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Still waiting for the TFDI MD11 for public release

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26 minutes ago, MarkW said:

I had no idea this was dropped and just got used to the 737 as released.  Seems like the XML files would be an easy to add to this aircraft.

here is the current (for how long?) 737 guide


here is someone complaining it does not work on marketplace



HERE is PMDG dismissing my and others requests outright and closing the thread as soon as several people joined and supported it.


Pretty disgusted TBH. Accessibility is everywhere in software these days, MSFS/Asobe should be encouraging not shutting down these usability tweaks.

Russell Gough

SE London


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Oh well that great MD-11 cockpit setup video is gone. Too much of a coincidence I guess. Silly me for reposting a great link here, will keep them private in future!

The link was actually first shared here:


I've been using that for years. Who would DO such a thing?



Russell Gough

SE London


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TFDI just posted the MD11 is releasing on 2nd July

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