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Mike A

Severe rain and flooding in China

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Those poor people, God help and bless them.

It's not even making the news here in the UK?

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While there has been a deluge (pun intended!) of news from Europe, this is absolutely the first I've heard about severe flooding in Zhengzhou, China!

May God help those poor people in their time of distress.

Fr. Bill    

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When we stating to hear some news there from last weekend and monday, nobody really grasped how severe it could be, I mean some summer typhoon day with flood on street isn't that uncommon and it's just more or less inconvenient most of the time.

But Holy cow when it's clear that's full year's rain have dumped down in less than 2 days, nobody would doubt it's now a level I emergency, some place have already got over 1000mm in less than a week.

Some of my colleagues is too terrified to watch any video from Zhengzhou

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