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Biggest disappointments - 2014

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It's that time of year again.  What sim software were your greatest disappointments for last year?  Here's mine:


  • Orbx W16 Monroe First Air - far too heavy on VAS.
  • Carenado PC12 - the community did A LOT of work to get it right and there are still issues.  I find it uninspiring.


Gregg Seipp

"A good landing is when you can walk away from the airplane.  A great landing is when you can reuse it."
i7-8700 32GB Ram, GTX-1070 8 Gig RAM

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At first I was going to say that it was not winning the lottery again but I see you narrowed this to FS addons.  I was actually pretty happy with my purchases in 2014.  I think I was more dissapointed in what I did not see released in 2014....Ground Services X is one that comes to mind, ORBX North America LC is another.

Mark   CYYZ      


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OK, the PC12 has issues, I agree. But it is a $40 piece of software. You can not expect perfection in every regard for something that is a minor charge item in the real world. Personally, I think the PC12 is wonderful, and worth every penny spent on it.

Kerry W. Gipe
Savannah Georgia, USA
US FAA A&P / Commercial Pilot Multi Engine Land IFR

Your talent is a gift from God. How you use your talent is your gift back to God.

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Try Realair and you see that $40 can in fact bring you perfection. Biggest disappointment for me had to be BlackBox Airbus series.

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I think I was more dissapointed in what I did not see released in 2014


That's also more like I feel. Still no FSL A320 and Aerosoft CRJ. Well, maybe 2015. :smile:

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 Drzewiecki Design New York airports. Even at the sale price its a flop and Im thinking they must have farmed this scenery out or they just forgot to test it or both



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Aerosoft CRJ


This one is/has been in beta for a few weeks. I don't work for Aerosoft and I'm no psychic, but I'd expect it before Q1 is over.


For me, I think it would be the Razbam Metroliner. It looked great in preview shots, but for me personally it's hard on resources and locks up any time I try to fly it. Was very excited for it to come out but when I bought it, I just couldn't use it.

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Guest ~Craig~

Personally, I think the PC12 is wonderful, and worth every penny spent on it.




My biggest disappointments for 2014 would probably be Drzwiecki EETN and New York Airports .... poor performance on my machine (Drzwiecki products seem to be getting heavier and heavier on resources .... the Polish Airports series were great visually, and performance wise, EETN is not really any better visually (the photographic surrounding area is pretty lo-fi), yet performance is so much worse).


and secondly, the Carenado Piper Seneca V HD, which I just find characterless, unconvincing, with poor sounds, and just not very immersive.


....I have to say that on the whole though, Carenado/Alabeo have really stepped up in 2014 and have released some of their best products to date.


Of course there were certainly worse addons than these in 2014 (..cough... Wilco) but I wouldn't have expected anything better from those, whereas the above I had higher hopes for.


However, 99% of addons I bought in 2014 were fantastic and continued the enjoyment of this super hobby.   :smile:

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However, 99% of addons I bought in 2014 were fantastic and continued the enjoyment of this super hobby. :smile:


I'd agree with that.  While Orbx W16 was not good, I bought a lot of Orbx stuff in 2014 and, by and large, it was at least good...some of it very good.  Hobby Field, Orcas Island, Darrington, Monterrey, Jackson Hole, Bozeman, Redding...and many more.


In terms of Carenado, I bought 3...Malibu Mirage (outstanding), PC12 and the C340 (okay). 


The many other things I got...ASN, airports from FlightBeam, Taxi2Gate, LatinVFR...all, pretty much, very good or excellent.

Gregg Seipp

"A good landing is when you can walk away from the airplane.  A great landing is when you can reuse it."
i7-8700 32GB Ram, GTX-1070 8 Gig RAM

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For me the biggest disappointment of 2014 was FlyTampa Copenhagen. Practically unflyable due to performance problems.

I know some say they had no problems with it but others, including me, did. The brand of FT no more means the same to me.


I am also disappointed with iFly 747's quite poor performance (low FPS) though in other aspects it is really an awesome simulation.

I also see a rather bad tendency at Drzewiecki Design as their Polish Airports were so great compared to later UEEE or NY.

Yes, also some things that are coming slowly, with several of them mentioned in earlier posts. But for years of simming I have learned patience.


But all in all, as some also pointed out above, it was a great FS year, as all the other purchases I made did not let me down.

I hope the 2015 will also be a great FS time. With things to come like e.g. FB EDDF, EPWA, ZBAA, YSSY, CRJ, A330 or FSL A320 (cough cough)...

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I will chime in here only to be barked at. I paid the regular price fro P3Dv2 and now some of my favorite add ons are either dragging there feet getting them to cross. Never did I dream I would have to pay an annual price for the use of something I purchase, when on the other platform it is a flat fee. I do not charge, let anyone else use, or profit in any way from my use of P3D.

Greg I agree with you on the Carenado issue. I have watched the incoming thread for so long now it has become a daily activity to check and see it the Citation or the XP are out.

Bark if you shall, these are just my opinions. Capt. McGill, R. J. USN Retired.

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Hmmmm, MS-FLIGHT haven't yet been announced as the next major release by Dovetail Games, although Stonelance is doing Wonders for it :-)


For the time being, I am glad that FSX SE is now available trough Steam - excellent platform, even if I only used it for MS FLIGHT (  a couple of DLCs ), Aerofly FS 1, and li-2 Cliffs of Dover... and now FSX SE :-)

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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SimAir  :unknw:

Artem Crum, EASA PPL
LINDA Lua Integrated Non-complex Device Assigning

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Far be it from me to harangue, harass, belittle, besmirch or otherwise embarrass our fine membership here... Ah what the hell, sure I will!!! Guys!!! This is what the Member Reviews are for! Buy that product and share your experience with others in our Reviews section. That way, you can get your impressions of the product noted, allow your fellow users to read yours and they can reply with theirs in a system that makes it easy to find those reviews by thousands of your fellow members. Come on! Take 20 minutes to write up a review and share it with your fellow simmers so that they are fairly warned or encouraged, whichever the case may be!

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