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All new to DX10 and need some help...

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Up until now I never bothered to try DX10 since I have always read about all different kinds of issues using it both with scenery and aircraft but today someone commented on a FSX video I did and one of his comment was he almost forgot all the stuttering using DX9...


I'm pretty happy with DX9 to be honest but maybe it's because I got used to it and/or don't really have anything else to compare it to and after reading this comment and also because I've seen lots of things have happened to the ability to use DX10 in FSX lately I thought I should at least give it a fair try.


So...I started by reading through the How-To doc pinned at the top of this forum and one of the first steps is to make sure you can actually use the default DX10 Preview mode so I started FSX and checked the box and then as requested restarted FSX but...after checking this DX10 Preview box my FSX won't even start. Only way I could make FSX start again was to remove the fsx.cfg but then I'm of course back to FSX default and the DX10 Preview box is unchecked again.


I then thought to myself that maybe the problem was some of my modifications in fsx.cfg I used with DX9 (have been using Word Not Allowed's recommended settings with UsePools=0 etc) but as soon as I check the DX10 Preview box also with a 100% default fsx.cfg FSX won't start. What happens is I see the normal FSX splash screen but then instead of being presented by the normal FSX menu/start screen the splash logo just disappears and then nothing... I also checked the Processes tab in Task Manager to see if I could find the fsx.exe in the list but nothing in there.


Is this a known issue? I guess it's just me missing something here...hmm...


I'm running FSX SP2 on Win 7 x64, for more details please have a look at the 'My PC' and 'My Simulator' links.


Thanks in advance for any help guys!

Richard Åsberg

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Heya, WM!


Try this first.....Do you have SweetFX installed in FSX? If so - rename the ini, the dgxi dll/fx and the SweetFX_Settings.txt  files, so they're inactive. SweetFX works very well with DX10, but it may be "slightly" corrupt, and just needs those files re-installing.


All the Best,

i7 4790K@4.8GHz | 32GB RAM | EVGA RTX 3080Ti | Maximus Hero VII | 512GB 860 Pro | 512GB 850 Pro | 256GB 840 Pro | 2TB 860 QVO | 1TB 870 EVO | Seagate 3TB Cloud | EVGA 1000 GQ | Win10 Pro | EK Custom water cooling.

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Hi Paul and thanks for your input!


I don't use SweetFX anymore though so must be something else causing FSX to not start after checking the DX10 Preview box.

Richard Åsberg

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Hmmm Since going to DX10 its been MONTHS not minutes since I've had any sort of crash. I do see some minor flashing/flickering of runways at various add on airports and I know there are tweaks I could find to fix such things but I'm telling you when you can fly the PMDG NGX with ORBX and everything maxed from point A to point B with all the button clicks,view changes ect that go with it with out worry then a few flickers here and there will mean nothing..at least to me anyways.. My system is a year old but DX10 made it new again as far as FSX goes. Hope you can iron out the issues you're having.

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Those files have been removed from the FSX root folder then, right?

i7 4790K@4.8GHz | 32GB RAM | EVGA RTX 3080Ti | Maximus Hero VII | 512GB 860 Pro | 512GB 850 Pro | 256GB 840 Pro | 2TB 860 QVO | 1TB 870 EVO | Seagate 3TB Cloud | EVGA 1000 GQ | Win10 Pro | EK Custom water cooling.

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That sounds really great and I'm very much looking forward to try it out myself but first I need to understand why FSX won't even start after selecting to use DX10. Very annoying I didn't even manage to pass step 1!


As I understood it having a rather powerful machine DX10 will really shine and although not top of the line anymore my computer still is rather powerful, a 2700K @ 4.8 GHz and a GTX 680.

Richard Åsberg

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What about Shade or ENBSeries?

i7 4790K@4.8GHz | 32GB RAM | EVGA RTX 3080Ti | Maximus Hero VII | 512GB 860 Pro | 512GB 850 Pro | 256GB 840 Pro | 2TB 860 QVO | 1TB 870 EVO | Seagate 3TB Cloud | EVGA 1000 GQ | Win10 Pro | EK Custom water cooling.

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Those files have been removed from the FSX root folder then, right?


Thanks a lot Paul, problem fixed!


I thought I removed all files related to SweetFX back when I stopped using it but having a look exactly what files come with SweetFX I found two left-overs in my main FSX folder called dxgi.dll and dxgi.fx.


After removing both these files FSX starts up just fine with DX10 checked :lol:


Now I just need to continue reading the How-To guide because out-of-the-box DX10 looked really bad to be honest when I tried loading up a flight where I'm at EKCH using add-on scenery and the NGX. Parts of the terminal buildings were in pink color and I got lots of "shimmering" both panning around in external view and inside the virtual cockpit in the NGX.


I'm really looking forward to this, almost feels like you had a new toy at Christmas Eve to start playing with!


Thanks again for your very quick reply and spot-on analyze what was the culprit, impressive !!

Richard Åsberg

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That's interesting. I switched to DX10 (HD7950) just because I could use SweetFX with AA enabled (and see cockpit shadows in SibWings AN-2). In DX9 I had to choose AA or SweetFX.

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Wahoo! Glad it's fixed!!   :Party:  :dance: 


Yeah - I've found that Sweet will do this - it happened after JimH rebuilt his OS, plus I know of others, and it's happened to me a couple of times, too, when switching between 1.3.7 and 1.4. 


Unusual, but I think that the SweetFS_settings.txt is the culprit, as being a text file - the application reading it probably needs 'end-of-line' and 'carriage returns' at the end of each line, and it's an easy one to corrupt.


Just delete what's left in the FSX root, and then copy over the originals again, and this should fix it without further problems.

i7 4790K@4.8GHz | 32GB RAM | EVGA RTX 3080Ti | Maximus Hero VII | 512GB 860 Pro | 512GB 850 Pro | 256GB 840 Pro | 2TB 860 QVO | 1TB 870 EVO | Seagate 3TB Cloud | EVGA 1000 GQ | Win10 Pro | EK Custom water cooling.

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Well, since I no longer use SweetFX I'm only glad this had me find those left-over files so I could get rid of them.


Reason I stopped using SweetFX is I managed to get pretty much the same effect by adjusting some of the settings on my TV and I always try to keep my FSX installation as clean as possible not adding anything unless I really need it.

Richard Åsberg

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OK, so I just did some initial testing using DX10 with the recommended settings and this is what I've found so far:


- FSX seems to be much smoother despite having approx the same FPS I have using DX9

- my water was much darker (and IMHO more realistic) using DX9 and when I tried using FS Water Configurator it doesn't seem to do anything in DX10

- all my online traffic on VATSIM (using IVAO's MTL library) are white


Looking at how smooth FSX became using DX10 I would very much like to stick with it but...


- I need to find out how to make the water look much darker again. Maybe I misunderstood what I read but the How To doc did talk about using either a software such as AS2012 which comes with darker water textures (and I do have AS2012 and already using the darker textures) and it also talked about FSWC which I again also have but no matter what I do with the sliders nothing happens to the water so how can I make the water darker in DX10 mode?


- I also need to find a way to fix my online traffic so not all aircraft around me show up in all white because this is a major issue to me since I do all my flying online. Would that AddonConverterX fix that problem?

Richard Åsberg

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"FS Water Configurator it doesn't seem to do anything in DX10"


They are working on a dx10 version so you are correct it will not work in dx10, not sure they are going to finish a dx10 version as it has been a long time now.

Rich Sennett


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Hi Rich!


Actually after reading through the doc again I found that it actaully was talking about FSWC Lite which seems to have some kind of DX10 shader included so will try that tomorrow. I also noticed some water replacement included with the Shader 3.2.2 so will try that one as well.


Other than the color of the water the main issues I have right now are:


- white IVAO MTL aircraft

- white jetways and pink buildings at EKCH where I have an add-on scenery installed made by ScanSim

- a white Aerosoft AES marshaller


Here's two screenshots showing these issues





Richard Åsberg

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Yuck lol good luck buddy that's why I went back to dx9 just cant deal with all the problems we have enough all ready lol

Rich Sennett


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