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747 completely freezes when initialization reaches 0

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Recently after an update that I did on the operations center, my 747-400 has become quite laggy and once initialization reaches 0 it compelely freezes.


Any thoughts? My current graphics driver from Nvidia is 376.33.



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I had this issue earlier today, after it worked flawlessly yesterday. I uninstalled the QOTS II, deleted the entire PMDG folder from my main Prepar3d installation folder and re-installed it, and it worked after that. I wouldn't advise you to delete your entire PMDG folder if you have more than one of their aircraft installed, though. 

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Please take a look at the thread we pinned here:




Try the technique we recommend and let me know if that solves the issue for you?


We are testing a permanent fix in-house right now... if it tests okay you will have it ASAP.

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com

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