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Tom Allensworth

P3D V2 Pre Release Questions for Lockheed

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As others have said, great that you are taking questions from us, and thanks to Tom for facilitating this.


Those of us that are real-world pilots (mostly GA) can't help but reconcile simming to real life flying, with its constant challenges. As some of us get older we grow tired of having to tweak PC's and spend more time editing config files.


Can you elaborate on how the new version of P3D might more emulate real flight from a PIC perspective, and give some comfort to those of us that are more interested in flight than tweaking computers, that less tweaking is required to get a better experience?


Thanks, I know this is a very generalized question. Bruce.

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Will release free P3DV2.0'S sdk?

SDk is in the installer.

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Biggest disappointment to me in the past 10 years of flightsimming is the online multiplayer connection and the never ending software needed to have a successful connection.  How does V2 handle online multiplayer flights in regards to connection with VATSIM and ICAO as well as IP direct connect flights?

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If, it is possible to share any insight, what do you see as your key responsibilities and your deliverables, and those of third parties? What are they and why?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk



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Is a kickstarter in the works to pay LM to reply to all these questions?


I think it's great, but holy cow.

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Running dual GPU's in SLI is not currently of much benefit to FSX.


Will P3D v2.0 take advantage of SLI at release and if not is this likely to be implemented at a later date?

They confirmed that SLI support is not in place for 2.0 but is planned for 2.1

Aamir Thacker

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Hey LM Team,


I have a very easy question


Q) Do the joysticks work well (no drop outs) with P3D v2 since it will be using Directx 11. 


The reason being is buying Windows 7 licenses from retail sources is challenging now as MS has stopped selling Windows 7 on Oct 30, 2013.  All my new systems are Windows 8.1





Active Pattern: MSFS2020 | In Long term Storage: Prepar3d  

How I Evaluate Third Party Sim Addon Developers

Refined P3Dv5.0 HF2 Settings Part1 (has MaddogX) and older thread Part 2 (has PMDG 747)

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