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Hey guys, - i am going to be reinstalling windows 7 and flight sim yet again, due to a stackhash error when sutting down fsxbut i need elp with an issue tat i really want fixed this time .

Prior to this current windows install, sometimes my pc would boot to windows straight away and others it would go to the post screen.


when doing the windows updates after os install, it would boot, and at times it would only go to post(it del or F2 to enter bios)


in the first pic it is my bios main boot screen and you can see boot priority is my M4 CT064 (the highlighted one is only highlighted because i scrolled all the way to the bottom)



2nd pic is when i go to boot options and boot


3rd pic is when i hit the F8 and i have to select P1 for it to boot into windows(i can select P2 also to boot into windows) - windows is installed on my M4 CT064


Any help would be appreciated.

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I think typically your cd/dvd drive(P6 in your case) should be at the top of the boot priority list. This allows you to boot to your Windows or other system repair disc in case of trouble.


Your OS drive, P1: M4-CT064 should be second in priority.


In your second screen shot that lists both your SSD's if you click on the P2: M4-CT256 line you will be given the option to disable it as a boot drive. You should do this if you're using this as your FSX/data/etc. drive and it doesn't have an OS on it.


Sorry you're running in to trouble and need to reinstall, what a pain. Do you have a larger HDD to back up your system to once you're eventually up and stable?


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Hi Simon, i have tried having my tsst(cd drive) as boot#1 but still goes to post, ive tried disabling my 2nd ssd and tsst so only the 64gb is a boot option and still goes to post screen, ive tried changing the order of boot priorities, still to no avail.

I dont have a back up, so if i need to install everything, then its just 1 days work, as i only have pmdg and utx, and over the last 2 weeks, ive done it that many times, i could almost do it with my eyes shut.





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First thought have you tried clearing CMOS? If that doesn't resolve the issue then a faulty M4, or connection to it would be next on the cards. When you had your CDRW as the primary device and your PC still failed to boot did you have any boot media in the drive? If you can boot first time from a CD then try swapping the connections (including leads) between your CDRW and the M4 if that doesn't work then faulty SSD looks most likely.


Do you have your M4s in the Intel 6GBPS connections using the 6GBPS cables provided?

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First thought have you tried clearing CMOS? If that doesn't resolve the issue then a faulty M4, or connection to it would be next on the cards. When you had your CDRW as the primary device and your PC still failed to boot did you have any boot media in the drive? If you can boot first time from a CD then try swapping the connections (including leads) between your CDRW and the M4 if that doesn't work then faulty SSD looks most likely.


Do you have your M4s in the Intel 6GBPS connections using the 6GBPS cables provided?


Hi PieEater

yeah i tried clearing my cmos(removing battery) although thats a job as i have to take G/C out, and done the jumpers also.

I use the intel 6 ports.

If i boot from the dvd drive with no media in it it goes to post screen, and if i put the o/s disk in i get the option to "press any key to continue(ie reinstall/repair windows) but no ther cd/dvd gets this message.

I have tried swapping leads, although the M4's leads dont have the 90deg elbow so closing my side panel would be an issue, so i use the mobo's 6GB cables - i have even swapped them round, i suppose i could try the ssd's in the 3gb ports, but thats defeating the purpose of having them.

DEvice mgr shows ssd's as working properly and its aligned properly, so thats not an issue.


when i installed windows i tried both defaults bios AND enabled the xmp profile, as i didnt know which i should use, as i know windows should be installed on a default bios, but if its not running on xmp then thats not default eiether, so i dont know!



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It soulnds like a problem with the Master Boot Record (MBR), have you changed the SATA type from Legacy IDE to AHCI or vice verca? Were you previously dual booting? If not some viruses target the MBR. I would go through with the repair option from your windows instal CD, you may well find this helps.

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I have an almost identical system as yours and mine boots directly into windows, sometimes it shows the screen to access the bios and sometimes it doesn't. I have the deluxe version of your board, 1805 bios with default optimized settings, win7 64 on a 120gb intel 520 ssd, and fsx on a 240 gb intel 520. Boot priority is 120gb OS SSD first, CD drive second, no option to boot from the FSX drive. When I installed the windows I did not have the SSD that I was going to be putting FSX on connected. After the OS was installed and updated I connected the second SSD, initiallized it, and installed FSX. I did not have one of my sata connectors pushed in all the way and that caused problems with the bios recognizing the drive at first. The only problem I have with start-up is that sometimes it is hard to get into the bios setup screen and it goes straight to windows. Wish I had an answer for you but wanted to let you know that a similar setup works.

3770k@4.5 ghz, Noctua C12P CPU air cooler, Asus Z77, 2 x 4gb DDR3 Corsair 2200 mhz cl 9, EVGA 1080ti, Sony 55" 900E TV 3840 x 2160, Windows 7-64, FSX, P3dv3, P3dv4

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I have an almost identical system as yours and mine boots directly into windows, sometimes it shows the screen to access the bios and sometimes it doesn't. I have the deluxe version of your board, 1805 bios with default optimized settings, win7 64 on a 120gb intel 520 ssd, and fsx on a 240 gb intel 520. Boot priority is 120gb OS SSD first, CD drive second, no option to boot from the FSX drive. When I installed the windows I did not have the SSD that I was going to be putting FSX on connected. After the OS was installed and updated I connected the second SSD, initiallized it, and installed FSX. I did not have one of my sata connectors pushed in all the way and that caused problems with the bios recognizing the drive at first. The only problem I have with start-up is that sometimes it is hard to get into the bios setup screen and it goes straight to windows. Wish I had an answer for you but wanted to let you know that a similar setup works.

first time i installed windows was with just one ssd conected, then i connected the 2nd and configured it, on one of the w7 installs, it booted up to windows every time including doing updates thereafter, but no settings in the bios are different to what im using now, except for the overclocking(which was done after everything was installed inc fsx)



It soulnds like a problem with the Master Boot Record (MBR), have you changed the SATA type from Legacy IDE to AHCI or vice verca? Were you previously dual booting? If not some viruses target the MBR. I would go through with the repair option from your windows instal CD, you may well find this helps.



Hey Pie,

Its been in ahci mode all the time, although one time i did a fresh W7 install in ide mode as advised by nickn(im sure) but that didnt change so i reinstalled using ahci again as that was the bios default.


I will look into doing the repair thing, but FWIW i would be aswell installing W& again as it only takes 10 mins+ updates




I dont think this is causing me problems, its just a MASSIVE PITA and anoying knowing it shouldn't be like this.


I have asus on the case but as always there support is as useless as t*ts on a tomcat!

No reply from any mod or any help, just the usual flaming going on between others opinions.


Thanks guys

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You could try setting SATA mode to Lagacy IDE to see if this makes a difference, if it boots there is a MS Fix to allow you to go from IDE to AHCI - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922976


Personally I'd try to avoid too many rebuilds on an SSD purely because I understand it will shorten the disks lifespan, but if you have no choice.....

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You could try setting SATA mode to Lagacy IDE to see if this makes a difference, if it boots there is a MS Fix to allow you to go from IDE to AHCI - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922976


Personally I'd try to avoid too many rebuilds on an SSD purely because I understand it will shorten the disks lifespan, but if you have no choice.....


Hey dude, i didn't see a legacy ide mode, - just an ide mode, so i tried that and it went to post screen.


No offense meant here at all, as well as asus(apparently) and now overclock.net on the case, i dont want to burn my bridges here, and would (thinking about it now) rather keep my "fsx related favours needed" for here.


Hope that makes sense, and i really appreciate the time you have given me - if all else fails, i will come back and give you a shout?? :)

Especially as i am going through so many things, im confusing myself as to what im posting and where :)


Kindest regards



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Hi, Paul. To make (potentially repetetive) OS installations quicker I´ve been told to create a boot disk on a usb, http://arstechnica.com/business/2009/12/the-usb-flash-drive/ here´s a how-to.

Have you updated SSD firmware?

64 gigz on an OS drive may be pushing the limits. SSD likes to have approx. 25% free space to work properly. So, make sure the odd program or two that are C-drive bound, and don´t give you the option to install anywhere else than C, are tweaked to install somewhere else.


...gotta get off train now...

later, mate

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Hi crewe,


I am only using half of my ssd for windows(just over half)

I have just reset cmos(removed battery and done the jumper) and disco'd my 2nd ssd,

Changed boot priority to #1 - my dvd drive and disabled #2(64GB ssd, and no joy, so reverted to ssd#1 and disabled dvd and no joy, so out of curiosity i disabled both priorities and as expected no joy - i can boot to ssd by going to boot override, thats no problem, and if thats the way it HAS to be then thats the way it HAS to be, i can (have to) live with that. if i have to F8 it and boot override then well.

I didnt mean to be cheeky or ungrateful sounding with the above post, but sometimes help isnt as fortcoming as one would like(no disresepct meant to others in other topics).


I will reinstall windows on this singly installed ssd and see how it goes, although the wife is very unhappy at the time i am spending on it, - i will just give her the usual back hander(with flowers and chocs i might add)


Overclock.net has said to revert my ssd firmware back to 0309 but i aint keen on going b/wards with firmware - bios's yes, firmware no.

currently i have the main man on overclock.net helping, so hopefully this will be sorted.


Thanks dude




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Alright, mate. Yeah, I know the desparation...

Let us know if you crack it. Good luck!

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wooooooooo hooooooooooo



touch wood.



Pc has just booted to windows 12 times in a row, could this be fixed????



All i done was changed my coolers fan from cpu opt to cpu and it seems to have done the trick - i know i have had it there before, and maybe that is when it has booted up fine, and i have changed it to opt, and its then it kept going to post screen - i have no idea why, but thats how it is.


Thanks for all your help guys, - now back to the serious biz, - overclocking this bad boy again!!!





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