some really great ideas of improving FS. Not just 'I wants' but some seriously fine items of input for improving our hobby.Hats off to all of you for the comments . . . and we all know that the MS FS team DO read these forums, and perhaps we will be fortunate enough that they will pay attention to some of these. Now, I am not even close to being a computer programer or whatever it takes to do that difficult work . . . (trust me, I may be a pretty fair pilot, however you WOULDN'T want me designing any aircraft for FS ), I find some of the aircraft that both the freeware and payware designers do, just amazing . . . and some of you scenery guys and gals . . .well, you know, you just make it so great for the rest of us.So with any luck, perhaps MS is reading and again, thank you all for your input, it's been very interesting to read . . . and thanks again to all to make contributions to our hobby . . .from old guys like myself, it's really appreciated.Best to all,Clayton T. Dopke (Clay)Major, USAF (retired)"Drac" PS: As mentioned, I couldn't design a FS aircraft nor could I do scenery, however, as stated, I am a pretty fair pilot, and have flown a wide variety of aircraft both huge and small, and because of that, I do beta from time to time both freeware and payware . . .and I enjoy doing it; adding my input and at least I feel I am making some contribution to our hobby -- as small as that might be. Clay

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Guest David Lee 2

Eric,Try TrackIR. Really!David

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Guest chroma

Now thats a thread and mine is a long dream ;)I launch MSFS. A small popup tells me "worldwide Navdata & Sid/Stars updated, click OK".I select a 747-200 for departure from my hometown, file a destination airport and a statusline displays the data. FS places the aircraft at a gate on the accurate modelled airport. Very bad weather there, early evening, heavy rain... yes i know, i just looked out my window.Another small notification tells me"connected to MSFS-World,""ATC available, ...connected"I just started some cockpit preparation, as i hear from my speakers"Good evening Sir, this is XXX-delivery, radio check".Happy about the good sound quality i answer, that i will file my complete flightplan in a few minutes,...there is the next notification..."User Steven(Friend) wants to connect to your flight. Accept?"Of course. Welcome onboard. I hear him setting up his headset, then"Hi Chris, may i be Captain?"Well, why not. Placing my mouse in the menubar at "role", selecting "First Officer". One click and my view switches to the right side, i see a captain to my left with a portrait-face of Steven.He saw Harry online and sends an invitation to do the engineer."User Harry(Friend) entered the aircraft"But he does not sit behind me. Whats wrong? Another bug? Suddenly he appears."Hi" Harry says, "sorry, i accidentally clicked on 'passenger'""The FS gave me row 23 - gg - now lets load some fuel"......The last thing i remember was that i saw Stevens hand on the throttle and his portrait calling "80" ...we rotated off the wet shimmering runway with some severe wind. Shortly after GearUp, Robert from the Tower handed us to some Sebastian from Approach.Some loud jet woke me up, to bad... i would have liked to see more of that... FS13?

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Guest vassilis

What I would like to see is a much more interactive and perhaps voice activated ATC. This will add much more realism to our hobby.Vassilis

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I'd like to see FS in the future basically become "Microsoft Earth Simulator" where it wouldn't be constrained to flight. You could for instance, hop in a car and drive off into whatever city of your choice, park and get out on foot seeing everything closely resemble the real place etc. It could be the ultimate engine for building any type of game with this kind of capability too. I know we're probably decades away from having the kind of processing power and storage capacity to do something like this, but I think it would be a great goal to shoot for.

Ryan Maziarz

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Guest tdragger

Actually there are a number of pluggable solutions for voice recognition available today. The real problem is that they all monopolize the CPU. They were never designed to be used with an app like FS and trying to do so would result in stutters--something no simmer wants.

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