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Guest camb7

New Piper Warrior II/III Releas

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Guest Piper_Flyer

i am not the developer, i am not that smart.i have used the product and find no problem with it and am putting my thoughts towards it just like you others are. i signed up to question peoples thoughts on it once i had used the model.please tell me where i have posted something to offend?i was merely asking questions as to why some people thought what they did, and i apologise if they were taken the wrong way; i guess emotions such as a lighthearted remark doesnt come out well without smiley faces..as for you contributing to my education i would like to decline that offer. it seems to me however, that you are calling me stupid, and that offends me *insert sarcastic smiley face here*

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>I want to see if those who are whinging can>make a better one on their own in the same time frame. Then I>want to see how much of the petty little complaints get thrown>back at them.This is a very peculiar argument - not directed at me but will I pretend it is.The answer is NO - definitely I can't make a better one on my own in the same time frame (btw, interesting - are we talking fast or slow here - which one is more virtuous ?). But then I am not charging $25 for it - close to the price of some of the best payware around. One can charge whatever market will bear but if product is perceived way overpriced for its perceived quality - don't be surprised by some of the remarks.Michael J.

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Guest Riker

Just back from a holiday in NZ and I get directed this way....Qualifications:Private Pilot (New Zealand/Australia) - equivalent in other countries may be referred to as a 'Recreational Pilot' with considerable hours and rated in:Cessna 152 / 172 & 182RG Piper PA28 (Archer/Warrior)Grumman AA5Mooney M20FI am by no means an 'expert', however, there have been a few comments that I must disagree with. Before I voice my opinion, I am not here to flame anyone else's comment, but if someone takes it that way, I apoligise now.I was involved in part of this project as a beta tester. My personal view on this aircraft is just that.....my personal view, but I believe that it is a very good (Flight Dynamic) model and excellent visual model. I have sat in the cockpit of a few Pipers and find them to be ugly at the best of times, espically compaired to the Cessna (I'm not taking in to account the age of the aircraft model, just the layout and component/material usage). Some people may disagree. For those flying in 2D mode, all I say is, try it in 3D! I used to fly in 2D mode, but when COF came out I went straight for the 3D cockpit and stayed there. This aircraft has bells and whistles all over the place and the realism only add's to the work load!A lot of my comments to the designer were about the Stall/Spin/Slip charasteristics, I LIKE to stall/spin and slip my airplanes. To date the Real Air Cessna was the only other aircraft I could do this with.Some people may not be aware, but there is an Aircraft Configuration Editor with the plane. The aircarf layout WILL affect/effect the way the aircraft handles (as to be expected). I had to adjust this to get it to handle as I would expect it to. Flaps: Others have mentioned this, but I was always of the belief that the extension of flap adds to the wing area, thus providing for more lift. Yes CoG, airflow & wing design do play a part in a degree in the way the aircraft will handle with the extension of flap.If I remember correctly the nose will pitch down slightly for a moment, IF the first notches of flap are extended quickly when using the flap handle (as if you are jamming on the brakes on the ground), but I still need to trim it nose DOWN for the approach (indicating that the plane wants to climb - extended wing/lift area). Electric flaps are different again, they are extended at a set rate of speed (i.e. the electric flap motor speed) so the nose tends to pitch up as the wing area increases.Tyres: I don't see any problems there, maybe because I like to fly the model with the wheel spats in place. My preference. As much as I would love to have the time to be able to fly the sim model then jump in and compare it to the real thing, that just doesn't happen (work gets in the way), and I am sure that that is the same for anyone else.If you have downloaded the aircraft and think that it is 'crap', how about an e-mail to the designer explaining what is 'crap' about it, and even a suggestion as to how to fix it!Everyone will have a slightly different opinion as to how it should fly, and I will probably bet that if anything is found to be incorrect/not working, that a patch may very well be released......dang, Microsoft released FS9 and are yet to supply pacthes to fix their problems (even after numerous e-mails!!).Constructive criticism is good, flaming is not.Even though I have beta tested the aircraft, and I have said to others, that I will still be paying my share because I know some of the effort the designer has put in to the aircraft, and in my view well worth it.My 1.02 cents worth (including tax):)

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Guest Piper_Flyer

Michael, i see your point, my statement was a bit ambiguous. try this one then"I would like to see those who do not appreciate the time and effort that has gone into this model and disapprove of tiny little things to take the time themselves to put together a flight simulator addon that is as good as this. Either that or put up some of their percieved problems and find out ways to determine if they are problems or not, and to put forth suggestions on how to fix them."

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Guest SoarPics

Piper Flyer,I was going to reply to your question about how you have offended, but michael said what I had intended to write. Nuff said."it seems to me however, that you are calling me stupid, and that offends me "Not so... I see you as very passionate about the product, but that passion is a bit misplaced. If you wish to support the product (and no one will fault you for that), simply be here to answer folks' questions in a fair and objective manner.There are a number of folks interested in the product. Just assist them to make the decision.Cheers,Greg

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>Think Barry means $40 - $50AU dollars.Oh, I know what he meant.I am saying that if the price is listed as $40-$50 then most would probably not take the time to go figure out the currency conversion. lol



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Guest Piper_Flyer

>"it seems to me however, that you are calling me stupid, and>that offends me ">Not so... hence the "*insert sarcastic smiley face here*" at the end of my post...>There are a number of folks interested in the product. Just>assist them to make the decision.will do. i just find it unfair when people state things such as "it doesnt look right" (no matter what 'it' may be) without stating WHY.. once again i apologise if my nature seems to be hostile, i truly intended it not to be. i was just after some explanations as to why people thought what they did, its easy to go and say something, but without backing it up there is no substance to their viewpoint/arguement.

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Guest SoarPics

"i just find it unfair when people state things such as "it doesnt look right" (no matter what 'it' may be) without stating WHY.."I agree. To paraphrase a popular expression, "Perception is in the eyes of the beholder". "i was just after some explanations as to why people thought what they did, its easy to go and say something, but without backing it up there is no substance to their viewpoint/arguement."Sadly, that is the nature of most piblic forums. Hopefully more buyers will post their objective opinions.Cheers,Greg

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Guest georg

Alright. Peace. Everybody, ask your questions from me about the product and I will try to answer. This conversation here is not about AusSim Piper anymore, but about certifications and experiences. True, there are a few things I would like to get changed with the plane and Im gonna inform the developer soon.And I just discovered another great feature that I met first time - engine does not start when its cold and not primed. You have to prime it and then it will start correctly. That's a great addition.

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Guest Piper_Flyer

im glad we have agreed..just remember, nothing is perfect. if everything was, why are things constantly improved upon?

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Guest georg

>im glad we have agreed..>>just remember, nothing is perfect. if everything was, why are>things constantly improved upon?Yes. Nobody can make perfect things. Maybe then it would be 99% perfect if we could put together Captain Sim and PMDG - photorealistic panels and framefriendly VCs by Captain Sim and ultrarealistic systems and exterior models by PMDG :)

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Guest danowat

I am still tettering on buying this, and the main thing that is stopping me is the flight dynamic comments.Now, I am no "real world expert", but I have 10 hours on a Warrior III, and things like "the warrior pitches up of flap deployment" are wrong to me, as the warrior I am flying definatly pitches down on flap deployment.I am also keen to know if this warrior exhibits the correct amount of adverse yaw in turns.CheersDan.

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Guest georg

Yaw is quite correct with it. There are few issues with trimmer position, but I'm sure that if the author finds it really be incorrect, then he fixes it. And it seems like its more pitching up than down, true. Let's hope these things will get fixed.So, its up to you if you buy it now or not, few issues have been discovered and if you cant fly with those, then wait for a patch for example.

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Guest danowat

Thanks for that, maybe I will hold off for a patch then, it is very important to me that it emulates the real warrior as much as possible within the limits of FS.CheersDan.

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Guest Brad

Well, firstly let me introduce myself.My name is Brad Disher, and I am the owner of Australian Simulation, and the developer of the Piper Warrior that seems to be the topic of this hot discussion.Secondly, thankyou to all those who have already purchased the product, your patronage is very much appreciated.Finally, I'll address some of the issues mentioned in this post.3D Model: The 3D model was designed from spec diagrams (blueprints if you like) of the PA28A-161 and as such, the wheels are exactly to scale. (Given there is more than one type of wheel available)If there is enough demand for smaller wheels, quite simply, I'll release a model with smaller wheels.Someone mentioned parts that where not textured, please let me know what these parts might be, because as far as I know (and I know this model fairly well) there is not a single part that is not textured. Please let me know what parts you are referring to, and again, if you're right, I'll fix it :)Panels: Yes, the Warrior is not known for having the sexiest panel(s) in the world, but they look how they look, and thats basically it :) I did try to make them as asthetically pleasing as possible, but you can only do so much with something, thats bloody ugly to begin with. :)Flight Dynamics: As mentioned in the blurb in the POH, this model was tested by Pilots with Warrior experience. Between them, they have over 500 hours in PA28's. I trust their opinion. Myself, I have a paultry 10 hours flying Warriors, but from my own experience, this thing flys exactly on the numbers.Stall characteristics are SPOT-ON, they tend to just 'mush' along in a fairly comfortable manner, but if you kick in a boot-full of rudder at the moment of stall, she WILL drop a wing, and enter an easily recoverable spin (exactly as the real Warrior does, spins, if you could call them those in the Warrior, are something you MUST perform before your first solo flight, at least in Australia)Cruise, Climb, descent, glide speeds and attitudes are all correct (or extremely close to) as well.Someone mentioned that the flight model was "strange"... but did not ellaborate on what "strange" meant. It was also reported that in Roll mode, there was unpredictable behavior. This is mentioned in the operating handbook, but in short, if you leave you joystick/yoke alone and centered (close to centered will do) the roll mode will work as normal.I dont get much time for flying these days, but as far as I am aware, there has never been a roll mode programmed into a gauge before... as I said, I could be wrong (I often am ;) )To finish, if anyone, whether customers or not, has any questions, or problems with ANY part of the package, please let me know. I have set up a forum specifically for the piper, I have several email addresses, and my emails contain my phone numbers. I have had one email from a Dutch gentleman who claims that it dosen't roll fast enough when past 35 degrees of bank... I replied by saying.. "OK, I'll go away and try and fix it".That is the ONLY negetive comment I have recieved... having said that, I have over 60 emails in my inbox, from extremely satisfied users who claim it to be the best FS aircraft they have flown.Obviously opinions differ, and people have every right to voice their opinion, but please let ME know as well as the general public.If there is a problem with any part of the package, I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT! :)The reason I want to know, is because I cannot fix it, if I dont know that it broken :)I don't generally come to this forum (hence, signing up only 5 minutes ago) so please direct all comments either via email, or at the Warrior support forum.PS: I have edited the Warrior web page with about 50 full size screenshots (1024x768) and I'll be uploading these tonight/tommorrow morning (AU time). They where taken on my laptop, so they are not necissarily as good as they might be, but I'll redo a heap when I get back to me real PC :) But they at least give people as good an idea as they can possibly have without actually buying the thing!

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