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Flight history to be made tomorrow

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Thank you. If you hadn't reminded me I would have missed it.


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First flight on Mars!!!


History in the making.

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I don't use the word "cool" but the cool thing is that a small piece of the Wright Flyer was attached to the underneath of the solar panel. A bit of the Wright Flyer has now flown on mars. 




Edited by martin-w

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The best part about that flight is how stable it looked. That makes me very optimistic that we will get some great footage from this little helicopter as the mission unfolds.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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Yesterday I watched live when the photos and telemetry data arrived to JPL, and the emotion at mission control, but this video is awesome 😮

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Best regards,
Luis Hernández 20px-Flag_of_Colombia.svg.png20px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png

Main rig: self built, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X with PBO enabled (but default settings, CO -15 mV, and SMT ON) Ryzen 7 5700X3D (with SMT off and CO -50 mV), 2x16 GB DDR4-3200 RAM, Nvidia RTX3060 Ti 8GB, 256 GB M.2 SSD (OS+apps) + 2x1 TB SATA III SSD (sims) + 1 TB 7200 rpm HDD (storage), ID-Cooling SE-224-XTS air cooler, Viewsonic VX2458-MHD 1920x1080@120 Hz, Windows 10 Pro. Runing FSX-SE, MSFS and P3D v5.4 (with v4.5 default airports).

Mobile rig: ASUS Zenbook UM425QA (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H APU @3.2 GHz and boost disabled, 1 TB M.2 SSD, 16 GB RAM, Windows 11 Pro). Running FS9 there... sometimes on just battery! FSX-SE also installed, just in case. 

VKB Gladiator NXT Premium Left + GNX THQ as primary controllers. Xbox Series X|S wireless controller as standby/travel.

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4 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

The best part about that flight is how stable it looked. That makes me very optimistic that we will get some great footage from this little helicopter as the mission unfolds.


That struck me too. Given how thin the Martian atmosphere is and the difficulty generating enough thrust, very impressive. I recall they said the rotor spins at 2500 RPM. 

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I wonder how long the batteries will last. I don't suppose there is a provision for re-charging them.

I also wonder just how 'precise' control will be when the lag in communications is taken into account. 

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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It's solar powered. Plus a battery. The sun charges the battery. 

It's programed via the datalink from Earth and then left to do It's thing. Wouldn't be possible any other way because the lag is about 15 minutes. 

Edited by martin-w

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Ingenuity (to Perseverance): Look, Mum....I'm flying!!

Perseverance: Stop messing about, Ingen. Get back down here, and do some proper work.

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Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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3 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

Ingenuity (to Perseverance): Look, Mum....I'm flying!!

Perseverance: Stop messing about, Ingen. Get back down here, and do some proper work.

Their official  nicknames at JPL  are Percy and Ginny.

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