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All panels black

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Hello, today I reinstalled Windows 8 and FSX, registered and installed the 744 and 748i, but suddenly the aircraft starts with all screens black. Everything was ok before the reinstallation. Please help :(

P.S. The 737NG works perfectly, but 747 does not.

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I had a similar experience.


Installing PMDG aircraft older than the NGX can give you problems such as CTD's and black screens. Simple answer is to install your 747's before the NGX. See if that works, it did for me?

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I tried to uninstall 744, 748 and 737NG and install 744 and 748 first, but it did not help me. The 737NG works well, but 747 still has got the black screens:(

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By mentioning reinstallation, are you implying that both aircraft worked fine on Windows 8 previously?


I have never experienced this problem before, so could please describe what the black screens look like? Is the entire viewing area of your monitor black, or is it the gauges of the cockpit that are black?


Are you using the virtual cockpit for the B747?

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No, I didn't run it before 737 installation, I will try it in the morning.



Yes, I am sure it worked before reinstallation. The fsx runs amazingly on Windows 8 x64, and 748 had been running amazingly for about two months too (much better than on Win 7 x64 - I was really amazed how good it runs on Win 8 x64 compared to Win 7). Until yesterdays reinstallation. All gauges are black and I cannot use the joystick - if I move it, the yoke shakes in a weird way. And yes, I use VC only, I use it everytime, I hate 2D:)


You can watch my videos on my youtube channel (in my signature), the first is made on Win 7 and the second, newest, is made on Win 8.

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So I tried to uninstall all PMDG products and install only 744 and 748i (737 not installed) and tried to run it and nothing changed. All gauges goes black after about three seconds... and sound of engines goes silent too:(

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Sounds like its not getting initialized. Might submit a ticket sometimes the key gets screwed up.

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I figured out what caused the problems. I made a fresh installation of FSX, deleted all files from the C:\Users folder related to FSX and reinstalled all of the addons. I always backup the Users folder before the Windows reinstallation and restore the backup after installation. It looks there was a mess in the FSX folders:)

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