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Help with priority order scenery library

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I never ever ever EVER use the in-game library menu.   I always do all my scenery configuration/library work out of the sim in the Scenery Configuration Tool.


Or have it put in other words: never try to mix the methods of access to the scenery library, it can add quite some confusion.

For instance I am only using the FSX (or P3D) built-in scenery library editor :smile:.

However, there have been cases where a deep look into the scenery.cfg file with a reasonable text editor helped clearing up confusion introduced by a malevolent 3rd party installer ... :wink:

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Layer Cake Ordering



Layer 1 (top) - Object Libraries such as ORBX LIBS.

Layer 2 - Airport Add-Ons

Layer 3 - Vector Add-ons such as ORBX Vector or UTX 2.0

Layer 4 - Photoreal Terrain or Landclass Texture Addons like MegaSceneryEarth or FTX Global

Layer 5 (Bottom)- Terrain Mesh such as FS Global or FreeMesh.


All the default stuff can sit below all of this.


Use SceneryConfigurationEditor from the SourceForge website to help you order your scenery properly.


If I wasn't at work I'd post a screenshot of what my Scenery Config File looks like.  I'll do it when I get home if the above does not make sense to you but that'll be about 8 hours from this posting.

Hey K-man,


Could I ask you to send that screen shot, or the screnery.cfg file...I just got UTXEUROPE v2.1, and that is going with FTXGlobal,utxUSAv2, orbx NZ,UK,WALES...Id like to compare it to MY screnery.cfg.


Also, been following your great Sbuilderx tutorials, but I'm getting cannot find FS X, and I know you use P3d as I do. Any suggestions?



My first sim flight simulator pD25zEJ.jpg


Take a ride to Stinking Creek! http://youtu.be/YP3fxFqkBXg Win10 Pro, GeForce GTX 1080TI/Rizen5 5600x  OCd,32 GB RAM,3x1920 x 1080, 60Hz , 27" Dell TouchScreen,TM HOTAS Warthog,TrackIR5,Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals HP reverbG2,Quest2

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On 12/05/2015 at 2:37 PM, Kuragiman said:

Layer Cake Ordering



Layer 1 (top) - Object Libraries such as ORBX LIBS.

Layer 2 - Airport Add-Ons

Layer 3 - Vector Add-ons such as ORBX Vector or UTX 2.0

Layer 4 - Photoreal Terrain or Landclass Texture Addons like MegaSceneryEarth or FTX Global

Layer 5 (Bottom)- Terrain Mesh such as FS Global or FreeMesh.


All the default stuff can sit below all of this.


Use SceneryConfigurationEditor from the SourceForge website to help you order your scenery properly.


If I wasn't at work I'd post a screenshot of what my Scenery Config File looks like.  I'll do it when I get home if the above does not make sense to you but that'll be about 8 hours from this posting.

Hi Brian,

I've checked your explanation but I must be not very witty (:() and I'm not sure I got it right:

The numbers beside your layer order above are they referring to those appearing in the FSX scenery library or are they referring to scenery.cfg ?

Thx for the coming info


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