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ATI Catalyst Control Centre 13.1?

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I wish we could start a petition or something to get them to look at supporting FSX again.

Oh boy.... I'd be first to sign that one, followed by god knows how many Air Cadets I would get to sign it...

Boggles the mind what our computers CAN actually do, yet nobody has bothered to push that to its limit yet... Bit sad really..

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So it took me a few tries in Google to find the older drivers so I wanted to come back here and post a link for anyone else looking:




Also I uninstalled then I run this program to sweep the old drivers away. It is payware but pretty nice and not that spendy.




Richard we should find who to send our petition to if we start one.


"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it"

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I think I am going to test out RadeonPro (as kindly advised by geoffco) in a a post I created on tuning my 7950.


RadeonPro link: http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/radeonpro_rc1_download.html

RadeonPro Manual: http://www.radeonpro.info/en-US/Manual/1/Contents

My tuning post:http://forum.avsim.net/topic/395111-advice-needed-to-tune-7950-amd/


"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it"

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I've got enough software to content with already I think, and I really don't want any more software that could create problems, or things that need setting up...

Am starting to think I'll stick with the 12.10 CCC that I'm on, and if I dont get any hassles, then I'll stay with it...

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I wish we could start a petition or something to get them to look at supporting FSX again.


Lol - Around 100 angry flight sim nerds, i can just see AMD quaking in there boots! :P


They won't touch it, i have emailed support in the past and asked the question, even pointed them to AVSIM for potential number of customers; they aren't interested in a 7 year old niche product.

Ian R Tyldesley

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Lol - Around 100 angry flight sim nerds, i can just see AMD quaking in there boots! :P


They won't touch it, i have emailed support in the past and asked the question, even pointed them to AVSIM for potential number of customers; they aren't interested in a 7 year old niche product.


Maybe if we ask real nice like.





Just yanking your chain. I believe using the RadeonPro will work for me. So not really sweating it.


And Richard, Yeah I totally understand what you are saying. I recently bought Saiteks controllers and panels. I had hoped they would make life easier.

Now to get them to work on my planes I have to setup SPAD and Linda. Working with scripts and the like. :blink:


Wow the hoops we jump through for our hobby.


"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it"

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I have the 13.1 downloaded, but can't seem to find anyone offering settings. Can anyone provide what seems to work?



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I installed the 13.2 Beta 5 for the new 3DMark. No visible difference. Though the CCC has received a makeover.


I noticed you have the 5770, I have the same card. Can you list, or PM me your settings, or a link to such? I just loaded the 13.1 the other day, and would like to see what I've done as compared to another 5770.



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I noticed you have the 5770, I have the same card. Can you list, or PM me your settings, or a link to such? I just loaded the 13.1 the other day, and would like to see what I've done as compared to another 5770.




Do you mean my CCC settings? All are to application-controlled.

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Yes, the CCC. I'll try changing all to app controlled, but there's a few other settings I'm wondering about:


In order as they appear now in my CCC:


AA Mode- app settings

AA Samples - app settings


Filter- Edge detect

AA Method - Multisampling

Morph Filtering - Off


Aniso Filtering - app sett

Aniso Filter level- app sett

Texture Filtering: HQ

Surface Format : On


Vertical Refresh-Always off

Open GL Off


Tess Mode- Override app sett

Max Tess - Off


According to the CCC, we can add profiles? Prior drivers and CCC's had more profiles, am I missing any? I guess I mean more "settings", not game profiles.


Thanks for your help!

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All settings are the same as before, but now the order of which they appear has changed. All functions remain the same.


According to your settings, all seem to be fine if you want settings to be controlled by the application. However, I'm still not sure what you mean with "profiles". If you mean different profiles for each game, that's possible. If you want to add more settings to the CCC, that's not possible.

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Using the 13.2.beta5 here with an FS9 EyeFinity setup. I seem to have good smoothness and FPS (compared to 12.10 12.11.betas) but I have horrible flickering of the 2D panel if I have the FPS locked at more than 24 (or unlocked)... Anyone else seen anything similar?



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