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REX Seasons has been released

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3 hours ago, 69Yanks said:

I have a similar question.  Will I see barren winter trees if flying in New York, 60 miles north of NYC such at KSWF or KMGJ?

Hi 69Yanks. Thanks for your question. In that general area there are three EcoRegions so if you are flying using the Dynamic Seasons feature, this week you will see areas with mostly brown trees with a very few orangish ones and it other areas around there you will see trees that are barren along with a few brown trees with leaves. 

Next week you would see areas with brown trees and other areas with all barren trees. The following week you will see areas with barren trees along with some brown trees and other areas with barren trees. 

If you want to see all barren trees right now, you can, select a winter preset called Dead of Winter, which is all barren trees or you could select one called Cold Snap with is mostly barren trees with some fully leaved trees that are brown.


1 hour ago, h2egc said:


No bare trees l could see around KSWF or 20N, even used the preset that says bare trees!

Hope they fix it.

Hi h2egc. In order for a preset to apply, you need to exit the simulator and then apply the preset within AccuSeason. Then fire up the simulator. Wondering if you followed that procedure. 

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REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations

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1 hour ago, TomCYYZ said:

Is there anyone here who has installed this via "ORBX Central" into a ORBX Library? If so, what is your file structure? I have nothing in my Community folder (Steam) and I am not sure where the files would be. I have tried loading the winter theme into MSFS but when I go in I don't see any winter textures at all, it's still nice and green.

UPDATE: Using Addon Linker which connects my ORBX Library to the Community folder, when I click on the "rex Accuseason" entry the only folder that loads into the Community folder is Files\sounds (+ layout.jason & manifest.json) files).

Possibly you have made assumptions about how the program might work that are incorrect. What is in the Orbx Library bears no relation at all to what appears in the Community folder. You might be tempted to leave the installation of this software alone and just let it run without your input.

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49 minutes ago, YoYo said:

Hi REX, trees are quite nice but.... you forgot about seasonal grass :blink: I have also Bijan addon and here I have brown or faded grass.

In your addon is green as summer everywhere. 😞 I have mixed feelings after the purchase, although I like the automatic option as well and rounded kind trees. There is also much less flickering on trees, this is big plus for me. The performance is good too, better than in Bijan addon but no 3D models here so perhaps its this.

Pls to add grass texture too and maybe seasonal shadres for the ground too.

Hi YoYo. Very good point. Seasonal ground coloring is in the works. We have done some prototyping and are looking to release this in the future. 

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REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations

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18 minutes ago, MikeT707 said:

Hi YoYo. Very good point. Seasonal ground coloring is in the works. We have done some prototyping and are looking to release this in the future. 

Good news 🙂 thank you.

Webmaster of yoyosims.pl.
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4 hours ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

Overall pleased, but just one observation here in the UK.  All trees have lost their leaves a month ago, but the Rex trees are still showing full autumn leaf colour in mid December.

I am using the automatic setting.


4 hours ago, MikeT707 said:

What part of the UK are you flying in?


3 hours ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

Flew in the south and Midlands.

Hi MrBitsFlyer. You pose a really good question. The dynamic season feature is an approximation of what takes place within the seasons around the world and will be close. As we are all probably aware, there are limitations and/or constraints within the MSFS codebase as to how much reality can be injected in the simulator, plus seasonal vegetation data that REX put together is prepared in advance. To add, seasonal vegetation is hard to predict exactly as there are so many variations as to when seasons start and foliage changes from year to year, but we do get close.

All in all, we are really pleased to produce a product that moves through a season with very frequent vegetation updates throughout the season. I know we will be refining the dynamic season data over time, and we all know things cannot be be perfect everywhere, however, we do hope to get them closer as we learn more. 

You mentioned you are in the south and Midlands of the UK and if you want to see the more barren winter trees there are a couple of things you can do.

Approach Number 1)  Exit the simulator and in AccuSeason select and apply either the Cold Snap preset, which is a mix of barren trees and winter brown trees or the Dead of Winter preset, which are barren trees only. Start up the simulator to fly in the area you mentioned.


Approach Number 2) Exit the simulator, go to the Automation page in AccuSeason, disable the toggle that is labeled "Enable AccuSeason automated dynamic seasons",  click the dropdown in the Manual Dynamic Season Changes section and choose the month of December. This will then display options of the weeks in December so choose the select the "Dec28-Jan 3" option and AccuSeason will load that week in your sim. Then start MSFS and fly in the area you mentioned. 

Just to let you know, the areas you mentioned are currently displaying barren trees and brown winter trees with leaves on them in about a 50/50 mix. Next week they will go into a mix of the same trees but with more barren trees. The week after that, all trees will display as barren trees. 

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. 


REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations

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Is it only me who has lotsa alerts/warning files in the REX AccuSeason log directory ? Please check. I dont expect any answer from REX on this and the files they insert in the base sim directory.

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11 hours ago, Nyxx said:


I dont see the tree colour not being draw behind the aircraft in the vid nore it being draw in in frount but the camera is always facing behind🙄, but I see not cut off line.




Rex trees looks much better with less rounded and irregular shapes.

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51 minutes ago, MikeT707 said:
6 hours ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

Overall pleased, but just one observation here in the UK.  All trees have lost their leaves a month ago, but the Rex trees are still showing full autumn leaf colour in mid December.

I am using the automatic setting.


6 hours ago, MikeT707 said:

What part of the UK are you flying in?


4 hours ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

Flew in the south and Midlands.

Hi MrBitsFlyer. You pose a really good question. The dynamic season feature is an approximation of what takes place within the seasons around the world and will be close. As we are all probably aware, there are limitations and/or constraints within the MSFS codebase as to how much reality can be injected in the simulator, plus seasonal vegetation data that REX put together is prepared in advance. To add, seasonal vegetation is hard to predict exactly as there are so many variations as to when seasons start and foliage changes from year to year, but we do get close.

All in all, we are really pleased to produce a product that moves through a season with very frequent vegetation updates throughout the season. I know we will be refining the dynamic season data over time, and we all know things cannot be be perfect everywhere, however, we do hope to get them closer as we learn more. 

You mentioned you are in the south and Midlands of the UK and if you want to see the more barren winter trees there are a couple of things you can do.

Approach Number 1)  Exit the simulator and in AccuSeason select and apply either the Cold Snap preset, which is a mix of barren trees and winter brown trees or the Dead of Winter preset, which are barren trees only. Start up the simulator to fly in the area you mentioned.


Approach Number 2) Exit the simulator, go to the Automation page in AccuSeason, disable the toggle that is labeled "Enable AccuSeason automated dynamic seasons",  click the dropdown in the Manual Dynamic Season Changes section and choose the month of December. This will then display options of the weeks in December so choose the select the "Dec28-Jan 3" option and AccuSeason will load that week in your sim. Then start MSFS and fly in the area you mentioned. 

Just to let you know, the areas you mentioned are currently displaying barren trees and brown winter trees with leaves on them in about a 50/50 mix. Next week they will go into a mix of the same trees but with more barren trees. The week after that, all trees will display as barren trees. 

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Thanks for that comprehensive explanation.  I hadn't tried the manual settings, but if the automation is just about to go towards barren trees, I will leave it on automatic - looking forward to a weekly change!  Good to know the timing may be refined going forward.

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5 hours ago, vbazillio said:

Is it allowed by Windows system considering where MSFS is installed ? Does it exist a MSFS addon that modify the core files where it simple to recreate the same folder tree in the community to virtually ovewrite core files?


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17 hours ago, deepstar said:

In the REX folder there is a folder called log. I have lotsa files with alerts. Everytime I make a new season a new alert file is made. What files is REX downloading and where is the files ? Not in the Community folder. Only files in Community is json and some pictures. I knew it. Should not have bought it. Word not allowed.

If you have a log folder and there are files located in it, please reach out to our support team.  There is an issue with your setup of AccuSeason it seems.  But we will need to know what the log files say.

Reed Stough
Managing Partner

website:  www.rexsimulations.com

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13 hours ago, andy1252 said:

@MikeT707, just a quick question (I haven't seen anything in this thread to answer this but apologies if I missed it). I'm currently a user of the Bijan software, but I might well try this out. The post from deepstar raises the question for me though. Can I use the addons linker to enable and disable your product in the same way as I would the Bijan products? Or does your stuff go straight in and modify files in the base sim? Can I run with your seasons package installed but fully turned off, i.e. can I be sure that there would be no conflicts if I wanted to run comparison flights/replays between the two environments, or would I have to uninstall Rex Seasons to use Bijan's stuff? Been a user of various Rex products over the years and have always been a little unsure of what some of those products have actually installed and where.



Thank you for your support of REX over the years.

To answer your question about using REX and the other product:  You will need to remove the one before you use REX.  That way there are no conflicts.

To answer your question about the Add-on linker:  I can't not answer this in that I have never used it nor have our testers.

Reed Stough
Managing Partner

website:  www.rexsimulations.com

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10 minutes ago, rstough said:

If you have a log folder and there are files located in it, please reach out to our support team.  There is an issue with your setup of AccuSeason it seems.  But we will need to know what the log files say.


System.ArgumentException: store is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table Profile.
   at System.Data.DataRowView.get_Item(String property)
   at rexlandscapes.Functions.Profile.ValidateLocalProfile() in D:\reeds\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\rexlandscapes\rexlandscapes\Functions\Profile.cs:line 116

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1 hour ago, deepstar said:


System.ArgumentException: store is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table Profile.
   at System.Data.DataRowView.get_Item(String property)
   at rexlandscapes.Functions.Profile.ValidateLocalProfile() in D:\reeds\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\rexlandscapes\rexlandscapes\Functions\Profile.cs:line 116

I have the same message in my log directory too. 

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19 minutes ago, dobee51 said:

I have the same message in my log directory too. 

Thanks m8. Not only me then. I think everyone has these alerts in their log directory.

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