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nose gear don´t move 747-8

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hi Guys

I have a problem with the 747-8. Although I can steer the aircraft on the ground, but the nose gear does not move and remains rigidly aligned straight out. the main gear is moving. especially in relatively narrow turns you can see that very well. but the nose gear does not move. this problem is on the intercontinental and the freighter the same. i´m using the fsx.

best regards
mario murhöfer


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It sounds like you are doing the famous "nose wheel sliding turn".  Is the tiller locked in position?

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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the famous "nose wheel sliding turn???? oh... what is that? 😉

but you´re right. the tiller don´t move and is locked. any chance to  repair that?

thanks for the quick answer!

Edited by Homer1979

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On 4/2/2019 at 9:38 AM, Homer1979 said:

no ideas, how i can repair that??? 😞

I don't think you will in FSX, because there are a limited number of animations possible with this 32bit simulator and your lack of any nosewheel animation might be one animation that has had to be sacrificed so that other more important features in the 747-8 could be modelled. 

The best way for you to find out if this issue is an FSX or PMDG bug (or not) is to raise a support ticket with PMDG.  Better still, it might be worth upgrading your simulator to P3Dv4.xx because you will find lots of new and future-proof features and other addons available over and above those in FSX - and a moving 747-8 nosewheel and tiller is certainly one of them!  

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I’ve never had this issue using FSX, so it’s not an animation that was left out or anything. 

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