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Happy Birthday Mr. Robert Randazzo!

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Dear Robert,


I wish you a happy and merry birthday not least a wonderful day, on this beautiful sunny Sunday, with your family and friends! :-)


Take care and again happy birthday! :-)


Best regards


737 CL/NG skysurfer


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Happy Bday Rob!

Mikael Leinonen

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Happy birthday to a great man and pilot! Wish you many successful years with your personal life and with being the head of PMDG.

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you will know who to blame - you lot!


No, Tom, you cannot blame us for Rob having a birthday today..........


Happy Birthday, Rob. 


Now, you have celebrated your birthday long enough, BACK TO WORK... :lol:  B)   :biggrin:  :Praying:

Harry Nelson

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Hi Rob.


I hope you have a  fantastic birthday, very best wishes and be sure to enjoy every moment.


Happy Birthday


Guss. :Party:  :Party:  :Party:

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Happy birthday RSR! Now, if Tom is telling the truth and you are taking the day off, shouldn't that mean the price of the 777 will go down because there is 1 days work missing from it? ;)

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Guest Don Emerson

happy birthday from me too


Don Emerson

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Happy birthday from France Master Randazzo :) Joyeux anniversaire !

Can't wait to have this wonderful bird in my hands!

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Happy 43rd 33rd birthday Robert!  Enjoy your day and thanks for all you do. I was up at 4am this morning baking this masterpiece :lol:


Chris Sunseri




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