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Matthew Kane

Worlds First 3D Printed Jet Engine

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Monash University located in Melbourne, Australia is the first to produce a 3D Printed Jet Engine. There are 3 printers in the world capable of this however Australia is the only location capable of producing the materials as well. They have produced 2 of them






Matthew Kane


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That's pretty amazing...thanks for the share! I remember reading an article on Motley Fool stating that 3d printing stocks would be a no brainer and that it would be 'The Next Big Thing'.

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I'm having trouble seeing why 3d printing is better than cnc.


scott s.


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Good question.

Whereas CNC removes (routes) material from a 3d object, 3d printing builds an object vertically from height zero - n... so it can build objects that are hollow, or contain intricacies inside the hollow portion of the object. I'm no expert though...so let me know what you find out...

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I'm having trouble seeing why 3d printing is better than cnc.


scott s.



In principal they are the same thing, however CNC Manufacturing you are taking raw material and forming it into a shape with tools by removing part of its mass, this process has multiple operations and is time consuming. With 3D Printing you are simply injecting material to create an object.


3D Printing will cut down on manufacturing times significantly as you are just producing an object in one operation. Traditional methods have multiple operations and require expert machinists. With 3D Printing you just push a button and you can produce more complex objects, much faster and without having a team of trained machinists. 


Also traditional methods of manufacturing has limitations where 3D Printing you have more freedom to create difficult shapes or hollow insides to reduce weights that is not possible with CNC

Matthew Kane


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