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Oculus Rift and P3D

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I have just reinstalled my Prepare 3D V3.2, Windows 10 64 Bit, and Oculus Rift Dk2.


After a little struggle I am in the air.

It is amazing


Having tried to get over 20 FPS, and upgrading to GTX 970, 8 Core AMD 5.1 GHz, 32 GB RAM, SSD etc etc

I find under Oculus I am running consistently at 35 FPS, without a stutter.


To get there I started with:


Clean in stall of DK2 software off Oculus web site

It tested all connections using Oculus utility, my tracker was failing because of USB port type (no probes keep going)


After trying Flyinside P3P ONCE .. I had to buy it, it worked first up, after selecting the simple Corenado plane.

You will have to start P3P a few times to get FlyInside to work well.

You can also configure devices on screen while its running to add devices, adjust settings etc


Yes I had the Black Screen .. select a smaller plane as above (A2A Cessna 172 Works well also)


I have SAITEK Joystick, Throttle and pedals that all work.


My Jetmax 737 Throttle is still out of action, My Saitek Instruments work .. dont need them now


My Saitek panels are still asleep .. Ill get them to wake up somehow.


I,m using three screens , so image in Oculus is on one screen so anyone flying, can be guided by me and i can see whats going on, which I cold not see with previous software DLL.


I have to buy a glove to toggle the cockpit .... any ideas what works with P3P ?




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Oculus Rift integration with DCS shows a lot of promise. Very excited for the future!


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Cockpit or VR - I've gone with former for now, but pretty excited about the future of this tech after seeing the vids and reading your reports.


I wonder what the experience would be like using a 737 simpit with the ngx? Yoke and pedals should be intuitive, mcp probably ok, cdu would've harder to use but I think I could probably make it work.


 xdQCeNi.jpg   puHyX98.jpg

Sim Rig: MSI RTX3090 Suprim, an old, partly-melted Intel 9900K @ 5GHz+, Honeycomb Alpha, Thrustmaster TPR Rudder, Warthog HOTAS, Reverb G2, Prosim 737 cockpit. 

Currently flying: MSFS: PMDG 737-700, Fenix A320, Leonardo MD-82, MIlviz C310, Flysimware C414AW, DC Concorde, Carenado C337. Prepar3d v5: PMDG 737/747/777.

"There are three simple rules for making a smooth landing. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."

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This clearly is the future of flight simulation.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to fly my friends DCS / Oculus Rift / Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS home cockpit setup.

The immersion and realism of the feeling of actual flight was beyond amazing.

The future is very bright for this technology.

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From what I understand the FlyInside software is still very much a work in progress. I used it for about two weeks and found that it appears to significantly down sample what you see to the point where much is very blurry. Also, HDR and many shadows are not supported yet. I hope to give this another go when it does support HDR and most shadows. The experience was pretty amazing in some aspects and quite lacking in others. 


REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations

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