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Wow... Is it worth it?

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Hello Jason,


To speak for FSUIPC you can copy the whole Modules folder to v3. To make sure you have the correct version reinstall FSUIPC. Your configuration file should not be harmed. Maybe you need to recalibrate the controller axises for some models.


A lot of add ons are already v3 installable. For ex ORBX is doing a hard job to throw out quad installers. A2A, RealAir, the latest Carenados, FSDT, Flightbeam have their quad installers. A reinstallation is recommended or even required. I recently stated to fly in Japan and got me some nice WingCreation add ons. They come with a tripple installer. However it is possible just to make an entry to the scenery.cfg via the usual ways. The work fine in v3. For some add ons can be pointed to v3 root directory like Razbam or Cerasim aircraft.


But before you throw everything at v3 get it run stable. Install one add on after the other to make sure the sim stays stable running. If it wasnt said before the folder structure has changed. But it should not interfere with most add ons.  




Thanks for the info on FSUIPC, should prove very helpful.


I realize there are many P3D installers. However, I wasn't sure whether or not I should remove the copies installed to FSX on the other drive before installing a new copy to P3D in order to ensure there are no registry mix ups...


Installing any new sim is always a chore!

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Thanks for the info on FSUIPC, should prove very helpful.


I realize there are many P3D installers. However, I wasn't sure whether or not I should remove the copies installed to FSX on the other drive before installing a new copy to P3D in order to ensure there are no registry mix ups...


Installing any new sim is always a chore!


Hello Jason,


hope you got everything setup to your needs :) As of my experience with v2.x and v3 you can install every add on either again AND into v3 or just into v3 If the installer is a multi sim installer like ORBX and FSDT/Flightbeam.


To help with manual installation of sceneries i suggest to get a copy of the Scenery Config Editor http://fs-sceditor.sourceforge.net/. It is a very powerful tool when it comes to scenery library management especially if you have lots of scenery add ons or multi sim installation.


In addition to that i can also highly recommend the Simstarter http://aviation.pero-online.de/. Im using it basically to start flights with custom scenery libraries. For ex i have a master scenery library with all of my add ons. Then i divided it in different regions like europe, US and Asia. The advantage is to have faster loading times due to less scenery entries. Besides that you can define different profiles with different settings of the prepar3d.cfg, dll.xml and exe.xml. It has a lightweight basic ASN settings and autostart support. ORBX configuration support etc etc :)


These tools set up and handled correctly are the most powerful tools for FS since the introduction of FSUIPC. Go check out both managers. The best thing is they are free :)




My youtube blog________________________Prepar3D v2.5/v3


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Hi Jason, & welcome to P3D.

Just remember that P3D is a new separate program, so there will be no registry issues. No need to delete anything from FSX.

Just take things slowly & enjoy the experience. There is no rush at all.

Have fun & Enjoy!!





"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 

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