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A Pittance of Time...

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For those who might not know me or might be new here I post 'A Pittance of Time' every November 11th.  It commemorates the end of World War I when the armistice was signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.  In the United States it's generally known as Veterans day, although some of we old timers remember it as Armistice Day as it was called hen we were in school.  In Canada it is called Remembrance Day.  I don't know what is called elsewhere.  I got this years ago from a fellow simmer (at the time) who lives in Edmonton Alberta.

Here it is.  It isn't that long.  




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The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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Thanks Noel, I actually cry every time I watch this wonderful, moving ballad.

Fr. Bill    

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Hello Noel,

It's Remembrance Day here in the UK.

Is it me or are you a month early?

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You just made me call my friend for veterans day a month early. AARRGGHH!

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As a 21year veteran in the RAAF, I have a strong connection to this and also to The Fureys "Green Fields of France" and, like n4gix, I have trouble not shedding a tear.

However, I have to admit that on ANZAC day and Armistice day, it is not "shedding a tear" but it is shedding many tears as I think back on the new unblooded soldiers leave home, country and family to go off to fight a war not of their making, and who may never return. All soldiers in every country, and even the aggressors, are in the same category. 

I recall a few years ago in the rural country town of Manjimup, after attending the ANZAC Dawn service, I was walking towards the RSL  Club(Returned Soldiers League, for short)  for the Diggers Breakfast, I noticed a young girl of about 7 or 8 walking beside me with her family. I asked her if she had a little cry during the service and she confidently denied it.  It is my dearest wish, that in a few years time, when she learns the significance of what she had just experienced, that she will shed tears in rememberance of the fallen and the suffering by all who participated, actively and passively.

Both of these tunes and the lyrics are powerful anti war instruments, the problem being that those who instigate wars and major conflicts are not prepared to listen.

The times have changed considerably since those lyrics were written, but the basic circumstances do not and will not change. Death and destruction rarely achieve any real purpose.

As November 11 approaches, my thoughts are with everybody who has fought, served, died or were injured and for those who lost family and friends throughout all wars.  

Thank you Birdguy for your timely reminder.



Tony Chilcott.


My System. Motherboard. ASRock Taichi X570 CPU Ryzen 9 3900x (not yet overclocked). RAM 32gb Corsair Vengeance (2x16) 3200mhz. 1 x Gigabyte Aorus GTX1080ti Extreme and a 1200watt PSU.

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OS Win 10 Pro 64bit. Simulators ... FS2004/P3Dv4.5/Xplane.DCS/Aeroflyfs2...MSFS to come for sure.

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Excuse me guys.  Another senior moment.  I went to the bank this morning they were closed.  I jumped a month.  Now I wonder why they were closed.  Getting old's a word not allowed and then you die.  Catch you gain next month.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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Tony, my heart goes out to the ANZACS for what the British did to them at Gallipoli.  "When the going get's tough withdraw and send in the ANZACS."


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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3 minutes ago, birdguy said:

Now I wonder why they were closed.

Columbus Day.

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"Oh yeah," he said, slapping his hand on his forehead.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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