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Serious issue with ATI and Steves DX10 fix? Tears and Spikes everywhere

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[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.0]
[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.0.0]
[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.1]
[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.0.1]
[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.2]
[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.0.2]


I'm confused... Why so many entries in your CFG for the video card? Mine looks like this only...


[DISPLAY.Device.AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series.0.0]




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Guest devgrp

It seems as if the 13.4 driver was the cause if the spikes and tearing. I install the latest beta driver and the spikes are gone.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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It seems as if the 13.4 driver was the cause if the spikes and tearing. I install the latest beta driver and the spikes are gone.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


I am starting to think you are right. Just flew Fly Tampa 1.5 TNCM to TFFJ to TNCM in the A2A 172 with a big cloud layer and water set to Medium and wow wow wow. 30 locked at all times. No one spike. Not even a flash of anything. 


I am still gun shy but this is awesome. I really hope they fixed it and I am not fluking out with some wierd setting somewhere.



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OK I pushed it and forced the spikes but I am guessing nVidia users would get spikes doing this. Flew all over the Seattle area in ORBX PNW and had my stuff cranked.


Everything full right except water was 2x Med and Autogen was Very Dense. Traffic was defaulted to FSX HIGH slider setting.


I loaded the carenado C337 and some really horrible weather. Raining and a thick layer of overcast. Few from KSEA and circled downtown marvelling that I was locked at 30. Spun around and headed for Tacoma KTIW and it was magical. Just as I was getting there and lining up for landing I was hit suddenly with Spikes everywhere. So there is a limit.


So there has been an improvement with the driver but maxed out it will still spill it's drink. No matter what, it will be about pulling settings to an acceptable level.


Edit... Can't max out as much as I can with DX9+BP=0


Meh... DX10 still not perfect with this driver. Can't handle ORBX Lights in thick weather. Insta spikes still unless I dial back. Going to stick with DX9 with this driver and wait for P3D v 2.0 and see what that does. Not losing anything. It was a fun experiment.


Shame as it is sooooo smooth and can fly maxed out everything.



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Have you tried my last post to the letter? Water still at low x2 but great otherwise

Michael Moe




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I have the same issue, and using the 7970 card.  I just wanted to say that tonight I was flying over PAHO in DX10 and the scenery was beautiful.  But suddenly FSX reloaded "AI traffic", of which I only had the bottom sliders in the low teens.  (roads, ships, and leisure boats).  When it finished reloading FSX had spikes like crazy.  So I went in and turned the road, ship, and boat sliders off.  When that reloaded, the terrain was back to normal, looking crisp and clean.  (more testing of this theory is needed)  Next time you get spikes, go in and turn off all AI traffic.  See if they clear up.


I run FSX pretty much maxxed, except for mesh res at 5.  This thread has grown since I was here last.  I need to catch up some on what has transpired, but I wanted to throw that experience up here in case it has any value.  It sounds like the straw on my camel's back.  I will turn down some settings, :(   and see if it helps.  Sometimes I can fly for a long time with no spikes, then they appear suddenly.  (Usually when I am approaching the threshold on landing. :lol:  ).

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I have the same issue, and using the 7970 card.  I just wanted to say that tonight I was flying over PAHO in DX10 and the scenery was beautiful.  But suddenly FSX reloaded "AI traffic", of which I only had the bottom sliders in the low teens.  (roads, ships, and leisure boats).  When it finished reloading FSX had spikes like crazy.  So I went in and turned the road, ship, and boat sliders off.  When that reloaded, the terrain was back to normal, looking crisp and clean.  (more testing of this theory is needed)  Next time you get spikes, go in and turn off all AI traffic.  See if they clear up.


I run FSX pretty much maxxed, except for mesh res at 5.  This thread has grown since I was here last.  I need to catch up some on what has transpired, but I wanted to throw that experience up here in case it has any value.  It sounds like the straw on my camel's back.  I will turn down some settings, :(   and see if it helps.  Sometimes I can fly for a long time with no spikes, then they appear suddenly.  (Usually when I am approaching the threshold on landing. :lol:  ).


I have the same issue, and using the 7970 card.  I just wanted to say that tonight I was flying over PAHO in DX10 and the scenery was beautiful.  But suddenly FSX reloaded "AI traffic", of which I only had the bottom sliders in the low teens.  (roads, ships, and leisure boats).  When it finished reloading FSX had spikes like crazy.  So I went in and turned the road, ship, and boat sliders off.  When that reloaded, the terrain was back to normal, looking crisp and clean.  (more testing of this theory is needed)  Next time you get spikes, go in and turn off all AI traffic.  See if they clear up.


I run FSX pretty much maxxed, except for mesh res at 5.  This thread has grown since I was here last.  I need to catch up some on what has transpired, but I wanted to throw that experience up here in case it has any value.  It sounds like the straw on my camel's back.  I will turn down some settings, :(   and see if it helps.  Sometimes I can fly for a long time with no spikes, then they appear suddenly.  (Usually when I am approaching the threshold on landing. :lol:  ).


Interesting. :)

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I just flew from Gilbert Bay, AK to Juneau with everything maxxed (except mesh res=5), except no AI traffic at all.  The sim worked great.  I haven't turned it back on, to see if it corrupts the graphics yet.  I updated my ATI drivers to the Nov. 7 beta version also.  So can't draw conclusions just yet, but my sim sure is happy at the moment without the AI traffic going.

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Look at my fsx.cfg. Its pretty much without AI (road 10%) and UTII at 10%

Michael Moe




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I'm back.  I just flew from Juneau to Ketchikan in various planes, (A2A Scout amphib/PBY Cat./Aerosoft DHC-2) and the weather was extreme cloud cover and rain.  I started with no AI on at all.  Then I turned on airline and GA aircraft to 10% and airport stuff on low.  I flew for a while, listening to ATC traffic.  I added ships next and continued.  I was nearing Ketchikan when I turned on leisure boats.  Well, shortly after that my PC became loaded down with too much, and the ground textures were fuzzy and wouldn't load.  Then I got an OOM error.  When FSX closed, I discovered that MS Essentials was trying to do a scheduled scan.  I think that caused the OOM, together with my current location in FSX.  BUT, through all that, I haven't seen any spikes or glitches yet.  Since the road traffic is the only remaining thing, I could jump to a conclusion that there is something about road traffic that's causing the glitches.  But I will wait until after I fly with it on to say yes or no.  Re-installing a new display driver may also have "fixed it".  More testing needed.

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I just flew from Gilbert Bay, AK to Juneau with everything maxxed (except mesh res=5), except no AI traffic at all.  The sim worked great.  I haven't turned it back on, to see if it corrupts the graphics yet.  I updated my ATI drivers to the Nov. 7 beta version also.  So can't draw conclusions just yet, but my sim sure is happy at the moment without the AI traffic going.


Great news. A few questions if I may.


Water maxed?

What about Cloud Density slider?

What about AA level. 4? 8?

Do you use Supersample in CCC?



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I seem to be in FSX nirvana atm, with 13.11 beta 9.2, I can post my settings if you are interested. I'm running 2 7950's on Eyefinity, BP=0, internally limited to 35fps, texturemaxload=30, LOD radius=6.5, FFTF=0.4, no other tweaks. FSX is DX10 with fixer and various addons, SSAA is still totally out of the question , but SweetFX SMAA is doing a nice job.

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Yes, I have my water maxxed.  My clouds are at minimum for both coverage and density.  But Opus lays 'em out pretty thick anyway.  My DX10 AA is at 4.  I'm on Multisampling right now in CCC.  I still need to set the "recommended" settings.

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I started at PANT and flew to PAKW with the AI traffic "general" slider (on the settings main page) maxxed. That puts the individual sliders at airlines=20,GA= 20, medium, road=20, ships=40, and boats=40. Time of day is dawn, current date.


No glitches or spikes since I updated my video card driver. I believe they've addressed the problem and fixed it. I think the trick was in completely removing my previous driver. COMPLETELY!!! And reboot twice before installing the new drivers. Then reboot twice after installing. Well, I did it twice because of my Triplehead2Go. Then go flying, and check it out. I hope it is fixed, . . . so far, so good. Maybe now I can fly in DX10 all the time! Yay!


I have all my settings maxxed as I said above, and AI traffic, and the sim is looking good. Frames are very low though. It is alot of work, so now I think I'll turn down some things to make it run better.

Thanks for the heads-up on the new driver. :)

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