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Pentagon confirm more UFO footage.

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Alan Bradbury

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1 hour ago, Chock said:

The plausible explanation is invariably the simplest and most mundane one; and that is it's most likely an entirely terrestrial prototype of some kind 


Yep, agree. Most likely explanation. Doesn't answer the physics defying manoeuvres though, as reported by credible witnesses. Unless we do have super duper hyper advanced capability. Which, unless we have suddenly advanced 1000 years, (unbeknownst to the the majority of the scientific community) we don't. 

And why, as you alluded to before, would they switch on all the lights, carry out these maneuverers in front of witnesses, if it was top secret tech? 

One possibility is that the tic tac Navy patents were for a real craft, and the patents, plus the display around carriers and witnesses for all to see, where deliberate, to let  a foreign  adversary know we have the tech too. 

Maybe these things reported don't do the things they say they do. I'm finding that hard to fathom though, as the witnesses are many and seemingly reliable. 


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2 hours ago, martin-w said:

Or, benevolent aliens

You mean benevolent aliens like the Spaniards and Portuguese who ravaged South and Central America?  Or the benevolent aliens like the missionaries and New England sea farers who gave the native Hawaiians the Bible in exchange for their land? Or perhaps the English and Dutch who settled in South Africa and required slaves to dig diamonds?  Or maybe the English who sold opium to the Chinese?  Or even the benevolent Americans who chased the Indians off their land in the west, killed off most of the buffalo, and took it for themselves?  Or the French who took Indochina and required slaves to work on the rubber plantations?

Has there ever been a case where aliens who landed on foreign soil were benevolent?  Benevolence doesn't create wealth.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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This is the youtube link to the exact same video in the OP message #1... On youtube you can speed it up or slow it down and so forth.


Ryzen5 5800X3D, RTX4070, 600 Watt, TWO Dell S3222DGM 32" screens spanned with Nvidia surround 5185 x 1440p, 32 GB RAM, 4 TB  PCle 3 NVMe, Warthog throttle, CH Flightstick, Honeycomb Alpha yoke, CH quad, 3 Logitech panels, 2 StreamDecks, Desktop Aviator Trim Panel.

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2 hours ago, birdguy said:


Has there ever been a case where aliens who landed on foreign soil were benevolent?  Benevolence doesn't create wealth.



All of the examples you gave were human beings though, not aliens. And even today, primitive.

It's that "great filter" we have to consider again. My feeling is that for a species to survive  long enough to invent such incredible technology that they can traverse 1000's of lightyears in a reasonable time frame, they would have to be benevolent. They would have to have evolved beyond violence. If not, they would have self destructed long before they developed the capability to travel at relativistic speeds.

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CASE: Cooler Master MasterBox Lite 5 MB: Msi Z590 Tomahawk CPU: Intel i7 11700K RAM: HyperX Fury 16GB 2400 MHz COOLER: Cooler Master MasterLiquid Lite 120 HD: Samsung 970 Evo 250GB GPU: Nvidia (Asus A8G) GTX 1080 PSU: Cooler Master V750 FAN: Cooler Master MasterFan Pro 120 Air Flow RGB (x4).

302318.png     Lorenzo Guidotti


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2 hours ago, birdguy said:

Has there ever been a case where aliens who landed on foreign soil were benevolent?  Benevolence doesn't create wealth.

Yup, the US and Russian lunar landings, US Mars missions.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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About benevolence:

1 hour ago, Chock said:

Yup, the US and Russian lunar landings, US Mars missions.

Didn't we, um, bombard the surface first? 😄 


Larry Hookins


Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

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What always amazes me in stories like this is the mostly abysmal image quality.


Just the other day I snapped this with my mid-range EOS 90D fitted with a mid-range telephoto lense




After a little bit of editing I was able to make out the registration - VQ-BBN - which belongs to SilkWay West 747-83QF, cruising along at 36,000 feet (I was pretty much exactly at sea level) - all confirmed a couple of minutes later by a look on flightradar24.


Now, if I can take a snap like that with something that is 11km away and doing 450+ knots, and compare it with the other material put out there trying to prove the existence of UFOs, then either the mighty military and every one else providing these pieces of so-called evidence has terrible equipment, or they are just publishing these "snippets" for a laugh and to keep the forums alive 😉





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A fair point Mr Mallard. But the military aren't using the equipment you are. The image in my first post was at night with an infrared camera, and they aren't noted for their supreme definition.

We have the famous ATFLIR videos of course, but they too are infrared. There is an ATFLIR daylight mode but the range was extreme. Even so, acording to Fravor, the original high quality version he saw was sharp enough to see a little aerial sticking out of the bottom. The version on YouTube of course has been copied a multitude of times and lost quality.

The military don't normally operate with an SLR and telephoto like you do. They have specific equipment desighned for a specific task.

And yes, the images released were leaked but we have no idea what sort of evidence the military has that we are yet to see.

One thing is certain, something weird is happening, whatever the true nature happens to be.

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15 hours ago, martin-w said:

My feeling is that for a species to survive  long enough to invent such incredible technology that they can traverse 1000's of lightyears in a reasonable time frame, they would have to be benevolent.

I have to disagree Martin.

I think that if there are intelligent species out there they would look and act similar to us.  And what would their motives be?  "Lets spend all tis money going out there to see who we can help?"  Or, "We are running out of whatever so lets go out there and find some."  And if the find a planet that has what they need, and that planet is inhabited by animals who can do the work for them, what are they going to do.  Especially if they find intelligent life that is inferior to themselves.

In another thread you alluded to the fact that we still use child labor to manufacture goods we need.  And while not officially classified as slaves people are still exploited to dig for diamonds in South Africa and gold and copper in South America.  Even here in the United States illegal aliens are exploited to pick our lettuce and artichokes.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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14 hours ago, Chock said:

Yup, the US and Russian lunar landings, US Mars missions.

But the Moon and Mars don't have living creatures on them to exploit.  I'm sure it would be different if they were both inhabited and had materials we wanted to send back to Earth.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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A number of years ago I had a next door neighbor who owned a Schweitzer 2-32.  I let him park it in my carport. 

Every 4th of July weekend Roswell holds it's UFO festival.

We speculated that we could take it out to one of the crop duster fields around here, fit it out with lights, tow it up to altitude, and fly it silently over main street at midnight.  The UFO junkies who flood our little city for the weekend would have a field day speculating as to what it was.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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46 minutes ago, birdguy said:

I think that if there are intelligent species out there they would look and act similar to us. 


Evolution relies on random mutations, and all kinds of other chance factors, so I'm afraid we cant say that an alien species would look like us. It may be the case that some species have some characteristics similar given the principle of convergent evolution but It may be that there are alien species out there that aren't even carbon based, they may be based on silicon or something else. I'm afraid we aren't at the point in our understanding of alien lifeforms to be able to come to definitive conclusions. The universe is a huge place, possibly infinite, with an infinite number of possibilities. To  be convinced an alien species would be pretty similar to us would be a mistake. 

Same applies to the way an alien species might act. Some may act similar to us the majority might not. And remember, we act the way we do due to the position we are in the evolutionary scale and we wont be acting the way we do now in 5000 years time, just as we didn't 5000 years ago. 


46 minutes ago, birdguy said:

And what would their motives be?  "Lets spend all tis money going out there to see who we can help?"  Or, "We are running out of whatever so lets go out there and find some."  And if the find a planet that has what they need, and that planet is inhabited by animals who can do the work for them, what are they going to do.  Especially if they find intelligent life that is inferior to themselves.


Again though, that's assuming an alien species would have a brain that functioned the same as ours. We don't know that's the case. It may be that any advanced species would have advanced beyond the biological. We are almost all cyborgs now, in that we have fillings in our teeth, wear glasses and many of us have all kinds of technological implants. The way technology is going that process will continue. So it may be that advanced aliens are not biological at all. They may be an artificial intelligence with entirely different motivations and needs. 

As for running out of resources, that doesn't really apply to a hyper advanced species that can travel at relativistic speeds to reach us. They would be at a level of technological development that would be astounding. So they wouldn't need resources like we do, in fact they would have the capability to manipulate matter on the atomic scale and turn anything into anything. They wouldn't need what we regard as vital resources.

The other factor  is that there is an abundance of resources in the asteroid belts of the universes star systems, so no need to take over our planet for resources. 


46 minutes ago, birdguy said:

In another thread you alluded to the fact that we still use child labor to manufacture goods we need.  And while not officially classified as slaves people are still exploited to dig for diamonds in South Africa and gold and copper in South America.  Even here in the United States illegal aliens are exploited to pick our lettuce and artichokes.


Indeed, but that's us!

A hyper advanced alien species,  (they would have to be)  capable of reaching this planet,  would have advanced way beyond digging the dirt for resources, even we ourselves are starting to use robots more for such tasks, an advanced alien species would have perfected such automation. Its important to realise how hard it is (may be impossible) to create a technology that can traverse 1000's of lightyears in a reasonable time frame. Any species that achieved that would regard our technology as utterly primitive. 

To be honest, we cant really come to any definitive conclusions on this. We just don't have the data. We haven't even detected life in space, not a single microbe. We can only speculates at this point as to what an alien species might look like or how their brains would function, or what their motivations and behaviour patterns might be. 


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