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On 8/15/2022 at 4:44 AM, markcellis said:

The used to be a post on the Pro ATC forums that talked about this


but I think they must have changed to a new forum and now that post is lost.

One of the PRO ATC users sent me the following email telling me how he did it. Since I don't have Pro ATC I'm not sure if it is correct. Also keep in mind that you might need to convert the mp3 files to wav files. I'm not sure if ProATC can play mp3's.

Hi Mark,


Feel free to use these if you want. 


I just organized these X ATC files for a new region in Pro ATC X, but this can be done in any region by following this step by step.

The X ATC files come in 7 regions.
South America
United States.

In each region there is a sub folder called Controllers... The controller folders have to be renamed to Global, so it will fit Pro ATC file structure.
Inside this folder which is now named global, you have the following folders containing the wave files.

Dep _twr
Dest _Gnd
Dest _uni

Now this is the only moving around that you have to do to make these files work in PATC. You only need one gnd folder and one twr folder. So rename the dep gnd, to just gnd. Now take the files that are in dest-gnd and move them into the gnd folder you just renamed. So now all gnd files are in the one gnd folder ( both dep and dest gnd).  Do the exact same thing with the tower folders, so all tower files, both dest and Dep are now in one folder named twr. The uni folders are empty, so you can just ignore them. ( I just deleted those folders)

Now all you files are in these folders, and I will show how Canada would look in Patc. 

Pro ATCX/Sound/ATC/Canada/Global/  Now inside the global folder you now have  six folders  app,clr,ctr,dep,gnd,twr..

You would do exactly the same thing for each region you want to use. Once you do it, with cut and paste, it only takes a few minutes for each region.Not hard at all.

Now take your newly organized Canada folder and move it into PATC, so it will be in the Sound/ATC/  directory

Now you have to set the regions up in PATC which is very simple. Open PATC and go into Data  , Authentic Background ATC/Edit existing Profiles

In that menu you will see all the ATC chatter profiles you already have listed on the left. To add Canada click on New Profile on the top left. It will tell you to enter a new profile name, so type Canada and hit OK. Now you will have Canada in your list of profiles. Now right click on Canada, and on the right side you will see where you can point to the folders for clearance, Ground, Tower, etc....Just click on the yellow folder symbol on each and find the correct folder and hit OK. Do that for each sound file you have, clr, gnd, twr...etc..etc.... Now you will see that center had three selections. Center for low altitude and high altitude, and super high, have to all point to the only center folder you have. I don't believe the super high altitude ever worked in PATC, so the low and high are the important ones. In the high you have an altitude range, but since you only have one center folder, , I don't think it is important, but I set mine anyway to FL 100 to FL 380.

You are all finished, and can hit save. There is a box on the lower left where you can have the files play in sequence ( alphabetically) if you check it. If you don't check it  they will be played at random rather than in any particular order.

After you hit save, you are back  to the screen that shows the world map . Go to Canada, and right click on the outline of Canada on the map . It will pop up a box and highlight Canada, and it says assign profile. Another box will pop up, and at the top you can select the profile to assign, Click on the arrow, and find Canada in the list of profiles, and hit OK.  Two check boxes are for assigning the sounds to all airports and radar sectors, I just leave them checked. You are now finished, and when you fly in Canada, you will here the X ATC chatter from Canada.

This sounds a bit complicated, but it really isn't. Just try one region, like Canada, and you will see after you set it up and get it working it really can be done easily and quickly.

If you already have REAL ATC files , you can take the X Chatter files and add them to the Real ATC files and you will have twice the number of ATC chatter files.


I am looking at my directory structure and I do see a Global directory? Am I missing something?

Chris Chiozza

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Directory structure and the globaal directory doesnt really matter. I've merged the directories per country/region and in pro atc pointed to the relevant directories per country or region. 

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2 minutes ago, Vensaj said:

Directory structure and the globaal directory doesnt really matter. I've merged the directories per country/region and in pro atc pointed to the relevant directories per country or region. 

Do you have a screen shot of your directory structure by chance?


Chris Chiozza

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Hopefully this helps:

As example, the OCEANIA chatter files. I've merged the original folders from ACT Chatter in the following folders and put them in the PRO-ATC-SR\Sound\arc\Oceania (for example!):


Then in PRO-ATC I've created a new profile 'Oceania' and pointed to the correct folders:



Then finnaly, I've set the new profile to the correct landmasses:




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Thanks, a huge help.Do you know if ProATCsr will read any .wav file? I know it will not read .mp3. Thanks

Chris Chiozza

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8 hours ago, cchiozza said:

Thank you very much!

I was wondering if the recordings need to be a certain rate for them to work. I converted a few and them would not play even thought they were .wav files. Thanks..

Edited by cchiozza

Chris Chiozza

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