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SkyhighSim FS9 scenery now freeware

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Hi Joseph29, thanks for the heads-up on these superb sceneries - and a huge thanks to SkyHighSim for their generosity!

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I have problem with this scenery  :mad:

Airport buildings not showing

I suspect missing textures as the folder texture of folder photoground is empty !!!

Tivat run perfectly :smile:

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Hi navtech, my photoground/texture folder is empty too but the airport buildings etc. all show perfectly. Maybe you have an existing Belgrade AFCAD or other Belgrade airport scenery conflict?

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first let me thank you Joseph for bringing this freeware offer to our attention!

I also experienced the texture problem with Belgrade at first. The installer copies some of the textures needed into the FS2004\texture folder. So they normally should show up; and I don't know why they do not. I then decided to put them in the airport scenery's texture folder and not to use the phototerrain. This works fine.

   Harald Geyer
   Gründer der Messerschmitt Freunde Dresden v. V.


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Thanks for the heads up! I visit quite a few forums. The members here at AVSIM in the FS2004 forum, both regular and occasional posters, always come across to me as such a great bunch of people with a wealth of information! Always a pleasure to visit here.

Mark Daniels


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I just have a little problem with Tivat ...the runway numbers and centre lines don't show properly ..just White boxes ..


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These are two high quality sceneries for sure, but I had a few issues with them, mainly because I like to have full control over where my addons go on my harddrive.

At first I just installed normally and found that some textures went into FS9/Textures, which I don't like. So I uninstalled. But then some of my tree textures went missing which affected the whole sim.

Luckily I have a backup so it was easy to copy back the missing tree textures.

I then made a dummy FS9 folder, changed the registry entry and installed again. Then I did as HaraldG and copied the files that would go to FS9/textures into the scenery's texture folder and

then moved the whole thing to where I have all my addon sceneries.

I did this for both sceneries.


And as usual there are some dxt3 textures with a bad alpha channel which cause a very noticable stutter, especially at LYTV,

so use my DxtFixerX (link in signature) to quickly and easily fix that.


Now it all works just fine, except for the runway numbers at Tivat as keenrw mentioned.


And you might also want add mipmaps to the textures that are without, there are lots of them ;)


Big thanks to SkyHighSim for releasing these as freeware!

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And you might also want add mipmaps to the textures that are without, there are lots of them ;)


I just tried to fly to Tivat twice and had a CTD both times on approach. Windows error log shows as being D3D.dll but I'm wondering if mipmaps could possibly cause this CTD. Anyone with suggestions for the best program to fix mipmaps? I flew to Belgrade a while ago, that one gave no problems.

Mark Daniels


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On 6/18/2016 at 5:25 AM, Joseph29 said:

Those those that never bought scenery from SkyHighSim their scenery is now freeware.







Actually I lost my storage disk last year in which I stored many sceneries, one of them was these 2 sceneries. But now when I go to download it from the site, I notice that the website no more exists and thus I am not able to download it again. So I would kindly request anyone to share it to me so that I can again fly in this legendary airport...

Thank you!

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