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Ortho4xp height files, overlays and running on separate computer?

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On 5/11/2017 at 11:43 PM, Sesquashtoo said:

Absolutely!   Here's what you do.  Once you created the tiles folders within the TILES Folder, and of course, you had set Ortho4XP's options to build Overlays from XP 11's own Global Scenery Folder (that you pointed to), then you only have to highlight all of your created tile folders, within the TILES Folder, and then create SHORT CUTS.  Then, when they are created, highlight all of them and transfer them to your XP 10, or 11's Custom Scenery Folder.

Next,...create a Short Cut of your root Overlay Folder within the root directory of your Ortho4XP Folder.  Move that Short Cut into your XP10 or 11's Custom Scenery Folder.

Next....run XP10 or 11.  For 11, as soon as your opening screen comes up....look at the left bottom, and QUIT XPlane.

Next...Open up your Custom Scenery Folder  Scenery.ini file, and you will find all your short cuts registered at the top.  First move your OVERLAY entry, to JUST ABOVE your custom mesh, like for instance, UHD or HD 3 Mesh, which should be at the VERY BOTTOM of the entries. The Overlay should be inserted just above your custom mesh. Then...move all your other TILE short cuts BELOW the Overlay entry.  You are done!

Fire up XP11 and enjoy.   One final thing.  Because you Short-cutted your Overlay Folder, you will never have to do anything more with that folder.  Anytime you create another tile, and have create overlays enabled, then when that tile is created, an overlay for it will also be created, which of course will be 'seen' by XP11 the next time it sniffs that folder, via your shortcut in the .ini file.

But...you still DO have to create a short cut for each new subsequent tile you choose to create, and then repeat the above (for the tile folder shortcuts...but only the new one, or ones).  Always make sure that in your .ini file, all your TILE shorcuts are below the OVERLAY entry.  You are good to go.

Hope this helped.


I do not quite understand with this,

Next,...create a Short Cut of your root Overlay Folder within the root directory of your Ortho4XP Folder.  Move that Short Cut into your XP10 or 11's Custom Scenery Folder.


This what I always do after I create new tiles

First move your OVERLAY entry


But what I really also want to know if it is possible to let XP 11 Read the tiles files on other drive, like for example my XP 11 is on Drve E and I want to put all the tiles files only  on Drve F so that XP 11 read them on Drive F.



Win11 Pro 64 Bit, Intel® Core i9-10900K 5.3 GHz, NVIDIA  RTX 3090, DDR4 4200 128GB, P3D V5

John Liem



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5 hours ago, johnliem said:

I do not quite understand with this,

Next,...create a Short Cut of your root Overlay Folder within the root directory of your Ortho4XP Folder.  Move that Short Cut into your XP10 or 11's Custom Scenery Folder.


This what I always do after I create new tiles

First move your OVERLAY entry


But what I really also want to know if it is possible to let XP 11 Read the tiles files on other drive, like for example my XP 11 is on Drve E and I want to put all the tiles files only  on Drve F so that XP 11 read them on Drive F.



John, you can have your generated tiles, over 50 drives, if you want.  They can stay inside the Tile folder on drive 1,2,3,4,5...and on...and you only need to create SHORT CUTS, for all the tiles, in each of the Tile Folders, on any of those drives, and then move those SHORT CUTS, from all those separate drives, to your Custom Scenery Folder.  Every time you create a new tile, you will need to make a Short Cut for that tile and then transfer THAT short-cut to your XP11 or 10, Custom Scenery Folder. Always remember, to run XP 10 or 11 once...and as soon as you load out into an airport, shut right down...and then go into your Scenery.ini file with a text editor, and highlight (make them turn blue as the O.S. does) all the new shortcuts at the top of the Scenery.ini file, and use the CUT command to put them all into memory, and then take them down to the very bottom of the other short cuts that are at the bottom of your .ini file, just below your yOrtho_Overly Folder. Use the Paste Command to insert them from memory, to at the bottom of all the short cuts.


One final thing that can be done. That is, to create ALL your ortho tiles in your first and primary total Ortho4XP Folder.  Create the overlay, as part of the batch method, or later in manual mode.  Then after let's say you create ten tiles, you can MOVE those tiles from the original Tile Folder, to a folder on another drive called, 'Ortho4XP Generated Tiles.  Once you move them there, make short-cuts for them, and then move those short-cuts as I discussed above.  That way, with this method, you don't need to ever mess around with any other yOrtho_Overlay folder.  All your overlays will be inside your original folder, that has been short-cutted to XP11, which will sniff that folder through the short-cut association each time XP 10 or 11 is run.

A really good use of this method, would be to move high storage demand tiles off off any internal system drive hard drive, and onto a (for instance) USB My Book drive. You could save lots of storage and long read usage taken now off your internal drives, and the demand and wear being placed onto your My Book Hard Drive.  I have four 4T My Books, and they all are going to be used to house my generated tiles, and fed to XP11 via short-cuts from each of those drives, and their Tile Folders, holding my generated tile folders as one below Root Level.



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I am loving it too, but has anyone been able to get either xp 3d airports in view, or a 3rd party addon airport to blend with the ortho?


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I have found if you make custom setings for each tile and save the settings with each dem file selected for each tile you can do a batch conversion as it will use each tiles settings for each tile it does if youy dont set the settings it will use global settings . then if you let ssay have your output foder as 2d:/temp\custom scenery\hawai" without the hawai/ with "/" taken off it will put all tiles into the hawai folder so it does not make seperate folders for each tile it converts.

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