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FSUIPC configs Action required

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I am unable to get past the action required screen in LINDA after a new PC build and installing Linda 3.1.1 for Prepar3d V4.5. 


Linda settings screen says fsuipc files not found. I have inserted the [VRInsight]  1=COM3 line into the fsuipc.ini file. VRI sim software tells me that the com port is 3.


In the ini file it list VRI Port 1 "COM3" failed to open.


Please any help, on this would be appreciated


Many thanks in advance


Kind regards



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For help with FSUIPC, please use the FSUIPC support forum: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/
I do not provide support via any other channel.

For issues with Linda, you should use the Linda support channel here on AVSIM: https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/429-linda-support/ - sorry, see you have already cross-posted there....



Edited by John Dowson

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Also check out these other support issues for users who had the same issue (VRI Port failed to open)  - the issue is that either the com port does not exist, or some other software already has the port open and windows is blocking further access:



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