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Guest 777Fanatic

When the 777 comes out, where will you fly her?

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Hoping the LX Coloursheme will come out, i definately fly ZRH-LHR - as SR did with the MD11 - or i try out ZRH-EZE, thinking about the possibility LX announces new longhaul destinations as soon as the 777 is delivered. :rolleyes:



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First flight LIRF to LSZH 

and after with Alitalia Livery 




:wub:  :italia-flag:  :united-states-flag:

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Probably a couple of laps around KPAE-KMWH-KBFI then KBFI-KDEN for delivery to my home airport then likely KDEN-PHNL.  (Like I said in another recent post, hope they include the flight test kit option like they did with the NGX!)

Kyle Weber (Private Pilot, ASEL; Flight Test Engineer)
Check out my repaints and downloads, all right here on AVSIM

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when people buy this aircraft, it will be the first time that they are actually sitting in front of their computer while flying 6+ hours.

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I have my route already saved RKSM - KSFO.  That is just to start.

Harry Nelson

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when people buy this aircraft, it will be the first time that they are actually sitting in front of their computer while flying 6+ hours.

I can't wait to get back to 12 hour trips. Only managed to get 6:30 out the NGX before from Dubai to Rome. As the times have gone on, I feel a further need to be there for 80% of the flight minimum. Otherwise it's pointless to myself personally - but remembering not everyone has the time to do so! Fortunately I'm studying from home (actually from a different country) - so I can wake up two hours early or something and set the aircraft up and start work once past TOC whilst monitoring on my second screen. Then plan it so descent/landing is after I'm done with working.

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Yeah, I like long-hauls. Looking forward to 12 hour flights my self.

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Loving all of the IAD mentions!


I just got the FlightBeam scenery of it last week and, as someone who's worked there for the better part of the last decade, the scenery is spot on (and includes GSX for IAD, even if you don't have a full version of GSX).


If anyone wants any arrival assistance (IAD is fully-vectored between the STAR and approaches) or tips and tricks, let me know.  I might write a tutorial for general self-vectoring, and use IAD as an example.

Kyle Rodgers

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