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FTX Global Screenshots Criticism

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I've decided to post my critique here as I don't want to get risk getting banned if I post it in the ORBX forum.


As excited as I am about FTX global, I nevertheless have some misgivings primarily related to the preview screenshots provided in the ORBX forums.  My skepticism has only increased after seeing the latest advertisement on the ORBX website front page and the screenshots featured there.  


Over half of the screenshots are of urban areas, and of those about half are of very specific and unique buildings found in various cities around the world.  ORBX developers have made it very clear that FTX Global will not provide any POIs, like unique buildings, but then they intentionally feature screenshots of these in their advertisements. While they have indeed shown some screenshots of non-urban textures now and then, they have clearly focused their advertising efforts on showing off primarily urban textures, and lately their new Asian textures which, by the way, look fantastic.  This, however, makes me skeptical about just how good the textures for North America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and the tropics will be.  To date, ORBX developers and testers simply haven't been willing to show more screenshots of these areas despite repeated requests posted in the forums.  I understand that they want to show off the new urban textures and autogen, but most of the world is covered by non-urban areas, and I, for one, would like to see what it looks like with FTX Global.


I remain cautiously optimistic about FTX Global and I'm still quite sure that it will be an overall improvement to FSX scenery, but I have also tempered my excitement and lowered my expectations a bit so I won't be too let down if the new textures for some parts of the world end up being unimpressive. 


One thing's for certain: I won't be purchasing this immediately after it's released.  I'm going to wait to see a lot more customer screenshots first.  Buyer beware, you know.


Anyone else have any thoughts about this?





Simulator: P3Dv6.1

System Specs: Intel i7 13700K CPU, MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, 32GB DDR5 6000MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Video Card, 3x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 2280 SSDs, Windows 11 Home OS

My website for P3D stuff: https://sites.google.com/view/thep3dfiles/home

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Is this thing still 5 days away or did they move the dates up again?

Jacek G.

Ryzen 5800X3D | Asus RTX4090 OC | 64gb DDR4 3600 | Asus ROG Strix X570E | HX1000w | Fractal Design Torrent RGB | AOC AGON 49' Curved QHD |


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Hi Dave,


I am sure there will be shortcomings and unexpected conflicts and necessary compromises, but I am hoping for, and actually expect it to be a great value for money kit and kabootle that enhances almost everything. I don't expect perfection in an imperfect world. However, I will bet you a lunch at our next Fancon that you will buy it and like it!


Kind regards,

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They posted some shots of africa and the middle east in their forums.


Nothing wrong with waiting for more screenshots, I'm sure there will be plenty after it releases. 

Soarbywire - Avionics Engineering

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Guest mhlarsen



I am sorry to say this, but that is an untrue statement you just posted.


I just went over the FTX Global preview screenshots in the official forum and the urban vs. rural textures are much more balanced than you claim.


I do not think FTX have covered the entire world with preview screenshots, but they given us quite a lot.


Thats my thoughts about this.

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just to add, these 'unique' buildings I believe are default FSX scenery. 


Theres  a good shot of Kuala Lumpur (yah, home!) with the petrona towers. 

Soarbywire - Avionics Engineering

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The ONLY thing that I don't really like about the screenshots, is that they indeed show a lot of them with 'unique' buildings in them: it gives you the idea you get them with FTX Global. It's also confusing for customers. They try to show off with stuff they didn't create at all! The funny thing is that even though those buildings are all indeed FSX default buildings a lot of people already posted how great FTXG looked with those 'new' buildings! There even was a post of someone who went all crazy about how good his hometown looked with FTXG because he noticed that apart from the awesome buildings the highways were exactly where they should be. When I posted a screenshot of FSX default including those very same highways and buildings, I didn't get a reply. ^_^ People often don't know what they've got... Let me add that I didn't know that either because I discovered all this when I saw a few screenshots from FTXG Amsterdam and also thought 'Why did they say FTXG doesn't come with unique buildings...?' :P

Anyway, I do think they've shown a lot of screenshots from other parts of the world. North America needs no shots because we already know FTX handles NA well. I do however think that some of the shown 'oriental' screenshots made me wonder if I was looking at Asia, South America or France... somehow a lot of things look the same... But still I think FTXG will be great because it will give us at LEAST what we already get by default, but looking a LOT better, and it DOES add a lot of new specific textures!

So I will buy FTXG for sure. It will certainly be better then FSX default and that's all I care about.

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I think FTX Global looks just great, I'm glad they put a lot of effort on fixing Southeast Asia which looks just horrible by default and with GEX, probably because the landclass has incorrect textures assigned to it...


So far I've mainly stayed inside areas covered with FSAltitude low resolution photoreal textures to provide some variation during cruise phase, however I think when FTX Global is out I might go and fly around Asia again, after all Thailand is one of my favourite countries. 

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I am sorry to say this, but that is an untrue statement you just posted.


I just went over the FTX Global preview screenshots in the official forum and the urban vs. rural textures are much more balanced than you claim.


I do not think FTX have covered the entire world with preview screenshots, but they given us quite a lot.


Thats my thoughts about this.

I disagree with you. If, however, it turns out that you are correct, then my mistake was not intentional. I've been checking the screenshots for FTX Global since it was first announced and I'm quite certain that the majority of screenshots have indeed been of urban areas.


Yes, they have shown screenshots of non-urban areas as well, but not as many - which I stated in the post. They most certainly have shown what I consider to be an unnecessary number of urban screenshots displaying unique landmarks like the Kuala Lunpur towers. Why show things like this that are included in default FSX when you're trying to publicize a texture replacement product that covers the entire earth.


Go look at the screenshots shown on their new product page for FTX Global. See how many of the screenshots there are of urban areas vs. other types of terrain - too many in my opinion.


Also, my post is an opinion, plain and simple. If someone wants to go count the exact number of urban and non-urban screenshots that ORBX has posted thus far, and it turns out that, contrary to my belief, there actually are more non-urban than urban screenshots, then I still believe the numbers are disproportionate. More screenshots of non-urban textures in other parts of the world besides Asia and Europe should be provided.


Regardless of my screenshots critique, I'm still looking forward to FTX Global, and yes, I will very likely buy it - just not right after it's released.





Simulator: P3Dv6.1

System Specs: Intel i7 13700K CPU, MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk Motherboard, 32GB DDR5 6000MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Video Card, 3x 1TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2 2280 SSDs, Windows 11 Home OS

My website for P3D stuff: https://sites.google.com/view/thep3dfiles/home

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Looks like they've updated the product page because of your complaint :)




Yes, they did. I also posted about this complaint on their forum. They do listen to their customers every now and then, you know! ^_^ There are some really awesome pictures on that site now, I have to say...!!! Can't wait for it! It will probably be released in a week or so!

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I have the absolute utmost respect for the FTX/ORBX team, they come from a freeware world went payware and changed the game for scenery. So far they are the only real competitor to the GEX+UTX 1-2 combo punch which I currently use. I will be waiting a bit before considering a purchase of FTX Global, if Flight 1 really cares about sales (I imagine they do) they will look at FTX Global and at least try to match it in quality. Only time will tell who has the better product, as of 7/13/2013 the general ground texture game goes to Flight 1 for GEX+UTX.


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Over half of the screenshots are of urban areas, and of those about half are of very specific and unique buildings found in various cities around the world. ORBX developers have made it very clear that FTX Global will not provide any POIs, like unique buildings, but then they intentionally feature screenshots of these in their advertisements. While they have indeed shown some screenshots of non-urban textures now and then, they have clearly focused their advertising efforts on showing off primarily urban textures, and lately their new Asian textures which, by the way, look fantastic. This, however, makes me skeptical about just how good the textures for North America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and the tropics will be. To date, ORBX developers and testers simply haven't been willing to show more screenshots of these areas despite repeated requests posted in the forums. I understand that they want to show off the new urban textures and autogen, but most of the world is covered by non-urban areas, and I, for one, would like to see what it looks like with FTX Global.

I'm not sure if you expect a picture of every square inch of the planet but many of the places you are asking for have already been covered.


The U.S. for example has non-urban shots of Arkansas, West Virginia, Northern California, Western Nevada, Florida, and Georgia. That's a pretty diverse showing of ecosystems. Africa has shots from the Sahari, to Kenya, to the Arid areas into South Africa. Yeah, the Middle East previews are mostly cities but you can also see the desert/dune textures being used around Isreal, Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia in those shots as well.


There's been little of the Carribean but I'd guess with how FSX calls textures, the shots of Papa New Guinea and the Phillipines will be similar to what you see there. If they can model those tropical regions, why wouldn't they be able to do the Carribean?


Personally, I have no reason to doubt their ability to make the areas that I haven't seen well because I think what we have seen testifies to how impressive this is going to be, and what we've seen is very extensive and very globally diverse. Logically, if they can make Asia look this good, the half dozen different areas of the U.S. we've seen, Europe, etc. then why would I doubt if they can make a good desert texture for the SW U.S. just because we haven't seen a shot? It's not like it's harder then anything else to do. Why should I assume the few areas not shown yet in FTX Global will somehow be subpar to what GEX offers when every other shot tells a different story?


Playing devil's advocate though, let's say the few eco-areas we haven't seen represented in screenshots are truely better in GEX (I think this is highly, highly unlikely but let's say it is). I'd say so what? At this point we've seen enough to establish that FTX Global at least does the vast majority of the world better. That's worth the price of admission to me already. And when it's all said and done I'd bet anything that "vast majority" will safely be said as them doing 100% of the world better.

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Think it won't be game changer as people think.


Not for you, clearly, but certainly for me. This will vastly improve my overall experience in FSX!

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